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Living proof of FW's theories


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everybody's relationships are fucked up. I'm sick of people being judged by their personal affairs, and not on the quality of their work.


This Sanford guy, didn't the republicans like him before they found out about his affair? He was all against the bailout and stuff, tried to refuse the money. It seems like they should love him. Who cares if he's having marital trouble? That's his personal business. He didn't break any laws, did he? And his recently exposed affair doesn't change his performance in the last few years; so if you ignore the affair, what's left? You either like the job he's been doing or you don't.


The only real criticism would be that he ran off without telling anyone where he was going, I guess, but that seems like that should be forgivable.


I don't like the guy, but at least it's because of his politics I don't like him, not because of his personal life. Who hasn't done crazy stupid shit?

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I'm sick of people being judged by their personal affairs, and not on the quality of their work


Rob. I think most people are pissed at the hypocrisy the republican party brings to the table. Preaching about how they have family values. They are Christians. What a bunch of shit they spew. Then those same party leaders cheat on there wives.



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And some democrats preach about global warming and then go home to their mansions and leave the lights on. They're all suns-of-bitches, and they're mostly all so terrible at their job why do we need to bottom feed?

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Rob. I think most people are pissed at the hypocrisy the republican party brings to the table. They are Christians.



Not all Republicans are Christians. In fact, I would bet you that a solid majority are not regular Sunday attendees. The fact that many (most?) Christians vote Republican should not be any more of a surprise to you than the 97% of blacks who voted for Obama. People vote their interests--real or perceived. No conspiracy required.

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everybody's relationships are fucked up. I'm sick of people being judged by their personal affairs, and not on the quality of their work.


YEAH! What Rob said.


But why can WE be kinder to each other. Why all the adversarial posts here between us? Both ways. Are we all so fucked up that we can't find common ground?

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Come on ! Are we not all better than that?

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Because a world without passion would taste like Melba Toast.




Shall we remain quiet while morons the likes of Prole, j_b, and GGK are cheering to put our personal freedom in the hands of government? If someone broke into your home to steal what you have worked hard for in order to "redistribute" it, would you play nice?

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everybody's relationships are fucked up. I'm sick of people being judged by their personal affairs, and not on the quality of their work.


Ha-ha, when you look around at the state the country's in and at what these guys have accomplished since '94: shrinking the middle class, increasing inequality, multiple quagmires, financial meltdown, etc., believe me, THEY'D RATHER YOU LOOK AT THEIR PERSONAL LIFE!!


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Shall we remain quiet while morons the likes of Prole, j_b, and GGK are cheering to put our personal freedom in the hands of government? If someone broke into your home to steal what you have worked hard for in order to "redistribute" it, would you play nice?


All we need is more delusional conservative fearmongering which assumes that common folks (including jackasses like Fairweather) have anything worth "redistributing": let's not talk about living wage but rather how the "commies" are going to take your scraps away. Note that once again an authoritarian like Fairweather, who only days ago cheered the military take over of Honduran democracy, wraps himself in the mantle of "freedom" :sick:

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Sanford called for Clinton to resign because of the Lewinsky affair and voted for the articles of impeachment.

This is "very damaging stuff," Sanford declared at one point, when details of Clinton's conduct became known. "I think it would be much better for the country and for him personally (to resign)... I come from the business side," he said. "If you had a chairman or president in the business world facing these allegations, he'd be gone."


Sanford of course, has not resigned. He's a piece of shit not because of his personal life, but because of his public hypocrisy. He's even had the gall to state that God want's him to finish his term.

“Immediately after all this unfolded last week, I had thought I would resign — as I believe in the military model of leadership, and when trust of any form is broken, one lays down the sword,” Sanford wrote in the message, which he posted on his personal website and Facebook page and broadcast via Twitter.


“A long list of close friends have suggested otherwise — that for God to really work in my life I shouldn’t be getting off so lightly. While it would be personally easier to exit stage left, their point has been that my larger sin was the sin of pride.”


Sanford writes that those friends asserted that “if I walked in with a real spirit of humility then this last legislative term could well be our most productive one — and that outside this term, I would ultimately be a better person and of more service in whatever doors God opened next in life if I stuck around to learn lessons rather than running and hiding down at the farm.”


Me, I'm pretty sure that his God wants him to just shut the fuck up.



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Well, I hate to find myself in the position of defending a republican


However, I'm not sure the Clinton analogy really applies, does it? I mean, sure, the guy is a hypocrit. They all are. So that's a wash. But, Sanford didn't really lie about it, did it? He seemed pretty honest about it. Whereas Clinton was pretty dishonest, lied under oath, tried to hide it, etc. Don't get my wrong; I didn't support his impeachment -- partly because I felt that he shouldn't have HAD to lie about it, given the personal nature of the infraction. But still, Clinton's offense just striked me as more serious. I mean, I'm not an ethicist by any means, but still....


I guess I'm just trying to say I don't see Sanford and Clinton as having committed the same offense. Also, Sanford's affair was hardly spur-of-the-moment with a young intern in an office-setting, so Sanford's affair at least didn't have the same level of inappropriateness that Clinton's seemed to have. Also, his family already knew about it, this was an actual relationship with another women, he seemed forthright about it...I just see it as a lot less of my business than Clinton's deal was. I mean, getting a blowjob from a young intern in the oval office and fucking her with a cigar and then lying through your teeth about it on TV? I know if *I* fucked one of my interns in my office, I'd prob lose my job, lying or not. I'm not saying Clinton should have; I'm just saying Sanford's deal seems a lot more personal and I have a hard time justifying inserting it into the public realm.


Again, I hate being in the positon of defending this guy, but I still just don't see what the big deal is. This just seems like a convenient excuse to get rid of him. There has got to be some better reasons to get rid of him. I mean, the guys a republican! :lmao:

Edited by rob
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Well, I hate to find myself in the position of defending a republican


However, I'm not sure the Clinton analogy really applies, does it? I mean, sure, the guy is a hypocrit. They all are. So that's a wash. But, Sanford didn't really lie about it, did it? He seemed pretty honest about it. Whereas Clinton was pretty dishonest, lied under oath, tried to hide it, etc. Don't get my wrong; I didn't support his impeachment -- partly because I felt that he shouldn't have HAD to lie about it, given the personal nature of the infraction. But still, Clinton's offense just striked me as more serious. I mean, I'm not an ethicist by any means, but still....


I guess I'm just trying to say I don't see Sanford and Clinton as having committed the same offense. Also, Sanford's affair was hardly spur-of-the-moment with a young intern in an office-setting, so Sanford's affair at least didn't have the same level of inappropriateness that Clinton's seemed to have. Also, his family already knew about it, this was an actual relationship with another women, he seemed forthright about it...I just see it as a lot less of my business than Clinton's deal was. I mean, getting a blowjob from a young intern in the oval office and fucking her with a cigar and then lying through your teeth about it on TV? I know if *I* fucked one of my interns in my office, I'd prob lose my job, lying or not. I'm not saying Clinton should have; I'm just saying Sanford's deal seems a lot more personal and I have a hard time justifying inserting it into the public realm.


Again, I hate being in the positon of defending this guy, but I still just don't see what the big deal is. This just seems like a convenient excuse to get rid of him. There has got to be some better reasons to get rid of him. I mean, the guys a republican! :lmao:


Sanford opposed sucking at the federal teat. Somebody would lose money if he was successful, and one of those somebodies made sure this story broke, and are demanding their pound of flesh. Make waves and pay the price.


Clinton was different. In his case, he was wildly popular which his opponents could never understand. He redefined "teflon" and won almost every political battle thrown against him (government shutdown anyone?). Lewinsky was all the R's could stick him with.


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Sanford opposed sucking at the federal teat. Somebody would lose money if he was successful, and one of those somebodies made sure this story broke, and are demanding their pound of flesh. Make waves and pay the price.



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And some democrats preach about global warming and then go home to their mansions and leave the lights on. They're all suns-of-bitches, and they're mostly all so terrible at their job why do we need to bottom feed?


Whatever Rob. Leaving your lights on isnt shit compared to cheating on your wife.

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And some democrats preach about global warming and then go home to their mansions and leave the lights on. They're all suns-of-bitches, and they're mostly all so terrible at their job why do we need to bottom feed?


Whatever Rob. Leaving your lights on isnt shit compared to cheating on your wife.


But, Boner, Global Warming is a crisis that threatens our very existence. Individual acts of infidelity are small beans by comparison.

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And some democrats preach about global warming and then go home to their mansions and leave the lights on. They're all suns-of-bitches, and they're mostly all so terrible at their job why do we need to bottom feed?


Whatever Rob. Leaving your lights on isnt shit compared to cheating on your wife.


Wow, you sound just like a conservative: Outraged because of his immorality. Should we all start legislating morality now? I guess that means you supported Clinton's impeachment? I sure didn't. Personal lives are personal lives. He didn't break the law; his offense is between him and his family. I thought you were a liberal! huh, strange.

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And some democrats preach about global warming and then go home to their mansions and leave the lights on. They're all suns-of-bitches, and they're mostly all so terrible at their job why do we need to bottom feed?


Whatever Rob. Leaving your lights on isnt shit compared to cheating on your wife.


Wow, you sound just like a conservative: Outraged because of his immorality. Should we all start legislating morality now? I guess that means you supported Clinton's impeachment? I sure didn't. Personal lives are personal lives. He didn't break the law; his offense is between him and his family. I thought you were a liberal! huh, strange.


Rob. You are reading into my written words too much. I could care less about this asshole who porked another chick. I was simply conversing with you about frivolous shit. And no I did not support Clinton being impeached. What a huge waste of time.

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“Immediately after all this unfolded last week, I had thought I would resign — as I believe in the military model of leadership, and when trust of any form is broken, one lays down the sword,” Sanford wrote in the message, which he posted on his personal website and Facebook page and broadcast via Twitter.


This is the real issue: why are politicians making their public statements via Facebook and TWATTER???

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The only real criticism would be that he ran off without telling anyone where he was going, I guess, but that seems like that should be forgivable.


Disregarding the whole "moral values vs. hypocrisy" conundrum, this is the biggest problem with Sanford. The guy ran off without telling people where he was going. This seems kind of like a big deal, considering that he's, y'know, running the state.


I, too, am sick of hearing about politicians/celebrities/whoever and their personal infidelities. Maybe we should just smash monogamy? The NY Times had a funny article in the science section: Politicians Are Primates Too

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