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Beacon Will Not Open Early This Year


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Maybe Joseph Can Help us Hang Up a Sign on Beacon... it'll be just like the green peace days. lets stick it to than man Joey... what a ya say?


If any non-Joseph folks want Beacon open, they need to start stepping up the plate.....and not sleeping in with a beautiful new bride. :ass: Congrats BTW, I know which one I'd pick, but the rest of these slackers around here...LOL!

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Maybe Joseph Can Help us Hang Up a Sign on Beacon... it'll be just like the green peace days. lets stick it to than man Joey... what a ya say?


If any non-Joseph folks want Beacon open, they need to start stepping up the plate.....and not sleeping in with a beautiful new bride. :ass: Congrats BTW, I know which one I'd pick, but the rest of these slackers around here...LOL!


i never said i was a non-joseph guy, the guy used to stick it to the man by hanging signs from buildings but some how me sticking it to the man out at beacon is so horrible, which was not my intention (more like ignoring the man)


anyway, FUCK YOU BILL... the rock isn't opening up early. which is out of JH's control. it all depends on when the falcons are ready for u beacon fags to be climbing there again. so why is JH on such a pedestal? who put him there?





Edited by pink
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U sound like you were coming by for some laps but the birds hosed the whole deal? Shit, it's going to be 100 degrees by the time the rock opens and we'll all have to go bother the Washingtonians up at the pass and piss them off anyway.


ps, what would the new sign at Beacon say anyway? If you haven't been there in a while, the new rangerette seems to like putting up new signs, she's be down with it.



Edited by billcoe
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U sound like you were coming by for some laps but the birds hosed the whole deal? Shit, it's going to be 100 degrees by the time the rock opens and we'll all have to go bother the Washingtonians up at the pass and piss them off anyway.


ps, what would the new sign at Beacon say anyway? If you haven't been there in a while, the new rangerette seems to like putting up new signs, she's be down with it.




you'll now it when u see it... it'll be a sign from god...

Edited by pink
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Good for you Pink for pointing out JH’s hypocrisy. He used to “stick it to the man” by protesting against policies he did not like. One way he protested was to hang signs on buildings. Then JH turns around and calls me a whinny little bitch for protesting (here on this site) against policies that I don’t like or deem to not be fair. That my friends of cc.com is called hypocrisy.


So….it appears the rock will not open early this year.


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Wow, 'Spray' really needs to be renamed 'Whine' lately. But then that would require victimal ex-libs to clearly label their true passion.


And who the fuck, after blaming their move to the front range on the Beacon closure, spends endless hours whining about poor Beacon instead of climbing in Eldo? I guess whining on cc doesn't require bothering to get in shape enough to take advantage of the endless climbing in CO. Yeah, sure, whine about it for a year or two, but just how many years has it been now since the big flight of the persecuted? And just what is your recent whine-to-climb ratio in days? Are we running under a 100-to-1 yet? How many days did you even bother to climb last year? How many this year? Dude, get a grip, get in shape, and get over it finally.


And a little primer for you and the 'bone on political action investments - it always pays to seperate self-indulgence from coordinated activities that stand to make a difference in outcomes. As a 'sticking it to the man' activity, breaking the closure at Beacon falls pretty hard under infantile and self-indulgent and does nothing but make the situation worse each succeeding time it happens. In both short and long term it has never been anything but a 'sticking it to ourselves activity'.


And, I don't and never have had any 'authority' of any kind out at Beacon - especially not over early opens which are strictly driven by the biology. What I do have out there after working at it for five years is relationships and some understanding of Peregrine biology and behavior. And that this year the breeding cycle is running late so we don't open early - bummer. But for four years out of five so far we have opened early which isn't a bad record and we've opened early in part because of those relationships. But personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what you or anyone else thinks about it. I do it so I get in more days of climbing every year - that, and I'm just not a sit-around-and-whine sort of guy.


Mia probably put it best: "...But when you scamps get together, you're worse than a sewing circle."


Whine on dude, whine on...

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Good for you Pink for pointing out JH’s hypocrisy. He used to “stick it to the man” by protesting against policies he did not like. One way he protested was to hang signs on buildings. Then JH turns around and calls me a whinny little bitch for protesting (here on this site) against policies that I don’t like or deem to not be fair. That my friends of cc.com is called hypocrisy.


So….it appears the rock will not open early this year.

no...i think he just called you a whiny little bitch for no reason other than you are a whiny little bitch...
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Wow, 'Spray' really needs to be renamed 'Whine' lately. But then that would require victimal ex-libs to clearly label their true passion.


And who the fuck, after blaming their move to the front range on the Beacon closure, spends endless hours whining about poor Beacon instead of climbing in Eldo? I guess whining on cc doesn't require bothering to get in shape enough to take advantage of the endless climbing in CO. Yeah, sure, whine about it for a year or two, but just how many years has it been now since the big flight of the persecuted? And just what is your recent whine-to-climb ratio in days? Are we running under a 100-to-1 yet? How many days did you even bother to climb last year? How many this year? Dude, get a grip, get in shape, and get over it finally.


And a little primer for you and the 'bone on political action investments - it always pays to seperate self-indulgence from coordinated activities that stand to make a difference in outcomes. As a 'sticking it to the man' activity, breaking the closure at Beacon falls pretty hard under infantile and self-indulgent and does nothing but make the situation worse each succeeding time it happens. In both short and long term it has never been anything but a 'sticking it to ourselves activity'.


And, I don't and never have had any 'authority' of any kind out at Beacon - especially not over early opens which are strictly driven by the biology. What I do have out there after working at it for five years is relationships and some understanding of Peregrine biology and behavior. And that this year the breeding cycle is running late so we don't open early - bummer. But for four years out of five so far we have opened early which isn't a bad record and we've opened early in part because of those relationships. But personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what you or anyone else thinks about it. I do it so I get in more days of climbing every year - that, and I'm just not a sit-around-and-whine sort of guy.


Mia probably put it best: "...But when you scamps get together, you're worse than a sewing circle."


Whine on dude, whine on...


thanks for the novella, just what i expected. a bunch on non-sensical rhetoric and ancillary bullshit. u answered none of my questions. go fuck yourself dude. you are the worst thing that has happened to beacon since mr. sacrilege.


as a writed, it's a chame you sound sound inept as stating your claim.


you cant' bullshit a climber dude, so opdyke say's about you.


your a fool....



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Good for you Pink for pointing out JH’s hypocrisy. He used to “stick it to the man” by protesting against policies he did not like. One way he protested was to hang signs on buildings. Then JH turns around and calls me a whinny little bitch for protesting (here on this site) against policies that I don’t like or deem to not be fair. That my friends of cc.com is called hypocrisy.


So….it appears the rock will not open early this year.

no...i think he just called you a whiny little bitch for no reason other than you are a whiny little bitch...


you r a little bitch, bring IT!

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