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Ever taken a break from climbing?


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My other concern is that I'll shoot myself, thinking about how badly I want to be climbing. How do you guys deal with it?


I deal with it by doing whatever the hell I want..if you cant then you have serioulsy fucked up and you should fix whatever is wong immediately.


But dont feel bad most people fall into the same trap then try and pass it off with some stupid shit like "I made sacrifices, I got married, had kids, new job..."ya you fucked up if you cant do whatever you want simple as that.


Squamish was sick ass on Tuesday and the ice has been fat all season long, so has the snowboarding, the skiing, and the young university girls have all been uber friendly and summer is just starting yee haa..enjoy your life

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My other concern is that I'll shoot myself, thinking about how badly I want to be climbing. How do you guys deal with it?


I deal with it by doing whatever the hell I want..if you cant then you have serioulsy fucked up and you should fix whatever is wong immediately.


But dont feel bad most people fall into the same trap then try and pass it off with some stupid shit like "I made sacrifices, I got married, had kids, new job..."ya you fucked up if you cant do whatever you want simple as that.


Squamish was sick ass on Tuesday and the ice has been fat all season long, so has the snowboarding, the skiing, and the young university girls have all been uber friendly and summer is just starting yee haa..enjoy your life


That will work well in relationships.

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My other concern is that I'll shoot myself, thinking about how badly I want to be climbing. How do you guys deal with it?


I deal with it by doing whatever the hell I want..if you cant then you have serioulsy fucked up and you should fix whatever is wong immediately.


But dont feel bad most people fall into the same trap then try and pass it off with some stupid shit like "I made sacrifices, I got married, had kids, new job..."ya you fucked up if you cant do whatever you want simple as that.


Squamish was sick ass on Tuesday and the ice has been fat all season long, so has the snowboarding, the skiing, and the young university girls have all been uber friendly and summer is just starting yee haa..enjoy your life



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Squamish was sick ass on Tuesday and the ice has been fat all season long, so has the snowboarding, the skiing, and the young university girls have all been uber friendly and summer is just starting yee haa..enjoy your life



for some reason this reminds me of my baseball coach my last year of high school - ex-drug dealer, recently out of jail, coaching for some sorta community service, dumb as sin, old as hell, ragged-ass junkie for a wife - couldn't hit a fucking ball to the outfield - life at the great end - he said one day "hey, i may be fuck old and have nothign to show for it, but at least i can floss my teeth w/ pussy-hair every night" - toothless :grin:

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Squamish was sick ass on Tuesday and the ice has been fat all season long, so has the snowboarding, the skiing, and the young university girls have all been uber friendly and summer is just starting yee haa..enjoy your life



for some reason this reminds me of my baseball coach my last year of high school - ex-drug dealer, recently out of jail, coaching for some sorta community service, dumb as sin, old as hell, ragged-ass junkie for a wife - couldn't hit a fucking ball to the outfield - life at the great end - he said one day "hey, i may be fuck old and have nothign to show for it, but at least i can floss my teeth w/ pussy-hair every night" - toothless :grin:


That explains so much about you.

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My other concern is that I'll shoot myself, thinking about how badly I want to be climbing. How do you guys deal with it?


I deal with it by doing whatever the hell I want..if you cant then you have serioulsy fucked up and you should fix whatever is wong immediately.


But dont feel bad most people fall into the same trap then try and pass it off with some stupid shit like "I made sacrifices, I got married, had kids, new job..."ya you fucked up if you cant do whatever you want simple as that.


you're a moron



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I'm sort of on a break from climbing. I go to the gym, but that really doesn't count. Real climbing is very rare for me. Among other things I really tweaked one finger a couple years ago. The result is I get frustrated climbing finger cracks that I've done lots of times in the past.


I deal with it by focusing on other long time interests. The big one for me is backcountry skiing. I've managed to ski a lot over the past year plus. Right now I'm on 19 consecutive months of skiing in a row, and things look good till August.


I'm sure I'll return to more climbing, but I'm ok without it right now.

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No, I think he's right.

both can be right - it's all about the monkey that's inside you and what trigger you gotta pull to get those good brain chemicals flowing - a lotta folks get their endorphins from their kids - for me, while i love my kids and spend plenty of time w/ them, i generally still feel near suicidial and deeply angry after a couple days locked up w/ them - what you do: climb, golf, throw a ball w/ your son, whatever doens't matter - dr phil tells me the important thing is being happy :puke:

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No, I think he's right.


Cool, when are you going to climb? Or are you saying you fucked up?


Everything in life needs balance, including selfish, personal needs (which are valid!) from responsibilities to others. Starving one area of your life for all others is not right, nor is neglecting your responsibilities completely. There is a whole range of compromise between "all or nothing".

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OMG, I actually agree with you. What the fuck?


Find out what you want to do with your life (like appearing on Japanese TV wearing a banana hammock, for example)and be intense about pursuing it. Usually you have to make sacrifices to do that, unless you carry around a big trust fund.

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