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Ever taken a break from climbing?


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If you choose not to miss it....you won’t.


sounds like good advice, but it's not very workable. Could you choose to not miss your dick?




I'm with Rob - you can't choose not to miss something that is a part of your life like climbing is.


Boner, could you give up playing guitar for several months and "choose not to miss it"?


Yes......Mind over matter my friend. if I did not choose not to miss climbing I would drive myself batty......


Bullshit. Aren't you the guy that brings a guitar to Mexico or Hawaii or wherever the fuck you went on vacation because you can't live without it for a week?


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if i stopped climbing i would kill my kids, my wife, my neighbors, everybody in safeway, anyone driving a prius or a ford truck, non-smokers, the religious, the spastic, every "john" in the world, anyone to the political right or left of me, and generally everyone i randomly ran into - it is for the good of the global world order then that i fritter away the best days of my life in meaningless combats far from the eyes of the disinterested :)


:lmao: Amen, brother, Amen.



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If you choose not to miss it....you won’t.


sounds like good advice, but it's not very workable. Could you choose to not miss your dick?




I'm with Rob - you can't choose not to miss something that is a part of your life like climbing is.


Boner, could you give up playing guitar for several months and "choose not to miss it"?


Yes......Mind over matter my friend. if I did not choose not to miss climbing I would drive myself batty......


Bullshit. Aren't you the guy that brings a guitar to Mexico or Hawaii or wherever the fuck you went on vacation because you can't live without it for a week?



Nope...I am not that guy. Never brought it.

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I was out of the climbing scene for about a decade, mostly due to getting married and then having kids. When I finally started back up in 2006 I felt like a beached whale trying to get up Free for All at Beacon on top rope. Thought the guy who was gracious enough to take my fat ass out that day would never climb with me again. Yet, we were out today clipping bolts at Ozone. Today was my first time out since late Feb when I went to Red Rocks for a week. I must say, I felt pretty good today. I figured I would really suck after 6+ weeks off but I did not seem to lose that much. Course, I was TRing most of the routes today.


When I was in my early 20's and could climb whenever I wanted, I would tend to get burned out and end up taking a break for weeks or months, sometimes years. Now I wish I'd gotten out much more when I had the time and such good climbing near to where I lived (Vegas & Alaska).


Now that I am raising kids, I really wish I could get out much more but the reality is if I was doing it all the time I would likely get burned out again. Grass is always greener scenario, I suppose. I am hoping that when my kids get old enough one, or both of them, will want to climb with me but I am not going to push them into it. My youngest is 3 and she always says "I'm gonna cwimb Beacon Wok wif Daddy when I get biggow".

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if i stopped climbing i would kill my kids, my wife, my neighbors, everybody in safeway, anyone driving a prius or a ford truck, non-smokers, the religious, the spastic, every "john" in the world, anyone to the political right or left of me, and generally everyone i randomly ran into - it is for the good of the global world order then that i fritter away the best days of my life in meaningless combats far from the eyes of the disinterested :)


So in other words...you are incredibly selfish...

dude, did you not know? i am the calm little center of the world.


you vying for sainthood? st bone does have a fine ring to it...

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I've always enjoyed alpine climbing and backcountry skiing but due to a bad neck injury I was in to much pain. Found out a disk in my neck was pressing on my spinal column so carrying much of any kind of pack was out and climbing/cragging really stirred things up. But I've always loved mtn. biking so started pursuing that more but that started aggrevating things. Just getting into the mountains doing anything is what I crave. So, after a few years of therapy, injections, etc. and 7 years later I am slowly getting back out to the crags, doing some bc ski trips, and a few alpine trips each year.

Keeping in shape by getting outside biking, running, nordic skiing etc. has kept/keeps me sane when I can't do much else. Also, some friends who are willing to carry more of the rack, rope, or extra gear really helps ;).

Edited by Tokogirl
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if i stopped climbing i would kill my kids, my wife, my neighbors, everybody in safeway, anyone driving a prius or a ford truck, non-smokers, the religious, the spastic, every "john" in the world, anyone to the political right or left of me, and generally everyone i randomly ran into - it is for the good of the global world order then that i fritter away the best days of my life in meaningless combats far from the eyes of the disinterested :)


So in other words...you are incredibly selfish...

dude, did you not know? i am the calm little center of the world.


you vying for sainthood? st bone does have a fine ring to it...


kevin is a great climber and a great dad.....


well, at least your a great dad ivan :rolleyes:



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if i stopped climbing i would kill my kids, my wife, my neighbors, everybody in safeway, anyone driving a prius or a ford truck, non-smokers, the religious, the spastic, every "john" in the world, anyone to the political right or left of me, and generally everyone i randomly ran into - it is for the good of the global world order then that i fritter away the best days of my life in meaningless combats far from the eyes of the disinterested :)


So in other words...you are incredibly selfish...

dude, did you not know? i am the calm little center of the world.


you vying for sainthood? st bone does have a fine ring to it...


kevin is a great climber and a great dad.....


well, at least your a great dad ivan :rolleyes:



pink, you and kev are so cute! i love the way you guys hang together.

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if i stopped climbing i would kill my kids, my wife, my neighbors, everybody in safeway, anyone driving a prius or a ford truck, non-smokers, the religious, the spastic, every "john" in the world, anyone to the political right or left of me, and generally everyone i randomly ran into - it is for the good of the global world order then that i fritter away the best days of my life in meaningless combats far from the eyes of the disinterested :)


So in other words...you are incredibly selfish...

dude, did you not know? i am the calm little center of the world.


you vying for sainthood? st bone does have a fine ring to it...


kevin is a great climber and a great dad.....


well, at least your a great dad ivan :rolleyes:



pink, you and kev are so cute! i love the way you guys hang together.




hey, kevin is a great guy. what's wrong with saying that?





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