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What happened to KKK?


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my favorite obscure literary reference that no one ever seems to pick up on:


where are the snowdens of yesteryear?

When is right?

Who is Spain?

Why is Hitler?

Hi-ho beriberi!

questions i insist on asking at each and every staff meeting :grin:


best name for a character in the history of literature?


nately's whore?

major major major major?

milo minderbender?

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Maybe he's actually out climbing something? With the exception of Ivan, I see little of it in this group of wankers. Even a certain curmudgeon who masquerades here as a moderator rarely offers as much as KK anymore. I had the pleasure of climbing Mount Rainier with him this summer and I must say he's one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet. I can hardly blame him for curtailing his presence here as he likely just got tired of being torn into by the pack of self-loathing leftist hyenas this place has become. If I left again I suspect you would all turn on each other in short order. What a pathetic bunch of human beings you are.


Salute to KK:


now spray is spray, but news flash fat boy- a lot of posters here can climb way harder then your sorry fat ass. a lot of posters consider slogging a 45 degree slope - a slog- not real climbing.

i'm sure he is a nice guy, but keep your "bivy spoon stories" to yourself

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I would say Dru-spotter takes that prize.



You really are as dumb as I think you are, if you think Dru's posts are similar to your worthless posts. I actually know of one person who used to be on this board regularly, but doesn't contribute anymore cause he so annoyed with your worthless drivel. I thought about doing the same myself, but miss the NW so much and reading the TR's climbs I have done or want to do, that I can't stay away from this damn forum. I guess it is the price of admission these.

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You really are as dumb as I think you are,

Way dumber……



I actually know of one person who used to be on this board regularly, but doesn't contribute anymore cause he so annoyed with your worthless drivel.


Am I supposed to feel bad just because this person is a huge PUSSY and cant take the heat? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


I thought about doing the same myself,


Don’t do it. Too much fun having your input. Unlike your “friend”…..I dont judge you and KKK.

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KKK and Fairweather did the dog route on Rainier. Alert the media! Actually it is good you're getting out in the mountains doing something fun. It helps you find an interest outside of a sick and twisted view of politics/economy and world affairs.


Now on a serious note. Kevbone, Dru is 100 times more interesting than you are.

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Maybe he's actually out climbing something? With the exception of Ivan, I see little of it in this group of wankers. Even a certain curmudgeon who masquerades here as a moderator rarely offers as much as KK anymore. I had the pleasure of climbing Mount Rainier with him this summer and I must say he's one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet. I can hardly blame him for curtailing his presence here as he likely just got tired of being torn into by the pack of self-loathing leftist hyenas this place has become. If I left again I suspect you would all turn on each other in short order. What a pathetic bunch of human beings you are.


Salute to KK:



Even a tapeworm is beautiful to another tapeworm.

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