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Congrats' to Harper!


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I think Harper did a pretty reasonable job getting legislation passed with his last minority government. It will be interesting to see how much of his platform he can get through or if we will be back to the polls in the new year. My gut feeling is that the opposition parties will be reluctant to trigger another election, so I am optimistic this parliament will compromise enough to get some things done. Time will tell if partisan BS gets in the way of this.


Any other predictions?

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well, as soon as the greatest economic fiasco in the history will spill over to the north of the border, i predict a quick vote of no confidence and early elections. congratulations to canadians, who have a campaign lasting 45 days! people can't you decide in a month and a half whom to vote for? i can't believe there is a single "undecided" voter.

what canada has is a solid economy, budget surplus and plenty of natural resources to last for a few decades. there are dark clouds on the horizon for harper, i predict. usually there is a spill over effect of the recessions from the neighbor from the south.

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I think Harper screwed up the campaign and that his only saving grace was the tanking of the US economy. The majority was his to be had. He seemed to downplay his conservativeness and I'm not sure that the people he was targeting bought it. We'll see if all of his left of right talk will see action.


The Liberals really propped up the last government but I don't think that can be counted on this time. The Conservatives are really going to have to sweet talk the left to get anything done.


I read the last minute statements of intent of the parties yesterday and there really isn't much separating them. They all want improved child care, they all want to help with industrial jobs, to balance the budget etc. There really seemed to be a consensus of the parties. The only Conservative lines that Harper is toeing is to not increase taxes and putting more people in jail (aside from blessing Canada in his speech).


As for some specifics, I think that in order to make stiffer sentences he will have to increase funding to crime prevention as a concession. I think we'll see cap-and-trade (whatever that is) since they all mentioned it and improvements in childcare. Childcare investments free up more people to work which seems like a socialist means to a conservative goal. We will also see tax rebates for job creation. I think all of these things will be good moves.


I found the political map of Canada fascinating. The city centres are on the left and rural to urban areas are on the right. My theory is that the rural areas don't reap the benefits of government programs since they don't have the same problems of urban poverty and crime and they also don't see the extreme wealth.


I predict an election in 3 years with a new Liberal leader.

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Congratulations? Really? A minority government derived from less than 40% of the popular vote, against virtually non-existent opposition, in an election that saw the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history is all it takes to earn Fairweather's congratulations? Wow, that guy's easy to impress.


Well, the guy's not all that bright, so there ya go. See thread title for detail's.:rolleyes:

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Congratulations? Really? A minority government derived from less than 40% of the popular vote, against virtually non-existent opposition, in an election that saw the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history is all it takes to earn Fairweather's congratulations? Wow, that guy's easy to impress.
ahhh Hell, he's impressed by BushCo! :rolleyes:
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Any other predictions?


The Liberals will stall until their party convention in May, then kick out Dion, then go for a new e3lection with a new leader.


That puts us to a fall (2009) election at the earliest, by the time the new leader gets his feet. Also, I've heard the Liberal coffers are empty and it will probably take some rallying around a new leader to fill them up again. So maybe 18 months.


Larry Campbell did an interesting interview (Liberal Senator and former Mayor of Vancouver for those who don't know). I've never seen him so downcast. He thinks every leader with the exception of Gilles Duccepe came up short and should expect calls for their head on a platter. I think Layton and May will probably keep their jobs though.

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Congratulations? Really? A minority government derived from less than 40% of the popular vote, against virtually non-existent opposition, in an election that saw the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history is all it takes to earn Fairweather's congratulations? Wow, that guy's easy to impress.


Well, the guy's not all that bright, so there ya go. See thread title for detail's.:rolleyes:


Now Marylou, you're not gonna start braggin' up your GED again are you? :rolleyes:

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That puts us to a fall (2009) election at the earliest, by the time the new leader gets his feet. Also, I've heard the Liberal coffers are empty and it will probably take some rallying around a new leader to fill them up again. So maybe 18 months.


Sooner. Probably much sooner. Both the reasons you cite are also good reasons for Harper to call a snap election while the Liberals are still broke and rudderless, in order to finally claim his coveted majority. So watch for an election call within a few days or weeks of a Liberal leadership convention (assuming Dion doesn't survive the leadership review, which must occur within the next year). Harper has no interest in allowing the Liberal party to regroup to the point where they can challenge him at the polls. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he called an election for before the convention.



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I take the results as less an endorsement of Harper than a "best of the worst" eventuality in which no one could vote for Dion, a man as exciting as a tepid bowl of porridge.


This weak Liberal leadership all stems from the 2006 Liberal convention where Gerard Kennedy threw his support behind Dion. Last night's run off were the lowest Liberal numbers in history, only because Dion is such a non-starter.

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That puts us to a fall (2009) election at the earliest, by the time the new leader gets his feet. Also, I've heard the Liberal coffers are empty and it will probably take some rallying around a new leader to fill them up again. So maybe 18 months.


Sooner. Probably much sooner. Both the reasons you cite are also good reasons for Harper to call a snap election while the Liberals are still broke and rudderless, in order to finally claim his coveted majority. So watch for an election call within a few days or weeks of a Liberal leadership convention (assuming Dion doesn't survive the leadership review, which must occur within the next year). Harper has no interest in allowing the Liberal party to regroup to the point where they can challenge him at the polls. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he called an election for before the convention.



Thats a tough call...I think given his stance on fixed election dates he would get the political shit beat out of him for calling an election too soon (2nd one in a row). Canadians aren't in the mood for another election within the year and it might end up costing him. Then again, it might not.


He also needs time to shore up his support in Quebec and Atlantic Canada - his only realistic hope of forming a majority under any conditions. Because I wonder if the Liberals being broke and rudderless would be an issue...i bet there are 70-some ridings where they could run a blow-up doll and the momentum of the Liberal brand and Conservative loathing will coast them to victory (like Vancouver Center ;-)

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You'd think a guy who's as fascinated with me as FW would get the facts straight, but then we all know he's been drinking the Straight Talk Express Kool-Aid, so maybe not.:rolleyes:


Don't flatter yourself darlin'. I find groupies uninteresting and, generally speaking, unattractive. Especially ones with tobacco habits.

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You'd think a guy who's as fascinated with me as FW would get the facts straight, but then we all know he's been drinking the Straight Talk Express Kool-Aid, so maybe not.:rolleyes:


Don't flatter yourself darlin'. I find groupies uninteresting and, generally speaking, unattractive. Especially ones with tobacco habits.


So whats with your post-coital cigarette?

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