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What is wrong with the Republican Party


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In the old days republicans used to have the designation of being fiscally conservative. Penny pinching is a useful characteristic in somebody in charge of tax revenues. The problem is that it has nothing to do with cutting taxes and starting a war. Right or wrong on the war it does cost money. Today we seem to be a little short on money.


Back in the 70s Washington State had Republicans like Dan Evans. From what I remember he did a good job as governor and backed important environmental issues in the state.

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I think the author's dead wrong on a number of points.


First: Palin. She'll be a humorous historical footnote, no more. She is one reason McCain's support is evaporating. I wouldn't be fooled by the 'rallies'. Think about who bothers to go to GOP rallies. I doubt you'd be able to swing a dead moose in the mob and hit a moderate.


The GOP has become completely cynical. Since Reagan, it's been a party of 'what can we get away with this week?' and 'how can we fool the voters this time?'. The agenda has been to concentrate wealth and political power to a priviledged elite, and they were largely successful. They care only about what's good for the country club, not the country. Jesus, Dino Rossi is even trying to hide the fact that he's a Republican. You'll never here that would uttered from his mouth. Amazing.


As for the GOP making McCain a scapegoat; that's just a liberal fantasy. True, he's not well liked amonst his own, but throwing an election? Get real.


The GOP already blames Bush for our ills; they don't need a scapegoat, they've already identified the culprit. That's why virtually every Republican candidate is denying any connection to Bush right now.


Fortunately, the country, with its rapidly evaporating 'wealth', no longer buys the GOP's agenda of robbing the middle class to give to the rich. People are weary of being screwed by HMOs, insurance companies, investment banks, drug companies, energy companies; in short, the GOP's corporate core. McCain's 'privatization/choice' message, which can be translated to 'it's your family against a multi-billion dollar corporation...good luck, pal.' is falling a bit flat right now. It looks like McCain's not going to win a single swing state this time. Hurray for our side, but we need some form of checks and balances, too, to save us from smoking too much of our own dope.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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we need some form of checks and balances, too, ...


please consider all the repub judges put in during this tenure the official checks and balances for now and lets move on.


BTW, I think the article misses that we as a country need fiscal responsibility now more than ever. Obama gets it due to default, only because McCain hasn't been putting it on the top of the list of priorities.


My opinion only.

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I don't get it. Is this to suggest that critiquing past mistakes (even if in an unconstructive manner) at this point is somehow irrational, irrelevant, or in poor taste? Is it time, in both political parties' words, to fix the problem, not time to affix the blame? Historical amnesia on a grand scale is why we're in this mess; let's not be so quick to toss even these fools' most recent blunders down the "memory hole".

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think of it as poetry. you are free to interpret as it as you will.


another way you could look at it is that someone is applying the beatings, and another is accepting the money, and both seem satisfied with the arrangement. but that is just one take that occurred to me just now.




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