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I was just siting here reading the comments posted, and it hit me. I hope Obama does win this election, and in four years when he and the Democrats have ruined our countries economy and turn it in to a socialist joke. Then I want to hear the same people slam Palin because of the way she speaks when she sounds like MOST of the people in the country who haven’t been coached on how the speak. The lady runs a state, and the worst thing people can find to say about her is they don’t like the way she speaks! Not one person can find a thing wrong about the way she has governed her town or her state! If the way you pick your president is by how well they speak, how they look, and the size of the crowds they draw instead of basing it on what they have ACCOMPLISHED and not just talked and on the actual decisions they have made then those who vote for him deserve what they get.

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First of all, I believe there was a clear winner and that was the canidate that spoke with honesty. It doesnt matter about all the facts and figures of how someone voted. It is all about now. The person that can look you in the eye and say “I know how you feel, been there, done that” is a canidate worth looking at. People that have lived on the hill for years have no idea what is true or false any more. They have lied so much, they begin to believe their own lies as being true. It is nice to see a fresh face, that hasnt been brainwashed by the Washington Political Scene. Some one that can think for themselves and not worry about how the person seated next to them will think of them if they vote the wrong way. Sarah is like a breath of fresh air sweeping down to blow away the political smog and stench in the DC area. You Go Girl. McCain/Palin all the way


I am so proud Gov. Palen did such an outstanding job. It is so refreshing to listen to someone who appears to be sincere and honestly concerned about our people - not the politicians. I just hope everyone was as impressed as I was and I believe she would have very little trouble taking over if anything did happen to McCain - which I do not want to happen. Also, Fox is the only news organization I trust.


Palin is a Powerhouse! She does remind me so much of Reagan. A GREAT COMMUNICATOR. Despite what the media and Democrats say, she is intelligent, thoughtful, compassionate, and funny. I wish I could vote for her as President. Sarah is the ONLY one that is from outside Washington and can get rid of the corruption in Congress.


I want a girl with a mind like a diamond

I want a girl who knows whats best

I want a girl with shoes that cut

And eyes that burn like cigarettes

I want a girl with the right allocation

Whos fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack

Shes playing with her jewelry, shes putting up her hair

Shes touring the facility and picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt,

And a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong jacket


I want a girl who gets up early

I want a girl who stays up late

I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity

Who uses a machetti to cut through red tape

With fingernails that shine like justice

And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

She is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack

Shes touring the facility and picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt,

And a long, long jacket




I want a girl with a smooth liquidation

I want a girl with good dividends

At citi bank we will meet accidentally

Well start to talk when she borrows my pen

She wants a car with a cup holder arm rest

She wants a car that will get her there

Shes changing her name from kiddy to karen

Shes trading her mg for a white chrysler le barron

I want a girl with a short skirt,

And a





Posted (edited)
  Mal_Con said:
At least as accurate as a poll on Daily Kos :rolleyes:


I'll bet Biden did pretty well on FuckBush.com and Palin cleaned up on WombChild.net, too.


Steer clear of that biased mainstream media, though, boy! Seek The Truth !

Edited by tvashtarkatena

Well, I preferred Biden's performance, but I'm not an objective observer.


I've got to say that Palin did NOT receive the trouncing we were all hoping for. I thought she didn't do a terrible job. But, if I have to hear another candidate consistantly refer to "nukular" weaponry, I'll fucking put a bullet in my head.

Posted (edited)

Palin was playing the standard game of Liberal Gotcha! Trouble was, she was short on accuracy, and Biden was much, much better at it and far more credible.


McCain supporters were simply looking for her not to fuck up too bad, and she delivered on that. As for substance, accuracy, or the wisdom of any of McCain's proposed programs, well, that fell predictably short of the mark.


Biden did a great job of looking genuine against Palin's coached, talking point ridden, beauty contestent performance.


I predict that Biden won over a significant portion of undecided voters with his straight talk, emotionally open demeanor, and better understanding of what actually plagues the middle class these days. Palin's performance won't erode McCain's support, as a more stumbling performance might have, but I doubt it will garnish much additional support, either. I know the popular wisdom is that large percentage of voters don't care about the issues (don't understand them seems more accurate), but Biden clearly bested Palin on both substance and genuineness.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
  porter said:
Palin is a Powerhouse! She does remind me so much of Reagan. A GREAT COMMUNICATOR. Despite what the media and Democrats say, she is intelligent, thoughtful, compassionate, and funny. I wish I could vote for her as President. Sarah is the ONLY one that is from outside Washington and can get rid of the corruption in Congress.





Posted (edited)
  Dechristo said:
At the end of the NBC post-debate-summary, Brokaw stated, "I think the Democrats are glad there are to be no more Vice Presidential debates."



Edited by joblo7
  porter said:
I am so proud Gov. Palen did such an outstanding job. It is so refreshing to listen to someone who appears to be sincere and honestly concerned about our people - not the politicians. I just hope everyone was as impressed as I was and I believe she would have very little trouble taking over if anything did happen to McCain - which I do not want to happen. Also, Fox is the only news organization I trust.


Ummm...if I am not mistaken...isn't Governor Palin's potential boss a politician who you would vote for?


You are inconsistent.


I love da trolling! :)


Palin reminded me a bit of one of those keychains that have five Mr. T sayings on them.


Ifill: Should we strengthen our military position in Afghanistan?

Palin: Shut your mouf'!


Ifill: Should we bail out the investment banks?

Palin: I pity the foo'!


Except her five rote answers were mostly about energy and McBain the maverick. She was shallow and robotic.


I know little about Alaskan politics, but I'm willing to believe that Palin is a decent governor. She is obviously not stupid. (Knowing nothing about what happens outside of her home state doesn't make her stupid--just ignorant.)


She is the first female governor in Alaska, not to mention the youngest. Alaska. Serious warning bells should have been going off a long time ago in Democrat HQ...


Her solid gold stage presence is reminiscent of Reagan's and that is not surprising--Reagan was a Hollywood hunk and she was a young beauty queen. Her (and Reagan's) innate ability to turn a political debate in a highly personal and/or vaguely ideological pageant is an incredible threat to the opposition (and to democracy itself, I might add). Any underestimation of her ability to appeal to voters' hearts instead of their minds is a critical mistake.


Look what she did to Biden. A well-informed and highly experienced insider who should have been able to pick her ignorance to pieces with an air of calm expertise turned to scowling, pouting, and simpering by the end. He played into a game that she cannot lose--the personality game. Biden was either underprepared, or simply outmatched. He started badly and nearly every statement was a campaign slogan beginning with "Barack Obama this" or "John McCain that." He rarely played to his strengths--legitimacy, knowledge and experience--squandered continuing opportunities to do so.


[i wonder how Hilary Clinton would have dealt with Palin. Could she have fared better?]


These are painful but simple things to admit. I'm not necessarily saying these things as a supporter of the McCain/Palin ticket. (Personally, above all, I will be voting for the candidate least likely to instigate WWIII.) I'm saying this because I think it is dangerous to underestimate and to dismiss Palin's "star power." The media and popular culture are deep in an orgy over someone who in concrete political terms ought to be considered completely insignificant (and that's being generous).



Palin Pleads Fifth, Refuses To Answer Debate Questions


ST. LOUIS (CAP) - Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin confounded pundits and further infuriated reporters today when the Alaska governor announced she would not be answering any questions during Thursday night's debate with Democratic nominee Joe Biden.


According to Palin campaign sources, who spoke on the condition no one in the media directly ask Palin anything, the GOP eye candy made the decision to "suspend her campaign that night" for two reasons: 1) She wanted to show soliditarity with presidential nominee John McCain, who pretended to threaten to not attend last week's debate in Mississippi out of respect for the tanking economy and 2) She is really "kinda freakin' out right now" about having to answer questions from anyone.


"She felt Katie Couric really roughed her up in the CBS interview," said Palin's press secretary/traveling au pair. "And if Katie Couric is roughing you up, it doesn't bode well for your ability to deal with, you know, tough questions from real journalists."


Asked what she will do for 90 minutes on stage with the Delaware senator Thursday, the high-priced babysitter said: "Well, she's going to get all dressed up for it, because that will be fun. She is thinking of wearing that little above-the-knee number the Pakistani president was so impressed with last week.


"Then she will respond to any questions directed toward her by reading select passages from her acceptance speech during the Republican National Convention. She felt that was a great example to the American public of what kind of person she really is - even though she didn't actually write any of it."


Palin's most recent seculsion has reporedly been due to intense debate prep/memorization sessions, and CAP News was able to get an exculsive transcript of one of her practice runs:


Moderator: Gov. Palin, how does the proximity of your house and the Russian shore really have anything to do with your ability to deal with international affairs?


Palin: I just want to say 'Thanks, but no thanks' for the opportunity to answer that question.


Moderator: OK, so Gov. Palin, what about Troopergate? I thought you and your administration had planned to cooperate.


Palin: I told my husband - His Royal First Dudeness (remember to pause for laughter) - to tell that legislature: 'Thanks, but no thanks' to that subpoena to testify.


Moderator: They don't generally work that way. Anyway, Gov. Palin, a lot has been made of your daughter's pregnancy. If you are against any type of sex education in schools, how did you try to prepare your daughters for their teenage years?


Palin: I told them to always say 'Thanks, but no thanks' whenever some sweet-talking redneck hockey player tries to put his slap shot through your five-hole.


Moderator: But, Gov. Palin, surely you can see how that didn't exactly work either.


Palin: Once again, I will say 'Thanks, but no thanks...'


Moderator: OK, Gov. Palin, I think we understand where you are coming from here.


A perplexed Biden responded to the Palin plans with a hearty laugh and a run of his fingers through his hair extensions, offering: "Maybe you guys will have better luck getting her to answer a few questions the second week of November. From the latest polls, she might have a little extra time on her hands by around then."



Sep 26th, 2008, 6:06 pm

Show Printable Version Show Printable Version

Evoking Internet ads that some people wondered might be a clue to Republican presidential nominee John McCain's vice presidential pick, the campaign is now reportedly running ads claiming that McCain has won tonight's debate -- not only before the debate had occurred, but before the candidate had even announced he had decided to participate.


"'McCain Wins Debate!'" declares the ad which features a headshot of a smiling McCain with an American flag background," reported the Washington Post. "Another ad spotted by our eagle-eyed observer featured a quote from McCain campaign manager Rick Davis declaring: 'McCain won the debate-- hands down.'"


The ad ran in the online version of the Wall Street Journal.


The Post article also included a screenshot of the ad.


McCain's campaign has been cited by the Journal for its success in using Internet ad targeting, though it did not mention his success at time travel.



She looked cuter than biden - she won


She's hardly ever been to Washington ever - she won


She sounds like me kinda, if I was from Minnasooda - she won


She's a regular person like me - she won


She's a pitbull with lipstick - she won


She don't need no fancy wurdz - she won


She don't need no smarty statistics - she won


She's in charge of a whole big large state - she won


She's happy and will bring more happiness to us all - she won


She's a mom and how can you not love your mom? - she won




She crushed that bad, evil, talky talk smarty guy Biden - take that you socialist big spending Washington insider!


We must have watched two different debates.


Comparing Palin to Reagan is a complete stretch. Reagan had an original, large presence which Palin couldn't match in any universe. Reagan was also original; his ideas, phrases and statements were his own, and new for the time. Palins are clearly coached and parroted, and drawn from a worn out playbook that the American people have clearly grown tired of.


I'm willing to give credit where credit is due; Palin didn't fuck up like everyone thought she would, but that's about as far as it goes here. To compare her to the founder of the party of Reagan, however, is complete fantasy. Rachel Ray would be a better comparison, but then, Rachel Ray isn't running for 2nd in command.



IFILL: Governor, please if you want to respond to what he said about Senator McCain's comments about health care?


PALIN: I would like to respond about the tax increases...



IFILL: Would you like to have an opportunity to answer that before we move on?


PALIN: I'm still on the tax thing..

Posted (edited)
  dmuja said:

She looked cuter than biden - she won


She's hardly ever been to Washington ever - she won


She sounds like me kinda, if I was from Minnasooda - she won


She's a regular person like me - she won


She's a pitbull with lipstick - she won


She don't need no fancy wurdz - she won


She don't need no smarty statistics - she won


She's in charge of a whole big large state - she won


She's happy and will bring more happiness to us all - she won


She's a mom and how can you not love your mom? - she won




She crushed that bad, evil, talky talk smarty guy Biden - take that you socialist big spending Washington insider!

Lol, nice demographic summary :D


Honestly, I know my vote is not going to her and I don't like her BS style.

She didn't bomb at the debates and had no substance. It is sad that her standard was set so low that people are happy that she was able to throw out at least one possibly correct figure about something.

It is obvious that she has not gone through the ranks to get where she is - I liken it to a software project manager who has never been a junior programmer. You do a much better job when you know what the ones "below" you are talking about.


But I do think I know how she got and keeps her job. She is extremely personable with that small town/tv sportscaster wit and charm, is a delegator and an administrator - she is good at telling others what to do and using her darn to goodness sweet charm on the Joe sixpacks out there, you betcha. She's got heels and she's dangerous...



Excerpt regarding her 2006 debates:


"Palin saved her most devastating riposte for the final question of the debate, when Persily asked the three candidates whether they would hire their opponents for a state job.


Knowles and Halcro offered halting jokes. But when it was Palin's turn, she pounced.


Smiling at Halcro, who recited reams of statistics by rote, Palin observed that the businessman "would make the most awesome statistician the state could ever look for."


As the debate audience laughed, Palin pivoted to Knowles, who had owned an Anchorage restaurant. "Do they need a chef down in Juneau?" Palin asked, smiling as she twisted the verbal knife. "I know Mr. Knowles is really good at that."


Two years on, Halcro and Knowles admit they are still baffled by how their mastery of policy and state issues was trumped by Palin's breezy confidence and feel-good answers.


"When you try to prove she doesn't know anything, you lose, because audiences are enraptured by her," Halcro said. "And her biting comments give you a sense of how competitive she is. Anybody who doesn't take her seriously does so at their peril."

Edited by cbcbd

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