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Conservative Vs Liberal


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I have always admired my dad's balanced look at presidents.

"They are all assholes with meglomaniacal tendencies and self serving agendas. They will sell their souls for a shot at immortality. But they all shit big stinking turds just like you and me."

Edited by Bug
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You can be a patriot and a conservative at the same time, you know.


you know you can be pro life and pro choice at the same time!


What I dont get is when a pro lifer supports the occupation in Iraq which is shrouded in death.


You are a fucking idiot Kev. Even I can see why liberals. Believe what they do. Theoretically, it is a very nice idea, but I just don't see the practicality in it. Both ideologies are good in an of themselves, though most forms are permeated with the droppings from the good idea fairy tinkering and also the baisic element of human greed.


Fucking, I feel that sometimes violence IS the answer and when you just can't talk to someone, you can either walk away or hit them in the mouth. Sometimes, walking away just inst an option. I haven't slept more than 5 hours in the last week, and I think I am making a more cohenernt and logical argument than you.


Open your pea-brain. Life is a motherfucker and sometimes bad shit happens. As long as there is human greed, there will always be those that try to manipulate the system using whatever means they know how. If this weren't the case, I would be the first motherfucker to be a socialist. Thing is, people are fucking assholes and only think about themselves and will do anything up to and including rape and murder to realize their own dreams. Personally, I believe that "my right to swing my fist ends at your nose." but sometimes life doesn't always work out the way you wanna.



Scott. You are a glass is half empty kind of guy? What a pessimistic view you have of the world. I like to think of it the other way. Conservatism is a nice thought but does not really work any more in this world. Too many other people to think about.



Drink a beer and go take a nap broham……




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I have always admired my dad's balanced look at presidents.

"They are all assholes with meglomaniacal tendencies and self serving agendas. They will sell their souls for a shot at immortality. But they all shit big stinking turds just like you and me."


The one we have right now is certain that his doesn't stink.

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You can be a patriot and a conservative at the same time, you know.


you know you can be pro life and pro choice at the same time!


What I dont get is when a pro lifer supports the occupation in Iraq which is shrouded in death.


You are a fucking idiot Kev. Even I can see why liberals. Believe what they do. Theoretically, it is a very nice idea, but I just don't see the practicality in it. Both ideologies are good in an of themselves, though most forms are permeated with the droppings from the good idea fairy tinkering and also the baisic element of human greed.


Fucking, I feel that sometimes violence IS the answer and when you just can't talk to someone, you can either walk away or hit them in the mouth. Sometimes, walking away just inst an option. I haven't slept more than 5 hours in the last week, and I think I am making a more cohenernt and logical argument than you.


Open your pea-brain. Life is a motherfucker and sometimes bad shit happens. As long as there is human greed, there will always be those that try to manipulate the system using whatever means they know how. If this weren't the case, I would be the first motherfucker to be a socialist. Thing is, people are fucking assholes and only think about themselves and will do anything up to and including rape and murder to realize their own dreams. Personally, I believe that "my right to swing my fist ends at your nose." but sometimes life doesn't always work out the way you wanna.



Scott. You are a glass is half empty kind of guy? What a pessimistic view you have of the world. I like to think of it the other way. Conservatism is a nice thought but does not really work any more in this world. Too many other people to think about.



Drink a beer and go take a nap broham……




Go see more of the World and then come talk to me. This World is a shitty place. The US is the least shitty place I have been. Consdiering I have been in prob. 2 dz. countries accross the World, I would say that is saying something.


You got it good here. Don't forget that. It is all relative and even if we are in a bad way right now, it is better than anyother place on earth at any given time.


Fuck money. greed, lust and envy are the things that make the world go 'round. This is the only place in the World where people have a genuine empathy for the "3rd world." In my experience, even the Europeans only do so because it is inkeepiing with their social programs' ideaologies. This is evidenced by their rather meager givings (relatively speaking).


So, Kev, if you really want to say that the World is a cheery place where man can love man independant of his religion, skin color, or econommic status, you better just stay put.

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Go see more of the World and then come talk to me.


Maybe not as much as you.....but have been to other countries.



So, Kev, if you really want to say that the World is a cheery place


I did not say that …..but you just did….


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Go see more of the World and then come talk to me.


Maybe not as much as you.....but have been to other countries.



So, Kev, if you really want to say that the World is a cheery


I did not say that …..but you just did….



Hey Kev. Ever been to Africa? Ever been to post soviet block countries? How about the middle East? S.E. Asia? (not in resort communities). WOW! Kev went backpacking through Europe (or somesuch cliche suburban liberal pastime). Everybody start a round of applause....




Wait. Why isn't anybody clapping? :confused:




The only thing you have seen is the product of Western Democracy and all it entails. What you haven't seen are those countries that have been left by the way-side. The one's that didn't get on the bandwaggon. That is the real World. Where a great percentage of the people on this World live; at war, hungry, oppressed and generally fucked. Now, you tell me, how you can say that the World is a great place when this is happening. Shit, and I thought you were the liberal. Fucking get your shit straight. I am supposed to be the glass is 1/2 full one; remember?

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Go see more of the World and then come talk to me. This World is a shitty place. The US is the least shitty place I have been. Consdiering I have been in prob. 2 dz. countries accross the World, I would say that is saying something.


I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've traveled a bit myself and I have never concluded that the US is so much better than everywhere else. It is my home, and I'm not in a hurry to move to Thailand or France even though I certainly enjoy taking vacations in other countries, but self-aggrandizing proclamations that "the U.S. is the best nation on earth" coupled with put downs of those who may be so uninformed as to not realize this have always seemed to me to be nothing but mind-dumbing tools of someone who doesn't want to really look at the world and wants to justify U.S. hegemony whether it is justifiable or not. It is a lot like the simplistic slogans I heard from my teachers in kindergarten.

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Go see more of the World and then come talk to me. This World is a shitty place. The US is the least shitty place I have been. Consdiering I have been in prob. 2 dz. countries accross the World, I would say that is saying something.


I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've traveled a bit myself and I have never concluded that the US is so much better than everywhere else. It is my home, and I'm not in a hurry to move to Thailand or France even though I certainly enjoy taking vacations in other countries, but self-aggrandizing proclamations that "the U.S. is the best nation on earth" coupled with put downs of those who may be so uninformed as to not realize this have always seemed to me to be nothing but mind-dumbing tools of someone who doesn't want to really look at the rest of the world and wants to justify U.S. hegemony whether it is justifiable or not.


That is your interpolation; not mine. Keep spitting out your diatribe about "hegemony" "neo-con" and "bush 3" and all the other cool aniti-establishment words you all learned to try and stay hip and young despite your advancing years. College kids are not cool and it is even less cool to try and relate to them when you are in your 40's and 50's.


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Keep spitting out your diatribe about "hegemony" "neo-con" and "bush 3" and all the other cool aniti-establishment words you all learned to try and stay hip and young despite your advancing years. College kids are not cool and it is even less cool to try and relate to them when you are in your 40's and 50's.


What are you saying here, Mr. ChestPuff? My observation that there are things I like and dislike about the U.S. and other countries, and my conclusion that we are in fact NOT better than the rest of the world is due to some desire to try to relate to college kids?


Grow up. You have elected to serve your country and you are entitled to be proud of it if you wish but that doesn't mean that you need to put down everyone else who has a different view of everything from U.S. military intervention to parenting methods.

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Now, you tell me, how you can say that the World is a great place when this is happening.



mmmm.....did I say that? I dont think so......go take a nap grumpy.


Don't try that semantic crap with me. You implied it.



I did not imply anything.



The world is what we make of it! Nothing more....nothing less.

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You can be a patriot and a conservative at the same time, you know.


you know you can be pro life and pro choice at the same time!


What I dont get is when a pro lifer supports the occupation in Iraq which is shrouded in death.


You are a fucking idiot Kev. Even I can see why liberals. Believe what they do. Theoretically, it is a very nice idea, but I just don't see the practicality in it. Both ideologies are good in an of themselves, though most forms are permeated with the droppings from the good idea fairy tinkering and also the baisic element of human greed.


Fucking, I feel that sometimes violence IS the answer and when you just can't talk to someone, you can either walk away or hit them in the mouth. Sometimes, walking away just inst an option. I haven't slept more than 5 hours in the last week, and I think I am making a more cohenernt and logical argument than you.


Open your pea-brain. Life is a motherfucker and sometimes bad shit happens. As long as there is human greed, there will always be those that try to manipulate the system using whatever means they know how. If this weren't the case, I would be the first motherfucker to be a socialist. Thing is, people are fucking assholes and only think about themselves and will do anything up to and including rape and murder to realize their own dreams. Personally, I believe that "my right to swing my fist ends at your nose." but sometimes life doesn't always work out the way you wanna.



Scott. You are a glass is half empty kind of guy? What a pessimistic view you have of the world. I like to think of it the other way. Conservatism is a nice thought but does not really work any more in this world. Too many other people to think about.



Drink a beer and go take a nap broham……




Go see more of the World and then come talk to me. This World is a shitty place. The US is the least shitty place I have been. Consdiering I have been in prob. 2 dz. countries accross the World, I would say that is saying something.


You got it good here. Don't forget that. It is all relative and even if we are in a bad way right now, it is better than anyother place on earth at any given time.


Fuck money. greed, lust and envy are the things that make the world go 'round. This is the only place in the World where people have a genuine empathy for the "3rd world." In my experience, even the Europeans only do so because it is inkeepiing with their social programs' ideaologies. This is evidenced by their rather meager givings (relatively speaking).


So, Kev, if you really want to say that the World is a cheery place where man can love man independant of his religion, skin color, or econommic status, you better just stay put.


if you smoke enough bowls you too can become a simpleton with a naive and clueless world-view.

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