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I don't know how people can make general claims about relationships. That's just arrogant and ignorant. Every relationship is different.


There are plenty of perfectly happy climbing couples. "Hey Beth and Tommy, you seem so happy together and climb really well but honestly I think you should break up because climbing with your SO is stupid." :rolleyes:

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I don't know how people can make general claims about relationships. That's just arrogant and ignorant. Every relationship is different.


There are plenty of perfectly happy climbing couples. "Hey Beth and Tommy, you seem so happy together and climb really well but honestly I think you should break up because climbing with your SO is stupid." :rolleyes:


it was a double entendre

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ahh he was probaly talking to me..


generalizations are easy..look at bugs post..nice to have a SO who has other passions and who can bring something to the relationship..why do I need a SO who climbs theres not one good reason and plenty of bad ones


no thanks



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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"




i think climbing can act as an amplifier for the state of a relationship, good or bad.


there's also:

"Why are you going climbing w/ your buds but not climbing w/ me?"

"Is it because I'm not good enough?"

"Is it because you don't love me?"




"Why do you get to go climbing when I have to stay home to take care of [house/kids/dog/whatever]"




"When I'm sick you should stay home with me and take care of me instead of going climbing"



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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"




i think climbing can act as an amplifier for the state of a relationship, good or bad.


there's also:

"Why are you going climbing w/ your buds but not climbing w/ me?"

"Is it because I'm not good enough?"

"Is it because you don't love me?"




"Why do you get to go climbing when I have to stay home to take care of [house/kids/dog/whatever]"




"When I'm sick you should stay home with me and take care of me instead of going climbing"




shit, that sounds worse than marriage. :grlaf:


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Boy, all those professional climber couples must be miserable. Poor Josune climbs with her husband which means that work, hobby and husband are all combined into what must be a living nightmare.


Now I see why you guys are so hostile to new female posters. They're all sirens calling you to a life of anguish.

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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"




i think climbing can act as an amplifier for the state of a relationship, good or bad.


there's also:

"Why are you going climbing w/ your buds but not climbing w/ me?"

"Is it because I'm not good enough?"

"Is it because you don't love me?"




"Why do you get to go climbing when I have to stay home to take care of [house/kids/dog/whatever]"




"When I'm sick you should stay home with me and take care of me instead of going climbing"




Yep, that's why I don't date climbers! I've actually said most of that before!! Now I'd rather find other female climbing/outdoor rec partners otherwise it is so easy to fall into that trap of expectations. It's good to share interests, so you can talk about the same stuff and share each other's passion for it, but best for each person to have their own circle of friends and activity partners as well.


So I guess I would date a climber again, but just keep separate activities - just keep the pinnacle climbing with my SO indoors

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It's good to share interests, so you can talk about the same stuff and share each other's passion for it, but best for each person to have their own circle of friends and activity partners as well.



See a girl who has also figured it out...a rare breed.




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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"




i think climbing can act as an amplifier for the state of a relationship, good or bad.


there's also:

"Why are you going climbing w/ your buds but not climbing w/ me?"

"Is it because I'm not good enough?"

"Is it because you don't love me?"




"Why do you get to go climbing when I have to stay home to take care of [house/kids/dog/whatever]"




"When I'm sick you should stay home with me and take care of me instead of going climbing"




shit, that sounds worse than marriage. :grlaf:


Certainly worse than mine :P


You don't have to lead utterly seperate lives, or have different circles of friends etc., but you do need the flexibility and support to get out when the SO can't, or pursue your own activities/objectives.

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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"

"You did NOT tell me you were falling. You just yelled at me like a wild animal."


One of our less shining moments as a crag couple:


"Why are watching me like that?"

"I am trying to figure out what you are doing."

"I am flaking the rope, what does it look like I'm doing."

"What was wrong with the way I flaked it?"

"How was I supposed to know you had flaked it."

"You were standing right there, you couldn't see that I flaked the damn rope?"

"I wasn't watching."


Good times. :crosseye:


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i think climbing can act as an amplifier for the state of a relationship, good or bad.

I agree with this part.


You people really don't want to date people with common interests to yours? Where do you draw the line then? I don't understand the rationale.

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