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Ethical Question?


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i thought it odd tvash was taking hte pic at first, but then i remembered the man likes to photograph flowers and marmot-crap at X1000 zoom so it's not all that wierd

The weird thing, in my view, is the posturing that goes into discussing these things on cc.com. It is situation normal, perhaps, but nonetheless it is weird. In my view, Muffy was right:


it is a topic wirth discussing

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personally, the photo should have been removed. Neither party wanted it "published" on the web and it was NOT anonymous.


The guy was right to ask to remove the photo...he didn't post it...


has nothing to do with 1st amendment rights. This is a privately owned site and therefore not subject to constitutional stuff...


also, the arguement could be mad that its analoguous, imo non lawyer mind, to asking for a model release if you are going to publish someones image on a site that would be governed by 1st amendment...


and, if it is legal, its just shitty if the guy asked you to pull it down to not. Personally, Trash, i'm glad you removed the photo if it was you...if it was not you but a mod, well, you're a fuck bag then...


bob, why don't you post up some images of YOUR wife and then sit back and not go ballistic.


THe counter to this is the guy who posted the image of his fiance the other day FULLY had all of the shit flung at him by sexchoco coming...

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personally, the photo should have been removed. Neither party wanted it "published" on the web and it was NOT anonymous.


The guy was right to ask to remove the photo...he didn't post it...


has nothing to do with 1st amendment rights. This is a privately owned site and therefore not subject to constitutional stuff...


also, the arguement could be mad that its analoguous, imo non lawyer mind, to asking for a model release if you are going to publish someones image on a site that would be governed by 1st amendment...


and, if it is legal, its just shitty if the guy asked you to pull it down to not. Personally, Trash, i'm glad you removed the photo if it was you...if it was not you but a mod, well, you're a fuck bag then...


bob, why don't you post up some images of YOUR wife and then sit back and not go ballistic.


THe counter to this is the guy who posted the image of his fiance the other day FULLY had all of the shit flung at him by sexchoco coming...


why didn't the girl ask trash to not take her photo if she had an issue with it? she smiled into the camera (from what i understand) that seems like a clear indication that taking the photo is okay. if it wasn't she could have said so or at least flipped him off or something.

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perhaps it was more than just the photo being posted. it probably seemed harmless enough at the time it was taken.


it was the ensuing lewd comments maybe?


i didn't see any lewd comments directed at the photo. but i came to the game late. i didn't see the thred til it landed in spray. however...


people say lewd things all the time not just on cc.com but out in public walking down the street. you can't take that kind of thing personaly. i will say it again posting on cc.com is a lot like sitting in a bar. i can't control what ass holes say about me in a bar. neither can anyone else.


do we help a young woman grow a back bone? do we help a young woman learn that what other people think of her or say about her are none of her business?


or do we kowtow to peoples weekeness?


i would encourage the young woman in question to post and state what is on her mind rather than letting anyone else speak for her. it is dificult for men to objectify woman who are PEOPLE that is why when i hear someone say something shitty about me i generaly walk up and introduce myself.

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Go Muffy! You're saying what you think about it and not holding any punches, but in my opinion you are not attacking anybody.


I entered the discussion late, and didn't see the photo. I think I saw all the relevant posts, though.


I don't think it was so much the case that there were lewd comments as much as it was a sense that the photo itself was personal or suggestive of lewdness in some manner, and then there was the bickering back and forth about who is the bigger jerk for taking this or that position on whether or not the picture was OK in the first place or whether cc.com moderators ought to honor a request to remove a photo such as that one.

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