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Worst Present this christmas


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the worst present i got this year was a trip to the Rheumatologist. He seemed to agee that i am most likely suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis.


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Sorry to hear about that Muffy... I have had psoriosis for almost 20 years and a lot of people (except my dr) kept telling me it was cause of drinking beer. I quit drinking beer and I still have the damn stuff. Not sure if the photo light therapy helps your type but it does wonders for mine. Although it is a hassle going in to the derm office to tan 2 or 3 x a week. Good luck.
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It's somewhat comforting to learn there are others with rheumatoid conditions and are coping. I can relate - after one year of pain, having to sleep sitting up most nights, and not knowing what was happening, I was diagnosed in May with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then I have been using Enbrel and have been pain free. Hate to use such a powerful drug but I suppose the benefit outweighs the risks.

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the worst present i got this year was a trip to the Rheumatologist. He seemed to agee that i am most likely suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis.


read info here

Sorry to hear about that Muffy... I have had psoriosis for almost 20 years and a lot of people (except my dr) kept telling me it was cause of drinking beer. I quit drinking beer and I still have the damn stuff. Not sure if the photo light therapy helps your type but it does wonders for mine. Although it is a hassle going in to the derm office to tan 2 or 3 x a week. Good luck.


i was diagnosed with Psoriasis when i was 6 or so. it is one of those things that comes and goes for me. I have had whole years with out outbreaks. I have noticed over the past year that the arthritus pain comes and goes with the skin condition for me.


Some people think that psoriasis is caused by alergies to food or beer or whatever, and i think that can be part of it, but the research so far has been inconclusive. it is considered an auto immune disorder. if it really bothers you you could try an elimination diet, but it sounds like the sunlight helps you... I have considered a tanning booth or something, becuase the sun does help.

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It's somewhat comforting to learn there are others with rheumatoid conditions and are coping. I can relate - after one year of pain, having to sleep sitting up most nights, and not knowing what was happening, I was diagnosed in May with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then I have been using Enbrel and have been pain free. Hate to use such a powerful drug but I suppose the benefit outweighs the risks.


I am sorry to hear about your diganosis but it is so good to know there are other climbers facing the same kind of thing. I had a shot of Enbrel last week. It helped a little, but not as much as i wanted it to. The doc said there are some other things to try. I really want to get where you are :) cross your fingers for me!!

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Been lucky enough to avoid arthritis so far but Mrs. Selkirk has psoriasis, and I have Eczema, though neither of them are severe thank god. Awful obnoxious shit though :( And of course ever since we got wonder dog, mine's been worse. It's OK if I stay on top of it, but it sure doesn't like dishes, climbing chalk, or wet hands.


That's sounds like ugly stuff Muffy! :cry: Don't let it stop you though. You might give Archie a jingle, as memory serves she's been fighting arthritis for a number of years a well.


You can certainly add my name to the list of people pulling for you though :tup:

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Thank you :D ya my skin doesn't like climbing chalk much either :crosseye:


but a girl has to do what a girl has to do :moondance:


I think the key to this thing is getting on top of it and getting the inflamation under controle. once i get there it will be a matter of staying there.it's forcing me to get all healthy and shit :o

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It's somewhat comforting to learn there are others with rheumatoid conditions and are coping. I can relate - after one year of pain, having to sleep sitting up most nights, and not knowing what was happening, I was diagnosed in May with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then I have been using Enbrel and have been pain free. Hate to use such a powerful drug but I suppose the benefit outweighs the risks.
Enbrel blocks TNF and therefore can increase one's risk of cancer, but I think it's worth it if you can afford the drug. My wife can't take it for her RA because she already has cancer, and that's a bummer.
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899 American soldiers were killed in Iraq last year (more than any previous year), and you want to "give it a rest"? You must be one of those brave patriots I hear so much about!


Nice try, but you don't care a wit about any servicemen who have died or been wounded.


386 days and counting. That's when I'll give it a rest.


Bullshit. Just like the Clinton-haters, you'll constantly bring up Bush for years after he's out of office - at the very least to change the subject if a Democrat is in office and screwing up.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

It was all good again this year. All I got was underwear though. Nothing else. OK- except for one other, my mom stepped up and gave me a card that had a check in it for $125.00. It was inscribed: "this is for a Pig in a Poke, hope it's a pretty pig." However, the underware were all good as they were all new. All my relatives are healthy and also not in the poor house. I'm good with that, not a bad gift to have -I'm blessed.





plus I have new underpants.

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the worst present i got this year was a trip to the Rheumatologist. He seemed to agee that i am most likely suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis.


read info here

Sorry to hear about that Muffy... I have had psoriosis for almost 20 years and a lot of people (except my dr) kept telling me it was cause of drinking beer. I quit drinking beer and I still have the damn stuff. Not sure if the photo light therapy helps your type but it does wonders for mine. Although it is a hassle going in to the derm office to tan 2 or 3 x a week. Good luck.


i was diagnosed with Psoriasis when i was 6 or so. it is one of those things that comes and goes for me. I have had whole years with out outbreaks. I have noticed over the past year that the arthritus pain comes and goes with the skin condition for me.


Some people think that psoriasis is caused by alergies to food or beer or whatever, and i think that can be part of it, but the research so far has been inconclusive. it is considered an auto immune disorder. if it really bothers you you could try an elimination diet, but it sounds like the sunlight helps you... I have considered a tanning booth or something, becuase the sun does help.


While there's not yet any definitive cure for any of the varieties of psoriasis, there is a sizeable body of research that seems to indicate an association to a shortage of Vitamin D. No solid understanding of just how it works yet, but if so, it's possible than sunlight may have a beneficial affect. However, NOT tanning booths. That's just ultraviolet on one spectrum, not at all like the full range of actual sunlight. Also tanning booths have been proven to be carcinogenic, directly linked to several melanomas and other skin cancers. You'd be better off with full-spectrum lights such as are prescribed for relief of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, seasonal depression due to lack of sunlight. My Mother suffered in her later years from psoriasis, and we did try vitamin D supplements. It seemed to help, but not to completely eliminate her condition.

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