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Stop PMing me with bung pics, FW


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all for the preserving of the greater lenght of da-fawking-nodder!?!


i want to be angry, but i don't have to work till next year and i managed to get a day of climbing in y-day in the only decent weather forecasted for a week now, so i kinda feel like i'm just going through the motions of outrage...

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"...Although origin myths are usually assigned to the province of religion, they contain one element of science: explanation. While moral lessons may be scattered here and there throughout them, origin myths are basically ways of accounting for things as they are. Explanation, then, is not unique to nor did it begin with science. Science shares explanation with mythology.


What distinguishes science from mythology is verification.


Not only does science propose answers, it proceeds to test these answers, and if the answers prove incorrect, they must be rejected or modified. Mythology differs from this. An origin myth offers an explanation that is to be believed. Acceptance, not verification, is what is called for.


Ancient Norsemen believed the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) were reflections of light off the shields of the warrior maidens the Valkyrie; modern astronomers tell us they are caused by solar winds interacting with the earth’s magnetic field and atmospheric gases. Both are explanations, but only one of these explanations can be verified.


What is explanation? At bottom, it amounts to translating the unknown into the known, the unfamiliar into the familiar. And what do human beings know best? Themselves. They know how people think and feel and act. And from a very early stage of culture, people have projected human thoughts and emotions into the external world, endowing objects and forces of nature with human personality and greater-than-human power. The personalized supernatural beings thus created were assigned the role of providing plausible and satisfying explanations for the unknown. In this way, origin myths were born..."



Thus it is WE WHO HAVE CREATED ideas like Gods and God-men type thingy's to explain (via another embedded psychological bias we hold so dear, namely "causation" or "causality") how ourselves and all this complexity came to be.


I am obviously not the first to say it but, "God" did not create us, we created "God" in our own image.


Having said that, as to things "outside of this universe" (or "prior to" its existence if there were/is such) you or I are completely free to speculate about its nature including a God thingy if you/we want to. We can rightfully claim to put our faith there as well, maybe it is justified, maybe not.


However, in as much as all that can possibly be verified lies within the physical laws of nature, it is now and forever will be but physics and the practice of science that rules our particular universe.


There I have killed this thread as well, now go dig a snow pit - somewhere safe.

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Coming from a religious background, I understood how people could not accept the Bibles tenants, but I struggled to see how people could be against them. It wasnt until I witnessed GWs abuse of the church and his systematic destruction an demoralization of this country that it started to sink in. I knew there were some fundamentalist wackos out there too, but I never thought they would gain a strangle hold on media sources and spread there poison into the ballot box. True ignorance allow fascism, and shame on you who defend this !

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but what is reality? is it a collectively homogenized platitude that one is then jumped all over (like evolution?) if one questions it?


or is it what is happening right now?


a note: there's no question in my mind that there are many folks who accept evolution as a religion; they do not understand the technical fundamentals of the theory, yet profess to believe in it (blind faith), simply because it has been the proper course of behaviour. there is an ENORMOUS amount of pressure applied to individuals to comform to the prevailing thought structures wherever and whatever the cultural/social ethos/theme happens to be at the time.

Edited by sexual_chocolate
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What is reality is a big subject indeed. The quote above does not try (nor will I) to define that. What I think it says though is that if you get in the habit of abandoning what you truly believe is correct because it is an easier road, then you'll be more easily manipulated.


Seemed pertinent to a discussion about religion.

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but what is reality? is it a collectively homogenized platitude that one is then jumped all over (like evolution?) if one questions it?


or is it what is happening right now?


a note: there's no question in my mind that there are many folks who accept evolution as a religion; they do not understand the technical fundamentals of the theory, yet profess to believe in it (blind faith), simply because it has been the proper course of behaviour. there is an ENORMOUS amount of pressure applied to individuals to comform to the prevailing thought structures wherever and whatever the cultural/social ethos/theme happens to be at the time.

Cocoa's got a point here. Most people don't have more than a rudimentary knowledge of evolution theory. If you asked the average person to explain how aspects of the theory can be tested through experiment, they'd be at a loss.


And there isn't a single experiment that would convince anyone of the primacy of the theory over other theories. It's taken many generations of scientists their entire lives to buttress the theory first proposed by Darwin and Wallace.


So for some people, evolution is something to believe in, but for others, it is something to be understood, and tested. The fact that many have a primitive understanding of a subject shouldn't cast aspersions on the validity of a theory.

Edited by catbirdseat
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