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You are a little man Feck


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Feck doesn't like it. Censor it.


Give your commandments Feck. Oh wise master of what is worthy.

Help us control our thoughts from wandering into things you are not interested in.

Help us to focus on you and your edicts so we can all be like you.



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Why do you feel the need to end the thread?

Does it offend you?

Is any talk of religion now banned from CC.COM?

By what criteria do you end a thread?

If Feck is too closed minded to get anything out of it, close it?

Spray just died dumbshit.

Your censorship is a testament to your limitations.

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Feck....I like you like I like everyone here that posts.....but I do not understand why you locked the thread.....it seems we were all having fun spraying spray talking out our asses.....that what spray is about right? Why lock it? It was the best spray in a while....I actually was looking forward to continuing the beast.......


So the question remains…..why did you lock it? Was it Personal? Where you just drunk and got pissed? I am trying to understand.








PS…..I do climb


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ok...i hate to ask, but WTF is everyone talkin' about? I just thought the insect was bawling for sumpin else, like Feck not givin' it to him good...


Oh yeah, Kurt, since your gawd and all, can i get back into the freshiezone if i play real nice-like? PUHLEASE!!!

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dude, you suck. this is IMPORTASNT SHIT that must be discussed.


as far as feck goes, yeah he sucks, but that was pretty much established long ago.



Dude...speak slowly and carefully...


Oh yeah, here's a preemptive :cry: for your rejoining post! :fahq::lmao:

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