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Denali Expedition 2008 - Looking for 10-12 member


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Now this is good spray!

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You are all stupid.

Let me help you out.

First, I am smart because I have a degree in Religious Studies from the U of M which means it was the academic study of religion not the theological thumping you get in a seminary.

Kind of like Anthropology only more squishy-like because people are not machines and cannot be decifered by applying scientific theory. It helps but it is not fool proof. Get it "Fool" "Proof".

OK tvash. Read on anyway.

Sheesh. evolution vs creationism. How quaint. You're both wrong.

Just like kintergarten, the truth is in the middle. To take a literal translation of the bible and adhere to it like a code of life is not practical. Humans are not practical (we climb) I know but this is even less so. See, oral societies came up with these stories in their original form and then as needs changed, the stories/mythologies changed. It is called "oral fluidity'. That is, the ability of a society to adapt its mythology to a changing environment (social, geographical, climitological, etc).

Viola! Literacy! Freeze that story, when everything is already changing radically (the iron age), and in a state that was arrived at after thousands (5-8K plus or minus) of years. For instance, there were so many generations that they started dropping them off after ten. So you have your dad, his dad, maybe his dad isn't so hot so you skip him, but include the next guy cause he invented non-missionary sex, until you get to the earliest person anyone can remeber who was worth a whoot. Adam? So you hear things in the Bible like so he will be cursed even unto the tenth generation.... That means forever because no one counts past the tenth generation. Does that mean they don't beleive there were people before ten generations ago? No. Pay attention. It is called oral fluidity.

So you have the begining of the world in a story. It happened at a time .......


Ten generations ago. At least that was the ten generations listed before the guy who originated the story. But then you get all these other guys who want to be included in the mix plus a few kings who want to edit the story to make themselves look better, a few sacred councils, badda-boom, badda-bing. NIV. Sheesh what a mess. Is it "God's Word"? Weeeelllll, that's a stretch. Especially since Jesus said that He was the Word (Logos). But that is what we get from the book we are saying is not the "Word". Shit. You must be really confused.

Exactly my point.

The argument between evolution vs creationism is a mute point.

It is like calling Jehovah, Jehovah. Yahweh was his name but according to those crazy oral peoples, if you say his name He will appear so you better have a good reason because he has special powers and a short fuse. So when the Masorites added vowels a few centuries later, they added the vowels for Adoni which meant kind of a generically "god". Combine the consonants of Yahweh with the vowels of Adoni and you get JEHOVAH. I know, I know. Hold the applause. I'm just getting warmed up.

So after all that, will you please just get along?

Evolution was God trying to figure things out. Furst he made Capt Caveman, then Tvash so he had a flood and came up with Porter. After that he turned His attention to camels for awhile but that is a little known side bar.......

Anyway, Now we have the NT and even the Quran. Cool stuff.

After a couple Thousand years, here we are still pretending we know it all cause we have literacy when it was literacy that really screwed things up socially in the first place. Many more wars in the iron age than before. But we can be saved if you will listen. The computer age is almost upon us. I say almost because we are just doing what our grandfathers did only faster. Our grandkids will use our computer tools to build their tools and then the computer age will start and social institutions like Money, religion, government, etc will be rebuilt along the new guidelines.

We are in the process of defining those guidelines on this board. Especially in spray.

I mean look at this guy. He innocently post in Partners for partners. OK he is a Christian. and he wants other Christians.

Isn't spray banned from Partners?????!!!!

Where were the moderators? This thread should have never been anything more than;"want to climb with Christians?" "No thanks."

End of thread.

Instead, it was allowed to go on and on BECAUSE he was a christian and we sacrifice those in this society. Well that's not new. But back to our mythology....

So then waht happened? This guys innocent post for climbing partners (Christians) was moved to spray where anything goes.

Did this guy volunteer for this "anything goes" forum?

No. That was unethical by standards outside this board. But inside our little CC.COM society, its OK. We bent the rules so we could have a good Christian toasting.

That is called oral fluidity.

We are bending back to our ancestors' ways. It may be the Synthesis. I hope so. The antethesis was not all that great.



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When God comes in the picture it all makes sense. He's the designer, and we're the design. Simple.



Oh crap, I fucked up again. I keep doing this and all the humanoids will turn into atheists! Oy Vei!







Oh poop, not again.







How do I stop this? My very existence hangs in the balance. If they stop believing, I stop existing; oh the existential angst!


I know! I'll remove their brains, so they can't reason anymore.

BUahahahaaa i am a nefarious god, yes i am....



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