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Nice vid and editing. I actually liked the iginition sequence in that it was a funny lead into the bike scene.


What dig still camera did you use? The vid optics were good for a youtube video.


HAHA um I used a canon power shot sd630.
Edited by hafilax
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Dude....so, like, you ride a tricycle to a bouldering area, then you fall off and miss the pad...but your buddy is there filming and he can't spot you...nihilistic existentialism! I get it now!


By the way...."Hey oh...listen what I say-oh"...come'on...that's the cheapest form of rhyming...did you write that song? Please! Even your bouldering is better than that wretched tune.

By the way, your mom says clean up that messy room and quit storing those vile liquids in your refrigerator, and if you coiled your rope properly the first time, it wouldn't be so tangled on your lawn, which is a goofy place to sort it out anyway. Otherwise, it was kind of interesting.

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By the way...."Hey oh...listen what I say-oh"...come'on...that's the cheapest form of rhyming...did you write that song? Please! Even your bouldering is better than that wretched tune.


Boooy! What is this new fangled noise you're listen'n to here? It sure ain't music! Hell, since I had teeth, I ain't never here such godaweful crap! In my day, music was made by MUSICIANS! And I walked a mile both ways up hill!!!! :lmao::lmao:


Damn Raindawg, you're really starting to sound like an old codger now. You really need to get hip to the radical new sounds! ;) Its dada! Its musical impressionism. Don't let the world pass you by now, and don't claw for a hold on your old fashioned values ("it has to rhymn", "it has to be well written", etc)...you'll just look more and more like a dinosaur relic!


A more hip way for you to address the young man would be "What is this strange new music you have in your video? I can't say it agrees with my musical sensibilities, but I'm interested in new , evolving cultures. I'm not apt to change my particular tastes, but here is how this new music contrasts with what I'm comfortable with. Oh, and I'm down with the hip cool scene."


Oh...and here is some cultural evolution for ya:



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Dude... then you fall off and miss the pad...but your buddy is there filming and he can't spot you...


Not that I like bouldering (cuz I suck at it), but you really should pay better attention to what you read.

To wit (emphasis added):

So this is a dumb video i made because I got really bored. give me a little credit. The whole thing is filmed by me, and it is filmed using my digital picture camera.



...and if you coiled your rope properly the first time, it wouldn't be so tangled on your lawn...
Could not agree more. Buy a rope bag.

And why the scene with the rope anyway, if he's going to go bouldering solo?? :confused:

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""By the way...."Hey oh...listen what I say-oh"...come'on...that's the cheapest form of rhyming...did you write that song? Please!""


Music is art, art doesn't have to "be" anything like some rules of rhyme. And these guys are masters of rhyme, you should look at the rest of the lyrics to this song, pretty deep. This is Red Hot Chili Peppers, THEY RULE. You must be stuck back in the Pleistocene to not know them.

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Boooy! What is this new fangled noise you're listen'n to here? It sure ain't music! Hell, since I had teeth, I ain't never here such godaweful crap! In my day, music was made by MUSICIANS! And I walked a mile both ways up hill!!!! :lmao::lmao:


Looks like we agree on something, Billy-Bob!



Damn Raindawg, you're really starting to sound like an old codger now. You really need to get hip to the radical new sounds! ;) Its dada! Its musical impressionism. Don't let the world pass you by now, and don't claw for a hold on your old fashioned values ("it has to rhymn", "it has to be well written", etc)...you'll just look more and more like a dinosaur relic!


Music is art, art doesn't have to "be" anything like some rules of rhyme. And these guys are masters of rhyme, you should look at the rest of the lyrics to this song, pretty deep. This is Red Hot Chili Peppers, THEY RULE. You must be stuck back in the Pleistocene to not know them.


Dudes,...they can rhyme if they want...I happen to think their rhyming is weak...."rap" and "crap", for example, offer more insight than "Hey-o" and "say-o"...whatever. And compared to this man here, the Luke-Warm Bell Peppers are rhyming amateurs:



By the way, I've heard the whole "Snow" song several times. If it "touches your soul", get a hold of Oprah and share it with her. I found the song quite unremarkable.


A more hip way for you to address the young man would be "What is this strange new music you have in your video? I can't say it agrees with my musical sensibilities, but I'm interested in new, evolving cultures. I'm not apt to change my particular tastes, but here is how this new music contrasts with what I'm comfortable with. Oh, and I'm down with the hip cool scene.


Work on your comedy writing skills.


Oh...and here is some cultural evolution for ya:


(Insert irrelevant you-tube footage of a news report on Chicago Black Jewish Congregation, Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken)


Did you watch the whole video? Or just the ten seconds at the beginning when there was some music going on? It wasn't about music, it was about black Jews.


You want a hip, musical Jew? Check out our hasidic friend here:








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Dude....so, like, you ride a tricycle to a bouldering area, then you fall off and miss the pad...but your buddy is there filming and he can't spot you...nihilistic existentialism! I get it now!


Dawg, if you had read Digital Video For The Complete Idiot you would have realized that his "buddy" was a tripod. I would have hoped the "little bike" bit (not a tricyle) would have merited at least a good clown image from you.

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Dawg, if you had read Digital Video For The Complete Idiot you would have realized that his "buddy" was a tripod.


How'd ya know, he didn't sit it on a rock, huh? And how'd he get that tripod in the refrigerator in that part where he's looking for drinks? And it must have been a tiny li'l tripod there in the grass when he was trying to untangle that rope, eh?


Meet "Tripod", his photographer:




I would have hoped the "little bike" bit (not a tricyle) would have merited at least a good clown image from you.


You want some clowns? Thought you'd never ask!

Horses' rears! Everyone of 'em!





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