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See that what I was saying before, no matter what I say you discount it.



So you present something that is scintillating yet enigmatic and very much open to interpretation, and then are outraged that she isn't an instant convert. Sounds like you have an agenda.


A woman once showed me her bible on an airplane and told me "it's all in there", as if that settled it. She also went on to explain that the spruce bark beetle tree kills that have spread across much of British Columbia and Alaska were definitive proof that God is punishing environmentalists.

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this is funny




Atheists have deathbed experiences and near-death experiences just like everyone else does. The philosophy of Positivism, founded by the famous atheist named A. J. Ayer, is the philosophy that anything not verifiable by the senses is nonsense. Because NDEs mark the end of the senses, Positivists believe the survival of the senses after death is nonsense. But this philosophy has been challenged by its founder A. J. Ayer himself. Later in life, Ayer had a NDE where he saw a red light. Ayer's NDE made him a changed man: "My recent experiences, have slightly weakened my conviction that my genuine death ... will be the end of me, though I continue to hope that it will be." (Ayer, 1988 a,b) (Read more about it from an article in the National Post and an article by Gerry Lougrhan: Can there be life after life? Ask the atheist! (by Gerry Lougrhan, Letter_From_London, March 18, 2001.)


A non-NDE example comes from Antony Flew, a champion of atheist beliefs for more than 50 years. In a news article titled "Atheist Discovers 'The Science of God'": "One of Britain's most prominent atheists has decided that God might exist after all. Prof Antony Flew, said scientific evidence supports the theory that some sort of intelligence created the universe. Professor Flew, 81, a professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Reading, said that this was the only explanation for the origin of life ... "I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots - cosmic Saddam Husseins," he said in his new video, "Has Science Discovered God?"




Edited by Seahawks
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What about people who have near-death experiences and didn't see god? What's their problem, they didn't go to church enough as a kid?


Sounds like a skewed control group to me. Interview some dead guys and then let's talk.


That would prove my point even more, Dead is not dead. something else exist. I didn't say what that was.

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"Has Science Discovered God?"




Has it discovered there isn't a God?? NO


it's tough to prove a negative.


I agree with Minx….what kind of mixed up thinking is this. I believe you have to prove God excises long before I have to prove he does not exist, simply because that is the 6000 year old debate…..not the other way around.

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Of interest to me is what, through science, goes from what was once irrational to rational.




I want the list of churches, were is your documentations? references?


They're in your bible. Just stand on your head for awhile and then, when you're about to pass out, hold any random page up to a mirror. Read the text backwards. All will be made clear. Oh, don't forget to draw a pentacle on the floor.

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"Has Science Discovered God?"




Has it discovered there isn't a God?? NO


it's tough to prove a negative.


I agree with Minx….what kind of mixed up thinking is this. I believe you have to prove God excises long before I have to prove he does not exist, simply because that is the 6000 year old debate…..not the other way around.


yawn.... Prove he doesn't. I personally don't care. It too bad you've chosen your path but you've been given enough. Therefor you will be with out excuse later. So I don't care.

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Dead is not dead. something else exist.


Dead is not dead……more drivel from the loosing team..


Are you telling me my mother is not dead? Let’s see, I watched her pass away when I was ten years old. She died of breast cancer. And now you are telling me she has been alive for 23 year? WTF?


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Dead is not dead. something else exist.


Dead is not dead……more drivel from the loosing team..


Are you telling me my mother is not dead? Let’s see, I watched her pass away when I was ten years old. She died of breast cancer. And now you are telling me she has been alive for 23 year? WTF?


Your an idiot. Have you read anything??? Man you are so dense.

Fricking idiot. Go back read what we were talking about then open your clams.

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Dead is not dead. something else exist.


Dead is not dead……more drivel from the loosing team..


Are you telling me my mother is not dead? Let’s see, I watched her pass away when I was ten years old. She died of breast cancer. And now you are telling me she has been alive for 23 year? WTF?


Your an idiot.


Kevin = idiot is a tautology.

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