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Christian Climbers.


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So I can get caught up to speed w/o reading the last 30 pages, what is the gist of this thread?


Same here. My days involve work-outs, skiing, working, going to town, chores, etc. I can never keep up with what goes on here. We need a new forum, the Condensed Cliff Notes Forum, so I can catch up without spending all night on my ass in this chair. Mods HEP ME!

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Whether it involves any of the world's religions, we all perceive some aspect of negative influence religion has in the world and on how peace is to be allowed to manifest. Now and historically, it should be noted that many, if not most, of the humanitarian relief efforts performed around the globe have at their base a religious stance. I do not support, but condemn, efforts that hold a mandatory listening or viewing of proselytizing material in order to receive assistance.


Whether The Mountain Fund or the subject family of this post, I look, with as objective an eye as I can muster, to support people who simply provide aid and service to those in need.


For nigh on a decade, I've supported a family indigeonous to Namibia, who with their own hands, provide relief and comfort to those affected and/or dying of AIDS in Namibia and South Africa. I want those here that are, in general, adversarial to religion to know that there are specific instances where the utmost "good" is resultant from the influence of religion on the human heart. What follows is a copy of an email I received from John today:





In the last few weeks we again saw how conventional thinking in terms of what is 'wise' and what is 'right' becomes weak and unwise in the face of hunger, suffering and death.


Circumstances on the frontline requires frontline measures and radical focus on 'doing the right thing' instead of 'doing things right'.


You all know that in the last few weeks we could barely feed the orphans and eventually ran out of funds. Daphne and I had to make tough decisions to use personal funds to help feed families, to help with much needed medicine for some patients and to help with transporting patients.


Any funds we had to finalize video clips for showing on my trip and for internet, photo's and brochure material had to be put on the back burner in the face of little hungry children and sick people. My office is in Ikangeng and we have 250 000 people spread over the hills in shacks and tents. We are surrounded by daily, hourly outcries for help and mercy.


I am a few days away from flying to Denver and Tampa to present to people what Jesus is asking of us. And I feel passionate, yet overwhelmed and needy. I am convinced and I will not turn back.


I know when I get on the plane and when I walk into the airport in the US I ask 'who will hear?', who will understand? who will allow their hearts to be broken? Who will weep with us? Who will be moved or allow themselves to be moved?'


I remember the 17 yr old girl who was walking to her home in the township and crossed a dry river bed where she was attacked and raped.


She was in her prime in the early years of the new South Africa. Our country was infant in its freedom and so was Letobo. She was one of the most promising students in her school and with the excitement of freedom and a future of hope she had many plans and dreams. That afternoon when she was raped and traumatized she was - unbeknownst to anyone - also infected with HIV/AIDS.


She got sick and weak fast and ran away from school and home to avoid the shame, stigma and possible attack from others because they think she is cursed. She ended up on a farm almost a thousand miles from home.


The farmer gave a job not realizing how sick she was because she still had some strength and could do basic cleaning and house work.


Some of the other workers - not knowing she had HIV/AIDS raped her and abused her while she was working on the farm. After almost a year of these circumstances she began to get really sick and weak and eventually the farmer told her she must go.


She walked and eventually ended up in Bloemfontein where she went to a clinic for help. They told her she would die in a few days. By now she had some sores on her face, arms and legs. The clinic helped her with some ointment but could nothing for her. She wandered the streets alone for days. She was a young 18 years old but by now was paper thin and weak and dying.


Four days later she again went to the clinic where they told her they can do nothing (they get hundreds of people like her). Letobo was barely able to stand when she spoke to the two nurses at the clinic. She turned around and slowly shuffled away. One of the nurses, a black lady was a Christian and as she watched Letobo shuffling away Jesus touched her heart.


She hurried after Letobo and asked her to wait till after work. She took Letobo in her house and she and her family cared for Letobo for eight days until Letobo died.


We prayed and decided to call our work International Grassroots Outreach. When then realized it says IGO "I Go". It works for us because we want many all over the world to say "I Care" and "I will Go"


Have mercy!


much love and thank you for reading,








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I've been dismayed at the rising tide of Christian sects who've abandoned the basic principles of mercy, charity, and self sacrifice exhibited in this letter. My parrish growing up (which was fortunately free of child abuse scandals: unlike my CYO summer camp) was a very charitable one, and the number one thing preached was being Christlike.


I can differentiate between these two types of Christians, but damage that has and will be done by what I would call the 'lost Christians', the absolutists, the money grubbers, and intolerant, and the hypocrits, should never be underestimated. As for 'proper' Christians, their charitable works, regardless of their religious basis, represent the very best in human nature.

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... but damage that has and will be done by what I would call the 'lost Christians', the absolutists, the money grubbers, and intolerant, and the hypocrits, should never be underestimated.


yeah, fucked-up shit. It doesn't matter the socio/theo/politico identity. People will always find a way to shit the nest.

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It doesn't matter the socio/theo/politico identity. People will always find a way to shit the nest.


Well said.


Don't paint all Christians with the brush of fundamentalism. Don't paint all Muslims as terrorists, or Germans as Jew killers, or lawyers as criminals, or climbers as pothead dirt bags...etc. etc.

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i haven't read any of your posts in this thread since I last posted, but I'm here to tell you that you're all wrong. I read it on the internet today. Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away

How long...

How long must we sing this song

How long, how long...

'cause tonight...we can be as one Toooonightttttt!!!!!

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Since starting this thread, and reading all of the replies, I can say with joy, that there is definitely some people in this community that have true wisdom, and I appreciate it all. Tvashtarkatena, I have thoroughly enjoyed your replies, and would admonish many to read the last few. One question for Olyclimber?...what is that hopping animal on the screen?

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Religious Marketing Jingles:


Christianity: "Eternal life will be yours. From the looks of it, you're gonna need at least that long to get laid."


Islam: "73 virgins eagerly await your martyrdom...along with the rest of humanity."


Buddhism: "Let go of desire. It wasn't going to get you laid anyway."


Scientology: "Look what we did for Tom."


Raelianism: "Better living through cloning. But in your case, we'll make an exception."







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