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State of the Dumbass.


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It was a pretty good speech because of the earlier insults he didn't repeat? Come on.


Bush has a zero follow through track record. The speech was pandering to his newly democratic audience, but as usual, he has no intent to follow through. His vague 'energy plan' would still increase greenhouse gases by at least 15% by 2020, and can only be executed through a heavy reliance on coal gasification (being heavily pushed by coal producing states and energy companies) which doubles the greenhouse gas release per gallon of gasoline burned: a disaster. He had a big energy plan during his last speech, too: hydrogen (uh, sometime in the far, far future, and not energy efficient to produce anyway), alternative fuels (funded by a whopping 30 million dollars for research).


And what of our imminent attack on Iran?


It would be nice to be surprised this time, but so far, in six years, all the man has been able to do is make empty promises, lie, destroy our global reputation, consolidate executive power an the expense of civil liberties, divide the country, waste enormous amounts of our money on projects that only hurt our future, and send our troops to die in pointless wars.


C'mon, Tvash. That's a little harsh. I agree with everything you said, or largely so, but the fact is that the man's back is a little bit up against the wall and I think his speach showd a level of humility completely lacking from any prior such address.


OK, you're right, I'm saying ot was OK FOR HIM. You can't really judge George Bush on a scale with any good public speakers because he just doesn't really have the gift of gab. I heard somebody comment that he used to do well when he was governator of Texas, but he sure hasn't done well in any public address as president. Sure, that "nucular" stuff and "folks" and stuff like that plays well with people who think uneducated people are more trustworthy than educated ones, but other than that he really hasn't shown that he has much of a trick up his sleeve other than to wave the boogie man before all our eyes - and that particular card is starting to get worn out - at least for now until we get a new deck. Still, I think he did pretty well under the circumstances.


Did he change anybody's mind? Not many, I bet.


Is he steering our nation into the toilet while filling his bank account and those of all his friends? Absolutely.


But hey: he is our president.

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You're bagging on Georgie's performance, but what about Webb's speech. Was that guy stiff or what? He looked petrified. He had some great material (IMO), but he sure didn't seal the deal with his (non)delivery.


The problem in the age of mass media is the demand for celebrity politicians, empty suits who look and sound "good". Fuck form, we need substance.


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The problem in the age of mass media is the demand for celebrity politicians, empty suits who look and sound "good". Fuck form, we need substance.


KaskadskyjKozak, I have to agree with you on this. Well said! :tup:


what would be the substance-oriented items you speak of, kevy and kaskadhsfhiwhhas?


just a short list would suffice.

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Oops, we elected a chimpanzee president.

We're a deeply flawed species...


Genetically, we're 98% the same as our president.


I am so ashamed....


Genetically, we're all only about 0.5% different from anybody else.


when you take haploid sequences into account you might be up to 10% different. somebody probably has a link to that story.

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