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best acid trip you ever had


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Hmm the best acid trip was not a straight up acid trip. That night Adam and I broke out the chemistry set and threw together a wild concoction of several hits, chased with shrooms, and enough weed and beer to take the acid edge off. After our peak and when I was able to find Adam, who hours ago had melted into the furniture after the fish tank opened up a released the oscars to swim freely around the room, we then took a 4 wheeler went cruising around the woods at night. I am not sure how many times we wrecked, but somehow we survived. When we were done we just completely forgot about it and left it out there. Then later I came to and we were in some country western bar, not really cool place to hang out when your a punk with 14 inch spike mohawk. I was at the taco bar shoving tacos in my face when it struck me, needless to say we hightailed it out of there really quick. Then later we were walking by this hotel where these two freaking nuts were staying while they were working on a construction site. They invited us up to drink, sure why not. They were drinking, I can't remember what, right out of the handle and playing the most fucked up version of chicken I have ever seen, still not sure I believe what I saw. Their version is a cord plugged into the wall, each person grabbing a wire, then grabbing each other and the first to let go was chicken. Later in the morning I woke up in a field next to a car, one guy was crashed on the hood, the other dude was walking around, and Adam was lying across the backseat with the door open and his head hanging out. The trip was over.


It was by far the most fucked up and strange experience I ever had and one I probably don't want to repeat these days.

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blow is realy natural, brah.


As opposed to...ecstacy..yup...pill poppers are the true weirdo's..


And pot hasnt been organic since the vietnamese moved in on the trade..good thing most of that gets sent South


Couple quads of the double dipped window pane and the pink floyd light show...ahhh 1991


Red nose why dont you just snip off a corner of some animita muscaria (sp) then and only then would you know what fungus you are eating

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Red nose why dont you just snip off a corner of some animita muscaria (sp) then and only then would you know what fungus you are eating


Amanita muscaria: Rudolph's relatives have been grooving on it for millenia. The Sami got high by drinking their urine.



Probably not the most inviting theme party idea. Especially with so many psylocibes growing right down the street in our city parks.

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