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How do you know a cascade climber when you see one


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I have read many TRs and in them somebody often will say we met so and so from cc.com or something like that. I can tell when somebody is from the mounties, what with all the shorts over Polypro etc... but, how do you tell if somebody is a cc.comer? Do you just go to everybody on the mountaintops/basecamps/trails and say "are you posting on cc.com? or is there a super secret handshake or special wink and smile perhaps? wazzup.gif

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I have read many TRs and in them somebody often will say we met so and so from cc.com or something like that.


That might have been because at least one of the people involved was the rare cc.commie who does not jealously guard their anonymity online. Post pictures of yourself out climbing (of something other than your butt) and use your real name online and you'll be more likely to meet cc.commies out in the field.

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So the conversation would go something like this:

1st person: "nice route eh"

2nd: "yeah, wait till I get back to my computer"

1st: "uh, why did you say that dude"

2nd: "Well I feel great now, being on this beautiful mountain and after that route I feel like I faced death in the face and still live to tell it. Then, when my euphoria starts to go down I can post a TR on CC.com and get all puffed up again and get congrats from the board. Maybe if I am lucky I can get stars on my TR"

person 1: "Oh yeah dude, I am a cc.comer too. What do you post as?".....Is this how it goes? or can some share there experiences of meeting cc.comers for the first time in real life. HCL.gif

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The first time I met a cc.commer in person was in 8 Mile Campground. I had been in Leavenworth for all of 15 minutes and was standing by the pump waiting to get water when a car drove up and stopped. The window rolled down and a guy leaned out "Hey is your name Dru?"

"yes it is, why?"

"want a beer?" bigdrink.gif


It was Capt. Caveman rockband.gif

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...can some share there experiences of meeting cc.comers for the first time in real life. HCL.gif



The scene: Arriving at a crag parking lot/base of a route/a bar...


The conversation:


Me: "Hi, I'm sobo."

Them: "Oh, so you're that stoopid motherfucker."

Me: "E-yup!"


My reputation precedes me. smirk.gif

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A few weeks ago we walked up to the high camp in Boston Basin and just getting ready to leave were 8 climbers standing around in very warm clothes. One man had an accent that sounded european and was wearing full winter shell gortex with gaiters over them and a turtle neck shirt, a woman was ordering the rest to "shoulder your packs people" and 2 younger people hanging to the side either embarassed they were with this group or just tired of taking orders. ...I told my newbe friend in a wisper "this would be the mounties" I was sure as all hell on this and I was correct (I asked as I took their group photo). But that day we passed 4 other people in groups of 2 that had much lighter packs, were friendly but reserved and had to be jabbed with trecking poles to get anything out of them at all. Were these the cc.comers? I cannot bring myself to just ask somebody who is kind of vibing that their shit does not stink even though it does to find out if they are a cc.comer. No matter on all this and certainly just stupid wonderings but I know I am not the only one who has wondered this. wink.gif

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