Raindawg Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Quote I haven't posted trip reports / photos here in about a month partially because of my frustrations with certain posters on this site, and for now, I think I'll keep it that way. Apparently you weren't frustrated enough to keep you from initiating a topic RIDICULING another outdoor pursuit: Nordic Walking. And the topic of berry picking at Index was a veritable SPRAY MAGNET, although it did seem to be the BIG topic in the Rock Climbing Forum for quite some time. Carry on. Quote
counterfeitfake Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Quote Climbing is as much about humanity as it is the mountain And cc.com is as much about humanity as it is about BBS software. The reason you get hosed down on a regular basis is you keep acting like a melodramatic nerd and talking like you have a stick up your ass. What do you expect when you say something hoity-toity like "I can think of 8 off the top of my head" or "Will the 'abusers' voluntarily control themselves if consensus dictates as such?" Your past experiences show that you should expect to get sprayed down, but yet you're endlessly surprised. I'm a noob and I am not afraid of CC.com. This is the internet. It's public. People post on the internet. Some people are assholes. If you run crying whenever someone is a little rough with you, maybe you'd better not go out in public. There are good content and people here and it's not too hard to sort out the crap. Quote
RideT61 Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Gary, keep posting. Your pics are great and keep me stoked to get out and climb. Keep posting. As for the spray, it can be annoying if you let it get to you, it can also be good for a laugh if you change your perspective. Quote
counterfeitfake Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Yes, your pictures do rule. Quote
mattp Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 I realize I'm a little late in the game, after four pages, but I think Gary raises a valid and, for cc.com, important issue. As I read it, Gary's initial thesis was that more people would post trip reports and offer useful information if cc.com was more civilized, and I think this is true. I know dozens of climbers who rarely post here or who have quit posting because of the inane, obnoxious, or downright rude treatment that even the most serious topics sometimes draw on cc.com. If we were a little more consistent about segregating the wheat from the chaff, I think we probably would see broader participation. My view is that if some guy posts yet the fifth trip report about Mount Stuart in two weeks and you find this boring - you should scroll on past. If some guy puts his foot in his mouth while asking a dumb question about what knot to use for a belay anchor, you really don't have to smack him in order to bask in the knowledge that you are superior. On the other hand, ChucK said it on page one of this thread and I agree: there has been greater restraint recently than at some periods in the past, and in fact we DO have quite a lively and varied discussion here as well as many of us are able to waste all day at work or perpetrate a bait and bash any time we want. Two years ago, I don't think that someone would have gotten a helpful response if they asked what kind of boots to wear for a climb of the standard route on Mount Adams, or what kind of bolts to use in conglomerate. Meanwhile, you can find a partner for an evening workout or contact information for the bush pilot who will serve your next expedition, and the site has become the home for most reports of new alpine climbs in the region. Quote
counterfeitfake Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 I guess I shouldn't argue before knowing the facts, so I just looked through the first 2 pages of trip reports. I saw first ascents, I saw dog routes, I saw 5.11 and I saw scrambling. I saw some of the same routes over and over. I saw awesome pictures, I saw a lot of stoke, back patting and congratulations, I saw beta being shared. The only spray I saw was in pope's TR. There might be some jerks here and there might be more spray than we really need. But can't understand being reluctant to post a TR because you are worried about how it will be received. Quote
RuMR Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 dammit Matt...pick a side...yay or nay not maybe! Quote
cj001f Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Quote But can't understand being reluctant to post a TR because you are worried about how it will be received. And if you've spent time on other websites/forums/bulletainboards etc you'd see there isn't a correlation. Quote
mattp Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 I don't think you are correct there, CJ. Certainly, some people will post whether or not they are going to be flipped a bunch of crap, so maybe you mean traffic volume is not necessarily directly related to spray tolerance? You don't really mean that nobody could ever be discouraged by how their posts are received - do you? Quote
cj001f Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Quote I don't think you are correct there, CJ. Certainly, some people will post whether or not they are going to be flipped a bunch of crap, so maybe you mean traffic volume is not necessarily directly related to spray tolerance? You don't really mean that nobody could ever be discouraged by how their posts are received - do you? mattp- I've spent almost 10 years on web forums.Like clockwork everycouple of years on a forum people bitch about it declining, and the spray or whatever driving people away. Sometimes they change something (heavier moderation, memberships, etc), sometimes they don't. Sometimes the members respond to these tactics, sometimes they don't. The best predictor of 'content', in my experience, is user activity. The more people who use the forum, the more content there is. I'm not saying you can't garden to modify the ratio slightly; but it's only slight. Quote
plexus Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Quote As I read it, Gary's initial thesis was that more people would post trip reports and offer useful information if cc.com was more civilized, and I think this is true. I know dozens of climbers who rarely post here or who have quit posting because of the inane, obnoxious, or downright rude treatment that even the most serious topics sometimes draw on cc.com. If we were a little more consistent about segregating the wheat from the chaff, I think we probably would see broader participation. My view is that if some guy posts yet the fifth trip report about Mount Stuart in two weeks and you find this boring - you should scroll on past. If some guy puts his foot in his mouth while asking a dumb question about what knot to use for a belay anchor, you really don't have to smack him in order to bask in the knowledge that you are superior. You can try to have as enlightened of a crowd as you could want, but CC.com utopia will still not exist. People know stupid comments when they see them. And if they get worked up about it, then they choose to. Quote
plexus Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Forgot to add, this is still the best thing out there in cyberspace, dancing Hello Kitties and all!! =) Quote
plexus Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 The second picture almost looks like a Photoshop altered pic of Cutthroat to me. Quote
ericb Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 As a noob, generally, my TR's have been well received despite the moderate nature of my alpine climbing. I did get flack for my Vesper TR, but it was in the context of a greater politics/religion/ideological debate, so I guess the gloves come off there. I've also chatted a bit with some other CCers and learned for the most part not to take anything too seriously, and to feel free to completely ignore the comments from some. Experience has also shown who posts TRs with useful information and who just seems to be a big fan of themselves. I've also read some TRs from the "self-lovers" (that were nothing but chest beating) that I thought for sure would draw serious fire, and folks were pretty gracious and complimentary. I guess the thing that confuses me is that this some in this community can be so prejudiced against someone because of their religious beliefs and intolerant of people with different ideological bents, but yet tolerant, and even gracious to some narcissistic, chest-beating tool. Quote
Cobra_Commander Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 I love the top-secret-new-proj-hush-hush stuff whispered round here too, 'cause the masses are going to descend on it otherwise Quote
Cobra_Commander Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 it's amazing people still drive by renton though! Quote
Alpinfox Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Quote I did get flack for my Vesper TR... you did? I don't see it. Quote ...I've also read some TRs from the "self-lovers" (that were nothing but chest beating) that I thought for sure would draw serious fire, and folks were pretty gracious and complimentary. An example please? Quote ...some in this community can be so ... gracious to some narcissistic, chest-beating tool. An example please? -Self-loving-narcisistic-tool-chestbeatingFox Quote
RuMR Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 god...i loved that girth pillar tr...somebody please dig up that gem for old times sake! Quote
G-spotter Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Look, religious hatred. Bust out the fatwas! Quote
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