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Bubba and Dems Upset over ABC Mini-Series.


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.... my own irrelevant and somewhat ordinary political views.....





I don't think your political views are "ordinary" at all. Most ordinary Americans don't believe network producers should be threatened with imprisonment for expressing their freedoms in the form of drama. History is always viewed through the prism of the author. Hell, I suspect I could even find fault with Ken Burns' Civil War documentary if I tried hard enough.


Your views on first ammendment freedoms are terrifying.

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JayB, I'm not sure that Disney/ABC has the right under federal law to unaccountably reserve the public airwaves to broadcast $40 million in free advertising for one exclusive political party.


We do have election and political campaign laws, as well as regulations on the fair use of public airwaves for political purposes. While free speech issues are necessarily involved, these laws exist just the same and they have withstood constitutional challenges in the highest courts -- note the successful challenge to the dissemination of propaganda by the Bush adminsitration during its prior term in offfice, for example.


I agree that the defamatory and partisan content of the production is certainly NOT grounds by itself for censure, but it is compelling evidence that the show literally comprises political advertising and that Disney/ABC is therefore acting in violation of existing election laws and fair-use provisions enforcable by the FCC.


Please note that this production includes plans to disseminate the information as a historical account to schools accompanied by "educational materials" to be sent out to 100,000 highschool teachers. While you may remain unpersuaded by my statements in regard to the free speech issues, I think you will concur that this is an extraordinary event!


The show has yet to be aired, but the show about the show, the metashow, if you will, is already impressive and has already incited an amazing amount of political discourse on the Internet and in broadcast and cable news media. Even as a liberal, I have followed developments in the metashow on the conservative FoxNews, and the topography of the media response to criticism has been diverse and intensive even there. Thus we see evidence that "a legion of private citizens, columnists, etc," is indeed working hard to expose the apparent travesty.


For whatever it's worth, one view from the political left: http://www.usalone.com/stacey/pnum493.php



Cheers wave.gif

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Matt, Jim, Cj, and W must have been just as upset when "The Reagans" was scheduled for broadcast a couple years back. rolleyes.gif ...And isn't Sandy Berger a convicted felon? Something about stealing secret documents related to 9/11 from the national archives two or three years ago? Hey, did any of you folks see Michael Moore's "Farenheit 911"? I hear it was really factual and raw. hellno3d.gif



Listen you ignorant fucktard - I don't give a fuck what they broadcast on TV Left, right, center is pablum for retards like yourself and the rest of the Tacoma burbs of drooling dolts. As for Ronnie Raygun the Retard - no suprise his library is in the epicenter of bland burb bordeom - Simi Valley, populated by simians.

Edited by cj001f
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Wonderful reply. Is that you talking - or the alcohol again? thumbs_down.gif


Bring 'em on!


The words of a sober genius, or a drunken fucktard?


America has the democracy it's earned. Let it rot. Back to mountains:








Nothing goes with splenetic nihilism better than...mountains.

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It appears the upcoming ABC mini-series, “The Path to 9/11,” set to air on the eve of the five-year anniversary of September 11 has Democrats in a turmoil. The mini-series will discuss the events and origins that lead to the terrible events of September 11, 2001.


“The Path to 9/11,” a five-hour dramatization laying out the history of the Sept. 11 plot from the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, will be aired over two nights on the anniversary of the attack next week by ABC Television.


Although I didn't watch it, there was a similar program on CBC Newsworld on Sunday, and it repeats again tonight.


From CBC.ca:


The Secret History of 9/11


To mark the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the CBC presents a two hour documentary The Secret History of 9/11.


The extraordinary tale of intrigue and espionage begins with the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. The Secret History of 9/11 provides a look at the long, secret war waged against al-Qaeda from the White House, the CIA and the FBI, and examines the key intelligence failures that allowed the 9/11 plot to happen. Interviews include Richard Clarke (Chief of Counterterrorism at the White House) Mike Scheuer (the head of the CIA Bin Laden Unit) and Gary Schroen (the CIA field agent who was trying to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden throughout the 1990s).


Watch a riveting minute-by-minute account of what was going on behind the scenes on 9/11. There was confusion in air traffic control, a failure to promptly notify the military about hijacked planes, and a breakdown in communications around the President. George W. Bush was reduced to trying to contact Washington on a borrowed cell phone. The presidential order to shoot down any further hijacked airliners never reached the fighter pilots who could have carried out the order.

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The presidential order to shoot down any further hijacked airliners never reached the fighter pilots who could have carried out the order.


Hmm... that's weird. In "The Path to 9/11", I seem to recall Dick Cheney is talking with some air force dude via video screen, and who's in contact with the pilots, when Dick gets the message from Bush for shootdown orders.

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If I recall correctly, Clinton had several opportunities to whack OBL, but was not ready to assassinate him . . .


"In 1981, President Reagan, through Executive Order 12333, reiterated [it was first signed into law by President Ford] the assassination prohibition:


2.11 No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination."

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