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Masticated Gear


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my dog enjoyed a $40 pair of gloves yesterday. he extricated them from the black hole of a hockey bag, which remained unpacked from the weekend. [sigh] yes, i accept contributory negligence. this is just a fraction of a list of ghastly crime scenes i've returned to:


energy bars/power gels...untold numbers,

silnylon sacks....lost count,

lovingly customized belay gloves (2 sets), and

aforementioned, fricken expensive winter gloves.


what's your domistic destructo been up to?


don't make me feel worse cry.gif

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My friend and hiking mate 'Ringo' nearly chewed through the waist belt on my rucksac, that wasn't so bad but he also pissed on it.


What's worse the wife said I DESERVED it cuz I left the smelly thing by the front door (where I dropped it two days prior) so what did I expect? Now I know she was a wee bit miffed that I was a few measly hours late...I explained that I simply couldn't meet the turn-a-round time, the summit was right there!

well anyway, if you see a Lowe pack listed in the yard sale...it isn't the same one... hahaha.gif

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A snaf.gif built a nest in the glovebox of my car and used my proof of insurance card and registration as nesting material. Of course, I didn't discover this until pulled over by the police for having expired tags one night.


"Um... yeah officer.... uh.... a mouse seems to have eaten all of my paperwork".


$700 ticket.



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I think i've gotten off relatively easy in this dept. My dog is 2.5 and until a couple of weeks ago had not destroyed anything. I was packing for a trip and as usual had all my gear spread out all over the dining room. She picked up my brand new ear warmer things and decided the destroy them. I was SO pissed because I've wanted those things for years but was too cheap to buy them. I'd picked them up on killer sale at REI just 2 days before so I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. So that made it especially painful when I heard the 'crunch crack' sound of teeth on plastic. BAD DOG!!! She totalled them. She's lucky she's cute.

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The classic Yosemite scenario:


Euros fly in to LA, rent a car, load it up with groceries and gear for a week in the valley to do a bigwall. They drive up to camp 4 parking, arriving late at night. They throw down their bags in the woods, and wake up the next morning to the following series of events:


Bears have broken windows, ripped doors, and popped the trunk (or torn out back seat) to get to the food, which is gone with trash strewn about. Easy access to the gear finds the car pretty picked over by the valley rats, as well.

The rental car is destroyed, so a healthy towing fee is involved to get the vehicle out of the Park. Then the ranger shows up and writes tickets for littering and keeping food in the vehicle.


Vacation ruined.

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