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Pubclub Pushup Contest


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Nothing like a Guiness and some pushups, it's turning into a worldwide phenononom. See what you started?


Here's something to shoot for: 114 fingertip pushups in 60 seconds, the record was just set and I was thinking of you all.


Indian style





I wonder if he used his knees for all of them?



Ahhhhh Guiness..... bigdrink.gif

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is this most pushups in 2 minutes? there's "regulation" pushups where hands must be shoulder length apart, elbows must straighten on the up and shoulders must go below elbos on the down. who is going to ref? (and will that person by myopic/nearsighted/just flew in from superbowl?)


short guys with short arms have a distinct advantage at pushups. tall guys with long arms will usually suck at pushups. so whoever wins will probably be short.

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Just to end the suspense I know you're all suffering...I won.


When last seen, Oily was quivering uselessly on the tavern floor.


Please hold your applause for me- I don't need to elevate myself any further in the eyes of the public. Simply take this opportunity to extend a hand of kindness to poor OC; he needs you now more than ever.


Pushup Champion Squid

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Just to end the suspense I know you're all suffering...I won.


When last seen, Oily was quivering uselessly on the tavern floor.


Please hold your applause for me- I don't need to elevate myself any further in the eyes of the public. Simply take this opportunity to extend a hand of kindness to poor OC; he needs you now more than ever.


Pushup Champion Squid


uhh...those weren't pushups. and I let you win. most people have to pay for that sort of stuff, but I got it for free.


for reals people, who is coming to a pubclub next week. I need to know in advance so that we can have an extended arguement over the venue. And I want to have it on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. At the Sloop.

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