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The following is a quote from a relative of a deceased miner.


"Three hours later he come back and said they wasn't."


Ignoring the context of the mining accident, isn't it embarrassing that in a country as rich and modern as ours, we can't get full-blooded Americans to demonstrate elementary-school-level understanding of verbs?


I wonder if there's some more evil underpinning, e.g. mining companies know that they need to exploit undereducated impoverished workers, so there's no incentive to promote education, economic growth, etc., in the area.

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hey gary...you should shut the fuck up...you understand very little about people...isn't that embarrassing?


I understand plenty about people. For example, you're an asshole.


And to clarify, I'm not criticizing the quoted person and their neighbors -- I'm criticizing the system the failed them.

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isn't it embarassing that some small psuedo intellectual is cold and callous enough in their heart to ignore the context of the mining accident to try and belittle the speech of humble hard working people who are ungulfed in grief only hours old.


so very small.

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Gary, I agree with you about our nation's poor command of the English language--but couldn't you have picked a less inflammatory example?


I'm reading a book about globalism by a Georgtown economics professor. It doesn't appear to have been copyedited. She makes reference to "quotas on womens' and girls' overcoats"--and that's just one example.


I see mistakes all over the place. It's not just poor people working in coal mines. There are mistakes in The New York Times every day. There are mistakes in the Wall Street Journal (regularly, but not as often as the Times.) Journalists are some of the worst offenders. Next are billboard sign writers.

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I don't read Gary's post as belittling anybody. True, poor grammar is not necessarily indicative of a lack of sophistication or whatever (look at our president), and Gary may have made an assumption that some of you feel is not justified, but those of you who read "insult" into Gary's post are making your own assumptions too. He didn't call the speaker stupid, ignorant, or really anything necessarily perjorative except that he assumed that workers exposed to documented and uncorrected safety hazards in a coal mine are probably being taken advantage of.

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hey gary...you should shut the fuck up...you understand very little about people...isn't that embarrassing?


I understand plenty about people. For example, you're an asshole.


And to clarify, I'm not criticizing the quoted person and their neighbors -- I'm criticizing the system the failed them.


hmmmm...i'm an asshole?? Well, guess i have to agree with that, but then again I KNOW what i am...you on the other hand, are an imbecilic tool of an idiot...you total fuckwad...consider yourself informed of what a piece of shit you are...


now go play with your slide rule, bitch! madgo_ron.gif


I have a lot of relatives that are what you might consider "uneducated" and are also absolutley brilliant, competent, hard working people...

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isn't it embarassing that some small psuedo intellectual is cold and callous enough in their heart to ignore the context of the mining accident to try and belittle the speech of humble hard working people who are ungulfed in grief only hours old.


so very small.


Dang Gary - I can't think of a worse situation to make your point with.



All mining occurs in areas are that are a ways from population centers, and the wages that they pay are often substantially higher than those available in any other line of work in those areas. Mining companies, like most other entities that require people to do things that are dirty and dangerous, generally have to pay a premium in order to attract and keep workers. Same deal as the oil-platform workers, undersea welders, crab fishermen on the Bering-sea, etc.

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While completing my research in western Maryland and W. VA for a few years I had the privilege of becoming acquainted with a number of folks in the mining community. Some of them were brighter than others, like any group of folks. Sure they had less education but given the issues they dealt with you would choose mining as a career given the limited choices. If the economy ever does a total tank I would trust that these folks could fend for themselves better than your or I. They could fix anything - if they didn't have a part they would make it - including screws. These folks worked harder than almost any job I've known about. I was taken into a couple of deep mines (bat stuff) and whoa! - I would never want to do that work. What impressed me the most was their graciousness. A howdy, pat on the back, and always an invitation to dinner. W. VA is a poor state with little resources and limited opportunities. If you've ever had to work with you hands and back you appreciate that you've managed to move beyond that type of work but have a great deal of empathy for those less fortunate.

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Here are some stats about rural West Virginia.


30% over 25 have not completed high school. (The good news is this is down from 50% in 1980.)



The poverty rate is around 20%. Some counties go over 30%.


To compare, King County is under 10%, and the most impoverished county in WA is Okanagan at 18%.


It's embarrassing that our country hasn't done more to help them.

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"In an era of homogenity I find regional variations of grammar and syntax very interesting and noteworthy - and that feeble minded academic pedants are among the few who care about lapses."



I agree- often "incorrect" usage is more expressive, concise and poetic, if you're not prejudiced towards it as a form. Consider many of Bob Dylan's lyrics- "incorrect", but true, and cutting to the bone..

Edited by crazy_t
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Jay -

Ever seen the big hole in Butte Montana, or heard about the salt mines beneath Detroit? Your statement about ALL mining taking place exclusively in remote areas is simply incorrect and I wonder if you know what you are talking about with the wages, too. I'd be willing to guess that those who work in a West Virginia coal mine are not paid a great wage, though I suppose it may be higher than the guy pumping gas or working in the local grocery store -- do you have any information on this? Note: I'm pretty sure that day laborers in Seattle make no "premium" wages, but you can get guys to do any dirty job you want if you drive down a certain block on Western Avenue.

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Oh come on Matt. Yes, I guess you can get all academic and logically separate the two items. Ignore the context and all, but...


On some level you must agree, that someone who reads this tragic story, then decides to fire off a missive about the poor grammar of the grieving family member surely is, as they say, "socially retarded".

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Here are some stats about rural West Virginia.


30% over 25 have not completed high school. (The good news is this is down from 50% in 1980.)



The poverty rate is around 20%. Some counties go over 30%.


To compare, King County is under 10%, and the most impoverished county in WA is Okanagan at 18%.


It's embarrassing that our country hasn't done more to help them.


Those statistics have nothing to do with intelligence. How many times did we vote on the Monorail?

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