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Tooth Ache in my Ass


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That's what it feels like anyway. It started out as a subtle little nervy jolt when I lifted my leg to get out of bed for the past few weeks. The last two days it's been more pronounced. This morning I was planning to head up to Crystal, but it took all my effort just to get out of bed. Bending down to put on a sock was painful, and I'm not even gonna bring up squatting down onto the toilet. Is this consistent with a pinched psiatic nerve?

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My experience with sciatica was a pain in the ass (literally) and pain down the left leg, and it wound down the outside of the leg, across the shin and into the big toe.


Was there an event that preceded this (fall, bad twist, bending down, etc)? Go see a chiro and/or your MD.

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  • 2 months later...

if dr doug's analysis is correct, then the problem is painful but not particularly bad for you. Just pain. My gf has had a really bad case and she was informed by a doctor that it hurts, but thats it, no tearing or anything like that. I believe the pain is from the nerve rubbing against tthe muscle. And get this; it is exascerbated by sitting down. oops, jsut noticed this post is kinda old. toast, sis you ever get sciatica confirmed by a doctor? good luck with it.

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And, let me add, that I had a very good chiropractor who could cure me with a single crack for many years, but he retired and I've never found another one who could replicate whatever it was that he was doing. Either that or my problem changed.

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I'm all fixed up, a quick visit to my chiropractor for an adjustment, a nice walk after to settle in the adjustment, and some core exercises for a week or two, and I'm as good as new. My back gets out of whack when I'm not active enough grin.gif

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Toast: my back goes toast when 3 things combine.


1) Poor eating habits: (think excessive Mcdonalds)

2) Stress: Work, money, relationships: you know that story.

3) Sleep: poor position or lack of.


I need to effect change on those and see a chripractor.


It took a surprising amount of years for me to figure me out, so good luck on what is your true core issues are Toast.

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