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Heh. At some point in my thesis, after bashing my head against a wall for quite some time, my advisor came out with "If I'd known this was going to be so hard, I wouldn't have set you off doing it". Small comfort from the man who already had his diploma and job in hand.

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Get a hold on your life. I'm tired of your bitching.


Yeah I'm going to go with E on this.


Come on Gary, every person you meet has bs in their life. Why are you special? Get a different advisor, get a job and forget about grad school, or suck it up and take it.

those are the first three obvious options.


But please please please quit whining. wave.gif

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Two years ago a project I was working on with my advisor fizzled out. My advisor contended that I gave up to early, and I contended that he led me down a wild goose chase.


This weekend, as a corollary to some other work I was doing, I proved that what we were trying to do was impossible. the_finger.gif


You should have done this two years ago, then.

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Don't tell me your still under the impression that research is supposed to work, and do things like give you reasonable data , and makes sense are you? I know a pour sould who's in the fifth year of masters degree because he keeps hoping to get "good" data. Poor guy.


I finally just ignored the 3/5's of my data that I didn't like, and now it all makes perfect sense smile.gif

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If you know how it's going to turn out, it isn't research. Dead ends are a valuable and inevitable part of grad school.


Oh yes. But the point here was that my advisor accused me two years ago of giving up too early, saying I could have found a way through had I persevered, and I just proved him wrong.


I don't know what's with all you fuckers saying that I'm whining -- I was bouncing up and down on cloud nine when I discovered this, and I was merely sharing my glee.

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Oh yes. But the point here was that my advisor accused me two years ago of giving up too early, saying I could have found a way through had I persevered, and I just proved him wrong.


I don't know what's with all you fuckers saying that I'm whining -- I was bouncing up and down on cloud nine when I discovered this, and I was merely sharing my glee.


From one who knows: Crying Wolf.

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A classic tidbit today:


(I sent my advisor some ideas an an email a few days ago.)


Him, interrupting my analysis of the Zuu matrices: But what if we could improve the stability by (idea that I sent him in email)?


Me: Yeah, that's a really good idea!

Wait for the real world when they patent it.

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I saw a corollary of this is at a workshop once. My advisor was describing a problem he was going to work on to some grad student of a colleague. Toady Grad Student immediately bolted off to Worshipped Advisor describing how they could do this problem NOW, knowing full well that it would take my advisor a couple of month's work to start getting results. He didn't discuss research problems with anyone after that. Toady Grad Student is now chairman of the department at UC Berkeley.

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