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COVINGTON, Louisiana (Reuters) - First lady Laura Bush joined her husband in defending his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday and said it was possible some critics were being sexist in their opposition to Harriet Miers.


"That's possible, I think that's possible," Mrs. Bush said when asked on NBC's "Today Show" whether criticism that Miers lacked intellectual heft were sexist in nature. She said Miers' accomplishments as a lawyer were a role model to young women.




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isn't that one of those 'emotional' arguments that KK keeps harping on about?


Nope, this tactic has nothing to do with emotion. Playing the race/gender/whatever card seems to be par for the course in American politics these days. If a Dem nominated a minority to a position, and the Republicans challenged it, you would hear a deafening cacophony of charges that the opposition was due to race/gender/sexual orientation. It is all very Machiavellian.

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There's an interesting precedent for the response to nomination. Apparently LBJ also nominated a candidate that was perceived to have few qualifications outside of being an LBJ crony, and his own party prevented the nomination from going forward.

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i don't give a damn if she's a martian, what bothers me more is the attitude of 'trust me, she's the best candidate' without giving any reasons why. this would bother me left, right, or whatever. more people should be upset by this. this is a lifetime job with incredible influence and they want to give it to someone about whom very little is known? would you vote for your mayor like that? i don't think so. bush should be more forthcoming about appointees like this and not invoke the cone of silence with a wink and a nudge. i'd think more of the mainstream republicans would be in an uproar instead of rallying round the wagons.

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i don't give a damn if she's a martian, what bothers me more is the attitude of 'trust me, she's the best candidate' without giving any reasons why. this would bother me left, right, or whatever. more people should be upset by this. this is a lifetime job with incredible influence and they want to give it to someone about whom very little is known? would you vote for your mayor like that? i don't think so. bush should be more forthcoming about appointees like this and not invoke the cone of silence with a wink and a nudge. i'd think more of the mainstream republicans would be in an uproar instead of rallying round the wagons.


many conservatisms are concerned about this nomination and have spoken up already.

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If a Dem nominated a minority to a position, and the Republicans challenged it, you would hear a deafening cacophony of charges that the opposition was due to race/gender/sexual orientation.


that is because it is likely to be true.


Liberals are some of the most sexist/racist people I've met.






Yes, your average liberal is clearly more sexist and racist than your average white republican-voting southerner. hahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gif

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Liberals are some of the most sexist/racist people I've met.


Yeah, not like those 'women belong in the kitchen, hate all immigrants' right wingers..... rolleyes.gif

That's about the dumbest thing I've heard you say. Though I can always wait until you open your mouth again.

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Liberals are some of the most sexist/racist people I've met.


Yeah, not like those 'women belong in the kitchen, hate all immigrants' right wingers..... rolleyes.gif

That's about the dumbest thing I've heard you say. Though I can always wait until you open your mouth again.


Uh huh. Liberals keep track of everyone's race. Who was nominated for that position/promoted to that job/won that tournament? Oooh another WHITEY CRACKER? Damn, that figures. blah blah blah. People who keep track of everyone's race at every turn are in fact racist themselves. People who simply live and don't worry about what someone's race is whether it be for a political position or a CEO at a company, your boss, whatever, are not.


Liberals love to throw shit on everyone on the right. Turnabout is fair play. Want to call all southerners or conservatives in general racists with impunity? Piss off. The grace period is over on all that bullshit. I see just as much racism from lefties. Even more if you consider the arrogance that underlies social positions that hold that minorities need someone to take care of them. moon.gif

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In general, I don't call people anything unless they deserve it. People, as a group, aren't bad or evil. It's individuals that are. There are fine people on the left and the right. There are also people who are stupid hateful ignorant fools in both groups. You, I fear, fall into the latter.

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