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Anonymous Avatars


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Most avatars on cc.com are anonymous. The user name gives no hint of who the poster actually is, and you get no real contact information or identity if you check the user profile. Most posters here seem to think that is a good thing, allowing fun and freedom of expression. On balance that may be so. I don't know.


In a thread today, one guy denied that he was not trying to conceal his identity in failing to provide his identification information in his user profile or in his screen name. Others have made similar arguments in past discussions of this topic and, when pressed, they sometimes say "OK - my name is Mr. Smith -- are you happy now" but then they resume posting anonymously knowing that nobody reading their posts except the few who read that thread on that particular day or those who spend all day every day on this site know who they actually are.


I'm not arguing for a change in cc.com policy. This site is built around the anonymous avatar. Just don't pretend you are being all up front and taking responsibility for what you are saying when you are not.

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Blah, blah, blah. Stupid legalese minutiae. most people know who I am, as well as Pope, Dwayner, PP, Rumr, Archenemy, Capt. Caveman, etc., etc., etc. You don't have to be a rocket scientist. You were just looking for a reason to bust Ben's chops - deservedly so given the swipes he took at you on his way out. Now drop it.

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I don't think Ben was actually trying to be secretive in his exit, the new avatar is clearly linked to him elsewhere, but he was hoping to unveil a more circumspect side of himself. However, the cranky bits are attached to him, not some avatar, so he sounds like the same old guy. I doubt that he would be reticent to reveal his actual name if queried via PM.


I don't know that most people know who you are Mr. CJZ, but again, you're not hard to find. For me it's one degree of separation, I know Kurt (AlpineK, who's really quite public behind his avatar), and Kurt knows you, so I know that you're both a real person and reachable if need be. From what I've read, I'd be surprised if you were upset about having your real name attached to your online persona.


On the other hand, some folks are furious about having their real names linked to their strident online opinions. You know who you are, and I do too. This approach does tend to reduce the value of one's opinion to that of a pig fart in hell.


The actual identity behind many vociferous posters is identifiable if one is a patient observer, and ultimately many of us do assume personal responsiblity for the poses we strike. I think Matt's point is that there is a difference between insider knowledge of members of the club and stepping up to say that "I'm Bill Coe (or Dave Schuldt, or Mike Layton, or David Parker, or Darin Berdinka, or Michael Stanton, etc) and this is what I think" in a manner that connects opinion with real world identity. It's easy to talk shit behind a screen that only your friends can penetrate, and quite another to fully own your own spray.


This is of course offset by the entertainment offered by puppets manipulated by master sprayers like Dru or Olyclimber, whose oft unrecognized efforts hilariaze many of us.


Then there's me, posting under a nickname that's perhaps more widely known in the real world than my banking name, not offering any email contact outside the confines of this board, yet hosting a weekly public event in my front yard.


Not a week goes by that I don't shake my head and mutter to myself, "takes a lot of colors to make a rainbow."

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Will the real JZ please stand up, please stand up.


The real JZ doesn't post. Outside of looking at email and a few other mundain things on the internet he's not involved. In fact he only climbs when me and or CJZ take him.


Right now I imagine he's stressed out about finding an employee, the new addition to his house, and what his teenage daughter is doing. hahaha.gif

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What would cc be without Harry Pi? smile.gif And how about that russian avatar with thename from sienfeld, what was his name again? that was great! smile.gif

milosh! the hardcore-every-day-i'm-training-to-be-the-worlds-greatest-russian-clibmer guy! the whole country's gone to hell since he dropped out of site....

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Unlike most of you, I post anonymously to be taken more seriously. In my 9-to-5, I'm a famous porn star. While that might seem like a bed of roses to some of you, believe me when I say the luster soon wears off. A porn star lives with the curse of knowing no one ever listens to a word you say. Hell, half the time I think y'all turn the sound off..


Hey! Look into MY EYES when I'm talking.


Anyway, I post anonymously because I believe I have meaningful contributions to our thoughtful discussions on bolting ethics, foreign policy, and even dating etiquette. The few times I tried posting in my real identity, my inbox kept getting flooded with lewd and inappropriate comments. (Yes, it is real, and no, I don't go both ways).


Sincerely, sensually,


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CJZ, I'd be willing to bet that most posters here in fact DO NOT know who you are, or who brts, Pope, Dwayner, PP, Rumr, Archenemy, Capt. Caveman, etc. are. Further, I bet MANY regular posters, including some who feel they are "insiders" here, wonder about the identities of most if not all of these individuals.


It isn't a legalistic splitting of hairs: there is a fundamental difference between providing your identity or not -- offwhite's self-examination notwithstanding.


I agree with offwhite that there are a lot of different colors in the rainbow, and everybody has different reasons for concealing their identity but at least four of the six posters you named have gotten extremely upset whenever anybody brought their real name into a thread. Paradoxically, some of them and several other individuals who conceal their identity engage in personal attacks using their target's real name as a tactic for intimidation.


Anonymity is a big part of the charm of cc.com, and indeed it is part of the fun around here, but I believe that some posters abuse it.

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....unlike those anonymous MODERATORS, minx, off white, Peter Puget...the list goes on.


Focussing on someone's anonymity is just a weak left jab when you can't rebut their arguments with a solid right.


Since when have I been unwilling to rebut someone's arguments, Dru?


Spewing B.S. and diverting the subject like trying to rebut my argument here with an attack on "moderators" is for sure a sign of weakness. You've had offwhite celebrate the brilliance of your dazzling spray, and I'm not questionning that recognition which you very much deserve -- but don't push it.

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