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A Remorseless Rudolph Gets Life Sentence for Bombing at Clinic



Published: July 18, 2005


Eric Rudolph, who has confessed to the Atlanta Olympics bombing and three other explosions that killed two and injured 150, received two life sentences today for a fatal abortion clinic blast after angrily denouncing abortion and telling the federal court that "deadly force is needed to stop it."


Emily Lyons, the nurse wounded by Eric Rudolph's bomb, told him in court today, "Do I look afraid? You damaged my body, but you did not create the fear you sought."


Mr. Rudolph, a 38-year-old former Army explosives expert, pleaded guilty in April to setting off a bomb that injured a nurse, Emily Lyons, and killed a police officer, Robert Sanderson, outside the Woman All Women abortion clinic in Birmingham, Ala., in 1998.


He was sentenced to two consecutive life terms without parole today in a federal courtroom in Birmingham.


Judge C. Lynwood Smith of Federal District Court in Birmingham said Mr. Rudolph postured himself "as a superior human being" and compared him to the Nazis, who "sought to eradicate a segment of the population." He ordered him to pay $1,276,000 in damages to his victims.


Mr. Rudolph, who has not expressed any remorse, insisted in court that he would be "vindicated."


"What they did was participate in the murder and dismemberment of upward of 50 children a week," Mr. Rudolph said. "I will be vindicated - my actions in Birmingham that overcast day in January 1998 will be vindicated. As I go to a prison cell for a lifetime I know that I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith."


Under a plea agreement that allowed him to avoid the death penalty for the four bombings, Mr. Rudolph also confessed in April to the bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics that killed one woman and injured 111 people, and the bombing of a gay and lesbian nightclub and an abortion clinic in Atlanta in 1997.


He is scheduled to receive two life sentences without parole in August for the Atlanta blasts.

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well everything in the media is getting labeled as terrorism, so he must be a terrorist, right?

The media has scrupulously avoided calling him a terrorist, though they use that moniker for SUV bombing "eco-terrorists". Rudolph's a fanatic ideologue who believes using violence to meet his ends will be excused by god in the end. Got a better term than terrorist?

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he's a Nietzschean jihadist


excerpt from - Eric Rudolf writes home.


...'I prefer Nietzsche to the Bible'


"Many good people continue to send me money and books," Rudolph writes in an undated letter. "Most of them have, of course, an agenda; mostly born-again Christians looking to save my soul. I suppose the assumption is made that because I'm in here I must be a 'sinner' in need of salvation, and they would be glad to sell me a ticket to heaven, hawking this salvation like peanuts at a ballgame. I do appreciate their charity, but I could really do without the condescension. They have been so nice I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible."


Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, once declared "God is dead."

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There are no terrorists in US. In the US, the media and the government reserves the terrorist label strictly for muslims. Everyone else gets a sexy label for which they are remembered and immortalized for eternity.


There are:


Abortion Clinic Bomber


Oklahoma Bomber

DC Sniper



White Supremacists

Aryan Nation

Citizen Militia

Branch Davidians

IRA fundraisers



List goes on...


When not in the US, there are separatist militia, freedom fighters so on. Funny we do not read the term guerilla any more, seems out of fashion since the fall of the Soviet Union.



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In terms of sheer number, what is the greater crime against society? This philosophy of fighting (what he perceived as) evil with evil, or (what he perceived as)violence with violence is flawed when the general consensus is against you. But, it is the rare individuals who precede shifts in society.


I don't want to get in an argument condemning or condoning abortion. I currently hold the view that it should be legal but rare but perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court erred by not allowing the States to have to power to decide whether this medical procedure should be legal. I did call it a medical procedure because I personally am against it's use as a birth control measure in later stages of pregnancy. And, I don't have the numbers or details surrounding its usage.

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