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It's a Wonderful Day for Spray


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The news is just chock a block full of wonderfully spray-worthy items. If you all can't do something with this stuff, you don't deserve to call yourselves sprayers. Let's see what have we got?


We have the group of body piercers who hang from meat hooks who got tossed out of the Fremont Solstice Parade with the suggest they go try the Gay Pride Parade instead.


We have the story about Terry Schiavo's autopsy report. Enough said.


We have the story in Science Magazine about research into how Sherpas carry heavy loads. Cool.


Finally, we have a story about an imported breed of rodents (aka giant snaffles) called nutria on the loose in Skagit County.


It's a great, great day! fruit.gif

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We have the group of body piercers who hang from meat hooks who got tossed out of the Fremont Solstice Parade with the suggest they go try the Gay Pride Parade instead.

where's the pictures? I need pictures hellno3d.gif


We have the story about Terry Schiavo's autopsy report. Enough said.

I hope we never have to hear about her again


We have the story in Science Magazine about research into how Sherpas carry heavy loads. Cool.

ummm, they pick it up and carry them? That is how most people carry stuff confused.gif


Finally, we have a story about an imported breed of rodents (aka giant snaffles) called nutria on the loose in Skagit County.


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Nutria have been in SW Washington (in the Columbia) for years. Hardly news. They are bad news for marshes, native wildlife and dogs. You don't want your dog to get cornered by them. The dog might win the war but it'll likely get a few real big holes in its body from the big snaffle teeth.


By the way I kill everyone I see, everytime I see them.

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Nutria have been in SW Washington (in the Columbia) for years. Hardly news. They are bad news for marshes, native wildlife and dogs. You don't want your dog to get cornered by them. The dog might win the war but it'll likely get a few real big holes in its body from the big snaffle teeth.


By the way I kill everyone I see, everytime I see them.


Humans have been in SW Washington (in the Columbia) for years. Hardly news. They are bad news for marshes, native wildlife and sheep. You don't want sheep to get cornered by them. The sheep might win the war but it'll likely get a few real big holes in its body from the Polish guy.

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What about 42 year old Tom Cruise Proposing to 26 year old Katie Holmes in Paris?? hmm..now that's good news!! Good little catholic girl converting to sciencetology...hmm I give their marraige 1 year and 3 months...wages?? anyone??
What with the modern prenup, he can afford to upgrade.
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Good little catholic girl converting to sciencetology...hmm I give their marraige 1 year and 3 months...wages?? anyone??

Because of the philosophy of L. Ron? Because of Tom Cruising? Because of her aversion to bestiality? Because the Mayan calendar is off by five years?

Your speculative reasons?


I'm thinking Mr. Hubbard dubbed da faith "Scientology"... I could be wrong.

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For Gary Y:


"You're missing the ENTIRE point of joining a University Mountaineering Club:


Become the gear secretary spend the budget on your own climbing gear and trips to Font then buy some some second hand kit and pass it off as new gear for the freshers, Scare the shit out of them on their first trip out to a crag they never return to the club leaving just your mates the money and the gear...scam complete... we did this for 3 years running"

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For Gary Y:


"You're missing the ENTIRE point of joining a University Mountaineering Club:


Become the gear secretary spend the budget on your own climbing gear and trips to Font then buy some some second hand kit and pass it off as new gear for the freshers, Scare the shit out of them on their first trip out to a crag they never return to the club leaving just your mates the money and the gear...scam complete... we did this for 3 years running"


If they think that that is the prime benefit of running a university climbing club, they are really missing out. pitty.gif

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