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The problem with inpeachment


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I am not one much for conspiracy theories, and I did happen to hear about this book way back when. But maybe it was buried... Unfortunately, I don't think it would have made a difference. Obviously, people don't care--otherwise, how can we explain the support he got after his first term?

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No question you are right about that, Enemy. However, the degree to which these guys are manipulating the press and the public is truly staggering. And there is evidence which I would call "proof" of it all over the place. This is WAY more extensive and much more serious than a small team of burglars breaking into the democratic campaign headquarters to spy on election strategy or a presidential lie about a blow job.

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I always thought much of that was public news anyway. Most everyone knows that Bush had it out for Saddam long before WMD's and 9/11. The whole Vietnam thing was shrouded in mystery. Every politician has an agenda and skeletons in their closets that they try to wrangle their way out of...


Now having Bush's team bury this, well that is their job, just like Kerry's grades. The truth eventually comes out... Even though the trial is over, everyone knows OJ did it.

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i am disturbed by the extent to which bush has been able to manipulate the american public into giving him a free pass to play around with basic civil liberties. i only that the latest round of bad press and the memos from Britain gaining more media attention will help curb him. perhaps if his support in the public continues to dwindle those in congress will feel less obligated to do his bidding.

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No question you are right about that, Enemy. However, the degree to which these guys are manipulating the press and the public is truly staggering. And there is evidence which I would call "proof" of it all over the place. This is WAY more extensive and much more serious than a small team of burglars breaking into the democratic campaign headquarters to spy on election strategy or a presidential lie about a blow job.


I agree with you about the frightening and extensive control over what information is spoon-fed to us. Just looking at the small number of people who own the majority of communications is enough to give one pause.

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No question you are right about that, Enemy. However, the degree to which these guys are manipulating the press and the public is truly staggering. And there is evidence which I would call "proof" of it all over the place. This is WAY more extensive and much more serious than a small team of burglars breaking into the democratic campaign headquarters to spy on election strategy or a presidential lie about a blow job.


I agree with you about the frightening and extensive control over what information is spoon-fed to us. Just looking at the small number of people who own the majority of communications is enough to give one pause.


what's even scarier is to look at who those people are.

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It's truly stunning to think that (as that article implies) the true guiding motivation for the Iraq War was merely to gain domestic popularity for the regime.


If that were really true, then they should be impeached and put in jail (15,000 counts of reckless endangerment for starters).

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We have put too much faith in our Government.

We not recently displayed the kind of courage that was present in our founding fathers to insure the country is being run the we want it to be run. For this reason, the currently leadership is not afraid to do whatever they wish.

To set the government straight, now and past this administration, there needs to be more fear to balance it out again.

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No question you are right about that, Enemy. However, the degree to which these guys are manipulating the press and the public is truly staggering. And there is evidence which I would call "proof" of it all over the place. This is WAY more extensive and much more serious than a small team of burglars breaking into the democratic campaign headquarters to spy on election strategy or a presidential lie about a blow job.


I agree with you about the frightening and extensive control over what information is spoon-fed to us. Just looking at the small number of people who own the majority of communications is enough to give one pause.


Did you know that cascadeclimbers.com was property of Clear Channel?

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It's truly stunning to think that (as that article implies) the true guiding motivation for the Iraq War was merely to gain domestic popularity for the regime.


If that were really true, then they should be impeached and put in jail (15,000 counts of reckless endangerment for starters).


however to be impeached, one needs to have performed an offense to the constitution or law. As I understand (and I am far from an expert) the constitution gives the president (as commander in chief) the ability to send troops to battle regardless of reason. Furthermore, I believe that the president does not need congress to approve it. Congree basically only approve the budget, and give their nod that they approve of the plans.


The fault is that he sold the war to everyone as a search for WMD's, which was definitely part of the story but not much of it. As I see it, he took part of the truth and used that to sell his agenda, and kept many of the real reasons locked away... I find it hard to believe any politician, or anyone coming to my door to try to convince me to back any political purpose.

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Listen to yourselves! :masturbating graemlins:


Bush isn't going to be impeached or removed from office. And even if he were, Cheyney would actually be a better president from my perspective. This would set him up nicely for a run in 2008. Careful what you wish for, losers.


FYI: I think re-runs of The West Wing are airing on Sunday nights. Martin Sheen might be a suitable and therapeutic distraction for all y'all. cry.gifcry.gifmoon.gifmoon.gif

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Let's face it, Cheney already is president and was from the beginning. Bush is just the spokes-puppet.


Cheney needs to be taken down, just like Agnew under Nixon. Perhaps finally revealing that the "energy policy" was actually written by the industry the policy was meant to control, like Enron? Sadly, as objectionable as that is, there might not be a crime in there that would put Cheney away. Since Agnew got in trouble for tax evasion, maybe some sort of "follow the money" exercise on Cheney might dig something up.


Heck, if you want to keep Cheney from running in 2008, just have him stroll by a microwave oven. fruit.gif

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...however to be impeached, one needs to have performed an offense to the constitution or law...


The United States Constitution, Artical II, Section 4: "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."


In the wake of current events, now being asked are the following questions:


"Is it a High Crime to engage in a conspiracy to deceive and mislead the United States Congress and the American people about the basis for taking the nation into a war?"


"Is it a High Crime to manipulate intelligence so as to allege falsely a national security threat posed to the United States as a means of trying to justify a war against another nation based on 'preemptive' purposes?"


"Is it a High Crime to commit a felony via the submission of an official report to the United States Congress falsifying the reasons for launching military action?"



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Listen to yourselves! :masturbating graemlins:


Bush isn't going to be impeached or removed from office. And even if he were, Cheyney would actually be a better president from my perspective. This would set him up nicely for a run in 2008. Careful what you wish for, losers.


FYI: I think re-runs of The West Wing are airing on Sunday nights. Martin Sheen might be a suitable and therapeutic distraction for all y'all. cry.gifcry.gifmoon.gifmoon.gif


Fat Dick has a bad heart. I don't think he would run.

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So who's up on their Watergate history? We all know that Woodward/Bernstein with the help of Deep Throat broke the story but who brought the charges? Any PS scholars out there? I'm guessing it was a democrat but was it someone from the Rep. party? I'm being lazy. I remember some of the names like Dean (white house counsel right?) I suppose I should read the book (or wait for DT's upcoming one).

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FW ya got yer head up her arse if you think Cheney is runnin in 2008. No Fing way will the repubs put him up in front of the american people as the candidate. Too fat, too beady eyed, too corporate pig, too rich, too arrogant. Jeb and Frist may have to slug it out behind the scenes to see who gets the nod.

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