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IN MY MOST HUMBLE OPINION THE BEST CHIROPRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON LIVES IN LEAVENWORTH>>>>worth the drive to Bavarian Chiropractic Clinic, off Highway 2 by bridge leaving Ltown towards wenatchee. Dr. Tom is the name and straight shooting is his game. Walkins always welcome, m,t,w and f; otherdays by appt. bigdrink.gif

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Yeah, for some reasons the bad ones get all the press. there's bad folks in every profession. how many folks do you think have been hurt or killed by MD's? No, i'm not at all knocking MD's. they kick ass. Unfortunately, Washington is the most conservative state in the union when it comes to what a chiropractor's scope of practice is...so a lot of people in WA only see quactors as back crackers. there are two camps... the physician camp that basically does the same thing an MD would do (physical exam, lab work, lifestyle recs) and uses manual therapy as their "prescription drug or surgery" and if their conservative approach doesn't work, will refer their patient to a specialist. The other camp (the Quacks) believes that the root of all disease is from spinal misalignment, and they are the loud outspoken ones you hear about and usually advertise free 1st visits and crap like that.


As for doing that in the parking lot at crags...good idea except i don't have my license and would NEVER get one if caught. plus i don't know enough yet about other disease processes to comfortable treat someone who may be suffering from a serious malady.


Marie, i'll take your job offer into concideration. I'm not going to drop out of summer school just based upon that offer. I'm looking into working as an assistant at a chiro office or something.

I'm still up in the air about taking the summer off. so thanks for all the reccomendations. i really need a break from school, so hopefully it'll work out.



p.s. if anyone has questions about chiropractic (what they do, what they treat, why, etc) PM me or ask online here and I'll try to give a good answer.


snugtop, come see me when i graduate and i'll change your mind. i can only speak for myself, i can't speak for the actions of other doctors.

thumbs_up.gif to the back-crunchers. With my pretty severe scoliosis they, with yoga, PT, and cross-training have kept me limber and moving as I approach 50. I've found they can vary, however, and ML I'm interested to hear who you admire in Seattle. It seems like a pretty stiff (no pun intended) course of study.
Yep, I've been fixed.



Trick is figuring out which one's are quacks...

A clue: "If he messes near the dick, you'll know a trick."






Obviously none of you have been to a good one and have no business mocking a profession that leads to healthier living. Get a fukin clue~!


Nutritionist, yoga teachers, personal trainers, etc etc all are professions that contribute to healthier living just like a chiropractors. But none of them are doctors. wave.gif

Nutritionist, yoga teachers, personal trainers, etc etc all are professions that contribute to healthier living just like a chiropractors. But none of them are doctors. wave.gif


People, people... let us pity the ignorance together.



Nutritionist, yoga teachers, personal trainers, etc etc all are professions that contribute to healthier living just like a chiropractors. But none of them are doctors. wave.gif


NOLs Instructors, OTOH, are Gods among men.


Just ask them.

Nutritionist, yoga teachers, personal trainers, etc etc all are professions that contribute to healthier living just like a chiropractors. But none of them are doctors. wave.gif


NOLs Instructors, OTOH, are Gods among men.


Just ask them.

Lightning bolts from their arses they have! wink.gif

(Some folks doctor their demeanor with bravado.)


I doctor my brown rice and stir-fry veggies with tamari.


I love how off track this has become. D.C.=Doctor of Chiropractic. It's all about the standard of care under the law...basically if you can be sued as a doctor, you're a doctor. For instance, Physical therapists are pretty close to being doctors...god knows they've had plenty of education and with an extra year of schooling, i think they should be doctors. BUT, they CANNOT DIAGNOSE (legally). With the ability to diagnose, comes the responsiblity to correctly diagnose. I think many chiropractors mis-diagnose b/c they are lazy and greedy. It pays way better to pop someones back that it does to do a screening exam, orthopedic tests, lab work, blah blah blah. ALSO insurance companies are to blame, b/c they won't compensate chiropractors for things they are trained to do, and once you're trained to do something it becomes your legal responsibilty to use that training. For example, lets say someone has a headache and the BAD chiro cracks their neck, maybe a little soft tissue. Did that chiro take a good history to screen out diabetes, glaucoma, use an opthamoscopic eye exam, etc...? It really makes me angry to see people in my profession get lazy and greedy instead of owning up to being a good doctor. those people are known as "straight chiropractors" and use the "bone out of place" model, and the "pinched nerve" model, which evidence has shown IS NOT THE CASE. i could go on for hours. the spine is not a garden hose.


any other summer job ideas???? seriously. i don't have to be in summer school, but i do need $$ to justify it, and if i'm gonna be working 40 hours a week, i might as well just be in school getting it over with.

Man, just getcha a fifth-wheel trailer and set-up shop at a popular climbing area: you'll garner business for both the skeletal manipulation and Dirtbag climbing schwag.


Fuck the johnny-come-lately who wants to prevent your use of the term.


That's actually a great idea. Get a load of your wares and some kind of live-in vehicle (VW bus, Westfalia, truck camper...) and live the dream, crag-to-crag people will beg to buy the dirtbag schwag from the dirtbag himself, as you woo them with your intense climbing prowess and metabolic constitution.


"Hey dude, you want to buy a shirt?"



Doctors of medicine cure sickness.


Everybody else temporarily alleviates (not cures) symptoms... kinda like having to return to the chiroprator over and over and over... That is exactly why chiropractors don’t receive a Doctor of Medicine… like Mikey said.


I’m not trying to take away from the profession… they must complete a secondary education, take boards, etc etc… lord knows I’ve ran into Mikey studying in just about every coffee house in town (or is he their trying to meet girls… hmmm… hahaha.gif ) I’m just saying they aren’t doctors of medicine.


Mikey: look into work force/temp agency... they should have something in a mill that will pay the most per hour and offer a compressed work week.


excuse me NOLSe, but you are wrong about chiropractors not curing. the reason you may have to go to a chiropractor more than once is b/c quick fixes only cure the symptoms...which is what most MD's do. if you're ONLY talking about infectious diseases, then you are correct.

All of us use this board to make fools of ourselves, intentionally or not, from time to time. Glad to see your lack of fear in this pursuit.


You rock! pitty.gif


Explain to me how spinal misalignments are the root of all ailments? I prefer my medicine fishmonger free!


Doctors of medicine cure sickness.


Everybody else temporarily alleviates (not cures) symptoms... kinda like having to return to the chiroprator over and over and over


its exactly that attitude that has the medical system fucked up, dude its up to YOU to fix your shit, not rely on someone to give you a pill to make it go away.

its exactly that attitude that has the medical system fucked up, dude its up to YOU to fix your shit, not rely on someone to give you a pill to make it go away.

jmace - the home surgeon! Did you start with a lobotomy first?

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