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Customer Service/ Foreign Claims Dept.


Ref: UK/04/20X2/68

Batch: 074/05/ZY369




We happily announce to you the draw (#942) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY/Sweepstakes International Promotions held on saturday 1st of january 2005. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 5647-5600-545-188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers:04-06-09-12-15-40-25 which subsequently won you the lottery in the second category.You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £61,111 (Sixty-one thousand, one hundred and eleven

poundsterlings) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03.

This is from the total cash prize of £1,466,664 shared among the twenty-four (24) lucky winners in this category.


All participants for the free online lotto version were selected randomly from the World Wide Web through a computer draw system of individual and corporate organisations extracted from over 250,000 email addresses worldwide. This promotion takes place on a quarterly basis.

Your lucky winning numbers falls within our Canadian booklet representative office in the United Kingdom as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your

£61,111 would be released to you by any of our payment offices in Europe.


To file for your claim, please contact the fiduciary agent on our secure online email:

contact official:MR PEDRO McGAVIN

Email: pedromcgavin@netscape.net


Your Winnings Certificate and all other relevant documents for payment accredditation will be prepared after proper authentication and verification of your claims file.


For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measures to avoid double claims and unwarranted abuse of this program. Confirm the value of your winnings online at the link below:




Congratulations once more and thanks for being part of our promotional lottery program.


Sincerely yours ,

Sir Sherman Earlworth.

International Coordinator


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REPLY TO: gbenga@web-mail.com.ar



Dear friend


Compliment of the season.


My name is SENATOR GBENGA OGUNNIYA, the chairman of the Senate

committee on Pension,insurance and manpower development in the National

Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I am writing you to earnestly

Solicit for your assistance in helping to receive some sum of money into your

account for safe keeping. I got your e-mail address through an internet

marketing firm while searching for a reliable and reputable person to handle

this transaction.




We have the sum of US$29,000,000.00 (Twenty Nine Million Dollars) that we

intend to transfer overseas through theassistance of a foreign partner. This

money came as a result of Over provision in the budget for unclaimed pension

and accident insurance.


This over provision was done by my committee, but all payments have been made

to beneficiaries leaving behind the over budgeted amount which amounts to

US$29,000,000.00 which is deposited in the Nigeria Deposit Bank here in

Nigeria. I have agreed to transfer the funds overseas for my campaign funding

and other investment purposes, private use and for investment purposes with

your assistance.


I am contacting you therefore, to stand in as the beneficiary to

process this fund into your custody. As soon as you consent to this I will

immediately send you title documents to the fund in your name so you can make

claim for it. I will provide you with 30% for assisting us and 10% to be set

aside for reimbursement,for expenses that may arise during the process of

concluding the transaction. The

fund shall be transferred to you legally in accordance to all laid down

procedures governing transfer of funds. I have perfected all modalities for

the successful transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary.


Finally, I have to reassure you that this transaction is 100% risk free and

should be kept absolutely confidential. Presently, you can reach me by return

mail, you should also include your telephone numbers if any, for secured

communication between us.


Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. I await your response. Also Note

that we need to conclude this transaction before the end of next month as we

can still make payments on last years budget till this time.


Best Regards,



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Dear Mr./Mrs.

We are writing you on behalf of ULTRACO S.A., well-known prestigious Swiss company which main field of operation lies in selling elite watches collections and jewelry series. We are glad to propose you interesting and highly paid job in financial sphere. At this moment we are in need of new regional financial agents whose work consists of collecting the payments from the customers from the same country and forwarding them to our companys main office. Due to our operating employees inability to handle the sales volume we decided to open additional vacancies in each European country as well as in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Regional financial managers are needed because we accept bank wire transfers only and as you know international wire transfer could take more than 3 or even 5 days, thus increasing term of delivery up to 5-8 days. Such long term of delivery adversely affects our sales volume that's why we provide our agent's account details to the customer who is in the same country. Bank transfer within the same country takes 1-2 days only. After we receive confirmation that the amount has been received we send purchased items to the customer immediately. These actions let us to diminish term of delivery to 3-4 days.

Please visit our webpage at www.ultra-co.com/vacancies.html to get to know our proposal in greater detail and if you are interested please send an email to vacancy@ultra-co.com and we will send you an Application Form back. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us at info@ultra-co.com and we will reply you for sure. Thanks for reading our proposal.

Chief Executive Officer,

Jose Ansari,


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Dear Ascensionist:


There's a new Internet based climbers' resource-Ascensionist.com. An

alternative to other climbing Bulletin Board Systems (e.g., cc.com,


less bickering and BS; more talk of climbing.


You've received this e-mail because I've hand selected you to


in Ascensionist.com. Please help the popularity and usefulness of the

site by registering a username and posting trip reports, conditions, and

discussion of all things climbing (access issues, etc.).


Naturally, with any new BBS, Ascensionist.com will initially lack


but with your help this will change. I believe it's time for a better

climbers' resource; a resource where climbers don't have to wade through

10 pages of non non sequiturs and useless posts to get to information

related to climbing; and a place where people aren't censored or banned

for expressing climbing views and opinions that aren't mainstream.


Ascensionist.com isn't yet perfected by any means; as the site's

popularity increases, and as I receive user feedback, I will change the

site (whether by adding categories, or by implementing greater

functionality), to best suit its users.


Thank you for taking the time to read this message and please visit:




The Ascensionist


P.S. Please invite anyone you know who can contribute positively to register a username.

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Time wasted deleting junk e-mail costs American businesses nearly $22 billion a year, according to a new study from the University of Maryland.


A telephone-based survey of adults who use the internet found that more than three-quarters receive spam daily. The average spam messages per day is 18.5 and the average time spent per day deleting them is 2.8 minutes.


The loss in productivity is equivalent to $21.6 billion per year at average U.S. wages, according to the National Technology Readiness Survey.


The study, to be released also found that 14 percent of spam recipients actually read messages to see what they say, and 4 percent of the recipients have bought something advertised through spam within the past year.


blush.gifblush.gif YOU FOOLS!! blush.gifblush.gif

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All of my Nigerian friends are writing.










Dear Sir,

I am Dr.Tom Musa, Director, project implementation with (N.N.P.C)Nigeria National

Petrolum Co-opration and a member of the Contract Tenders Board (CTB) of the above



Your esteemed address was reliably introduced to me at the Africa Chamber of

Commerce and Industry in my search for a reliable individual company who can handle a

strictly confidential transaction,which involves the transfer of a reasonable sum of

money to a foreign account.


This amount of money is total sum of US$13,500,000.00 (Thirteen Million,Five Hundred

Thousand United States Dollars), already extracted from various contracts awarded by

my corporation. As a result of over invoicing masterminded by the concerned

officials, has been drafted to represent final payment for a contract that has been

executed to the corporation some years back.


The money is now floating in the suspense account of my coporation(NNPC) awaiting

claim by Foreign Partner which status we now want you to assume.


Now is the optimum period to consummate this transaction.Following the presidential

directive to all parastatals to settle all outstanding debts owed to both local and

foreign contractors. In my last meeting with the officials involved, it was

unanimously agreed that 25% of the total sum will be given to you 70% will be for my

colleague, and me.While 5% will he used to reimburse the expenses that may be

incurred in the processing of the transfer.


I assure you the transaction is 100% risk free as we have concluded every arrangement

to protect the interest of every one involved.Likewise, all modalities for the

successful transfer of this money have been worked out with the Federal Ministry of

Finance and the Bank to facilitate the remittance of this money to your designated



However I would want to believe that you are honest enough and will not raise any

misgiving attitude in any aspect of the transaction,more importantly, you will keep

this transaction very confidential so as not to tarnish the confidence reposed on

these officials by the Government of Nigeria.


lf this business proposal is of interest to you, then kindly contact me

via EMAIL:tommusa1@yahoo.com


Meanwhile, your immediate response will be highly appreciated. Please treat this

information as confidential.


Best regards,

Engnr.Tom Musa.

N/B Please Reply To My Alternative Email


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Dear Homeowner,




You have been pre-approved for a $402,000 Home Loan at a 3.45% Fixed Rate.


This offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor.




To take Advantage of this Limited Time opportunity all


we ask is that you visit our Website and complete


the 1 minute post Approval Form.




Enter Here








Esteban Tanner


Regional CEO

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Mr. Ade Shoyinka Williams.

No. 2 IBB close, block 12 Susan Estate,

Girki Abuja.

Email: ade_yinka_williams@yahoo.co.uk


The President/ Ceo:


I am Mr Ade Shoyinka a close confidant to the Ex-IG former Inspector General

of police Mr.Tafawa Balogun by name . My contact address is been stated



Firstly, I will be greatful if you could sit down and read this very important

business proposal to your understanding without doubt nor abuse my request

from your office.


I got your contact email address through foreign magazine early yesterday

searching for a reportable and trustworthy foreign partner who is in a good

position to assist on this very urgent proposal that came up concerning

some fund that been deposited with a Security Company in Cote D' Ivoire

which has branches in Asia and European countries by the former IG Tafawa



You must have heard over the media reports on the recovery of various sums

of money deposited by Ex- IG Ispector General of Police with various banks

home and abroad. Some companies willingly gave up their secret and disclosed

our money confidently lodged there, or many, outright blackmail. Infact

the total sum discovered by the government so far is in the tune of Over

($10M) was discovered in SWISS BANK, ($13M) in one of the Banks in London,

750 million Naira in (ALL-STATE BANK) and some other includes FURTUNE and

BACKLAYS BANKS. by the government, including some of his properties were

sized too till proper investigation been made. I have no doubt about your

capacity and goodwill to assist me in receiving into your custody( for safety)

the sum of ($16.5M)Sixteen Million, five hundred thousand dollars willed

and deposited safely by Ex-IG. This money is currently deposited in Safe

Deposit Box (SDB) at a security firm in Cote d'Ivoire which has branches

in Asia and European contries. As it is legally required, the administration

of IG Tafawa Balogun?s property is under the authority of the family?s Lawyer

Barrister Sam Egobia (SAN). The investigative teams set up by my government

have submitted their report after freezing almost all our account. Fortunately,

their family lawyer had secretly protected the personal will of Ex-IG from

the notice of the investigators and have strictly advised that the ($16.5M)

Sixteen million, five hundred thousand united state dollars be urgently

moved to an overseas account of any trust worthy but annonymous foreign

family friend without delay, for security reasons.


I will be greatful if you could handle and threat this transaction with

utmost secrecy and confidential till the consignment been released to you

by security company as the beneficiary unbehalf of the family and deposited

into your personnal account for a short period of time.


All the family traveling papers have been seized by the government thereby

preventing them from traveling and all the local and international outfit

of our business empire seized. We have therefore agreed to compensate your

goodself with 15% of the total deposit when you finally the deposit box

from the security firm and lodged in your account while 5% is also set asside

for any occured expenses during the course of transaction between the both

paties. They have equally guaranteed 100% risk-free and smooth transfer.

If you are interested in assisting us, you can write me through my e-mail,

please reply direct to this email address: (ade_yinka_williams@yahoo.co.uk)

for obvious security reasons, it is imperative that you keep all our communication

very secret.


First before we start the transaction, God bless you.


Best regard,

Mr. Ade Shoyinka Williams.

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BAM-I-DUNYA Expedition Services, program 2005/2006


Please allow us to first introduce ourselves. Bam-I-Dunya Expedition

Services is

the Urumqi, Xinjiang China, based follow up organisation of former

Dutch expedition

service company ALPEX High Alpine Expeditions. We have 9 years of

experience of

organising ventures in the high mountains of Xinjiang, Tibet and the

former Soviet

Central Asian republics. Through the years we have more and more

specialized on

exploratory mountaineering expeditions in the remote areas of Central

Asia and

services for scientific research expeditions in the same area's.


With this e mail you get an excerpt of our 2005/2005 programs so

you get an idea

of what we are offering. Although our ventures are mainly meant for

group booking we

can sometimes accomodate individuals, wanting to join up one of the


expeditions. The seven pre planned expeditions we mention here are

however only an

example: In principle we are able to organise trips to any wished

objective within the

limits of our operation area. We can, on request, design tailor made

packages for any

given group size and at any preferred service level, from just simple

permit and

transport, to fully guided high service level expeditions.


Any mountain, under condition it is outside closed military zones

and not

officially classified as a "holy mountain", we can design service

packages for

mountaineering or hiking parties. We are able to provide comlete sets

of material from

our Xinjiang depots, arrange for the necessary papers, provide visa


transport, lodging and so on. Through our connections with the Xinjiang


Society of the China Academy of Sciences and the Xinjiang Institute of

Science and

Technology, we can provide official invitations for doing research

projects in West

China as well as permission to export samples from China.


If you are interested in any of the programs mentioned at the bottom

of this

message, want to have more informations, have your own projects in mind

do not

hesitate to contact us at Bam_I_Dunya@yahoo.com . If on the contrary

you do not wish

to receive any more mails from us please sent an empty message or

forward this one to

kunlunlists@yahoo.com and we will make sure this is the last message

you ever receive

from us.


John, Jimmy & Johan


Bam I Dunya management, Urumqi, PR of China






Summit Elevation: 6780 Meter


Where?; Western Kunlun, Near China/Tadjikstan border


When?: 5 July to 30 July 2005, (Same period in 2006)


Minimum number of members: 6 persons


Price per person: $ 1.749,- (1.349,- Euro)




Kingata Tagh is found in the Kingata, Sometimes called Karajira, Shan

mountains which

stretch from the Karakoram Highway to the Tadjikstan border. The

Kingata Shan is the

most Western range that geographically counts to the Kunlun chain.

Until recently the

area was completely unvisited by foreign tourists/climbers. This was

partly due to the

fact that the whole western part of the range was off limits, being a


controlled border area. In 2005 the rules will change and the road to

Muji and the

Tadjikstan border will be opened to civil traffic.

First to make a reconnaissance in the area was a Russian party in 2001

who researched

the possibilities of approaching the main peak from the North. They

however found this

unfeasible as the way is barred by extended and very difficult glacier

terrain. We

were out in the area in September 2004 and researched the Southern

approach. We found

that as well over the moraines of the West glacier as over those of the


glacier the foot of the mountain can be reached relatively easily.

Apart from the

ascent of two secondaries the route on the Southwest face was

reconnaitered up to an

altitude of 5400 meter.

Kingata is not a very easy mountain to climb, much more difficult than


Muztagata, but it is also not a K2 or a Kongur. Nevertheless, those

wanting to join

our team should be independent mountaineers with sufficient skills in





5 July: Arrival of team members in Kashgar, welcome dinner at John's

cafe, stay at

Seman Hotel.

6 July: Stay in Kashgar, sightseeing to Id Kay Mosque and Apak Hodja


7 July: In the morning drive by jeep to Karagilik village, in afternoon

Hike up to

base camp, (Pack animals for carrying the expedition gear.

8 July; Acclimatisation day at Base camp

9/10 July: Building and supplying advanced base camp at the foot of the


11/27 July: Period for climbing Kingata Tagh

28 July: In the morning trekking back to Karagilik, in afternoon drive

by jeep to


29 July: Celebration dinner and party in Kashgar

30 July: End of expedition





Mountain Permit and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Kashgar airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Seman Hotel

Total of 4 night's stay at Seman Hotel

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe on the hotel premisses

Sightseeing in Kashgar

Transport by 4WD jeep from Kashgar to Karagilik

Transport of supplies and gear to Karagilik with Truck

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Translation services

Expedition management services

Liaison services

Maps of the Kingata Mountain area

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

45 icescrews

50 carabiners

4 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Pack animals for transporting material back to Karagilik

Transport back to Kashgar by 4WD Jeep

Transport back to Kashgar of materials by truck

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation






Summit Elevation: 6978 Meter


Where?; Western Kunlun, At the Western Extremity of Kongur Shan Range


When?: 5 August to 30 August 2005, (Same period in 2006)


Minimum number of members: 6 persons


Price per person: $ 1.749,- (1.349,- Euro)





Aklangm is found in the Kongur Shan, the one but Westernmost range of

the giant Kunlun

chain. For Xinjiang standards it is a very accessible mountain, as it

rises directly

from the Karakoram highway, and a whole set of villages of the local

semi nomadic

Kyrghyz herders are found around its base.

Until very recently however the peak did not get much attention from

mountaineers/hikers. This is due to the nearness of very popular and


accessible objectives as Muztagata and Kongur Tagh. Like in all popular


area's it was the highest peaks that get the first attention. It was

only in the

summer of 2004 that a Swiss member of one of our teams made the first

ascent by way of

the west Ridge.

Aklangm is a very bulky, very complex mountain with a great number of

possible routes

on it. Most of this possible ascent ways are of considerable technical

difficulty, but

a few are fairly easy, the West ridge, which we intend to do on our


expeditions, is probably the least difficult of them.

No special technical skills are demanded of potential team members, but

all who are

applying to join our group should have at least some previous high


mountaineering experience.





5 July: Arrival of team members in Kashgar, welcome dinner at John's

cafe, stay at

Seman Hotel.

6 July: Stay in Kashgar, sightseeing to Id Kay Mosque and Apak Hodja


7 July: In the morning drive by jeep to Bulungkol Dobey village, in

afternoon Hike up

to base camp, (Pack animals for carrying the expedition gear.

8 July; Acclimatisation day at Base camp

9/10 July: Building and supplying advanced base camp at the foot of the


11/27 July: Period for climbing Aklangm

28 July: In the morning trekking back to Bulungkol Dobey, in afternoon

drive by jeep

to Kashgar

29 July: Celebration dinner and party in Kashgar

30 July: End of expedition





Mountain Permit and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Kashgar airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Seman Hotel

Total of 4 night's stay at Seman Hotel

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe on the hotel premisses

Sightseeing in Kashgar

Transport by 4WD jeep from Kashgar to Bulungkol Dobey

Transport of supplies and gear to Bulungkol Dobey with Truck

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Translation services

Expedition management services

Liaison services

Maps of the Kongur Shan Mountain area

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

10 icescrews

20 carabiners

100 meter of 6 mm Static rope

4 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Pack animals for transporting material back to Bulungkol Dobey

Transport back to Kashgar by 4WD Jeep

Transport back to Kashgar of materials by truck

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation




SKYANG KANGRI NORTH PEAK, First Ascent attempt


Summit Elevation: 7545 Meter


Where?; Central Karakoram, China/Pakistan border


When?: 10 October to 10 December June 2006


Minimum number of members: 6 persons


Price per person: $ 4.699,-,- (3.699,- Euro)





Skyang Kangri is found in the Central Karakoram mountains, just about

10 kilometer

Northeast of K2. The peak is twin summited with quite a large

horizontal difference

between the two peaks. The South summit is exacly on the border of

China and Pakistan,

the Northern one is a few kilometer inside China. A japanese team

succesfully climbed

the South summit from Pakistan in the 1980's and as it was than thought

that it was

the higher one, so for many the case was settled.

Modern SRTM data however show that the South summit has an elevation of

7512 and the

Northern one with 7545 being 33 meter higher. The approach of Skyang

Kangri is

elaborate, as is the walk in from K2 base camp to the foot of the

climb, this is the

reason that not many have tried to climb it. Probably the first to do

so were Japanese

in 1995, choosing a difficult direct route in the North face and

failling to climb the


In the dying days of our K2 expedition in early 2003, one member of our

team had a go

at it and reconnaitered an elaborate route, traversing the flank of a

secondary peak.

After having been avalanched in camp III at 6400 meter and only just

surviving the

attempt was cancelled. However the "gletscherwolf trail" seems a

navigable way up and

is for certain the technically least difficult possibility to do so.

Although not a very difficult ascent, it is an unclimbed route and a

very long way to

go. Apart from that there are very steep pitches of snow climbing and

the objective

dangers are plenty and obvious. So anyone wanting to join our

expedition should have

considerable high altitude and snow/iceclimbing experience as well as

good stamina





10 October: Arrival of team members in Kashgar, welcome dinner at

John's cafe, stay at

Seman Hotel.

11 October: Stay in Kashgar, sightseeing to Id Kay Mosque and Apak

Hodja Tomb

12 October: Stay in Kashgar, Last preparations, loading of truck.

13 October: Drive by jeep from Kashgar to Yecheng, Stay in local hotel

14 October: Drive by jeep to Mazardara

15 October: Acclimatisation day, camping out in the Mazardara river


16 -20 October: Trekking in to K2 base camp

21 October: Establishing base camp.

22-30 October; Building and supplying of Advanced Base camps I & II

31 October May - 1 December: Period for the climbing of Skyang Kangri

North Peak

2-6 December: Trekking back to Mazardara

7 December: Transport by Jeep back to Yecheng

8 December: Transport back to Kashgar

9 December: Sighseeing day in Kashgar, celebration dinner and party





Mountain Permit and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Kashgar airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Seman Hotel

Three night's stay at Seman Hotel

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe on the hotel premisses

Sightseeing in Kashgar

Transport by 4WD jeep from Kashgar to Mazardara

Transport of supplies and gear to Mazardara with Truck

Hotel stay at Yecheng

Transport of materials by camel to base camp

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Translation services

Expedition management services

Liaison officer services

Maps of Skyang Kangri/K2 area

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

50 gas cans for the Mountain Stoves, (Refillable at base camp)

20 icescrews

50 carabiners

3 Mountaineering ropes

200 meter of Static ropes

4 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Transport of materials by camel back to Mazardara

Transport back to Kashgar by 4WD Jeep

Transport back to Kashgar of materials by truck

2 Night Hotel stay at Seman Hotel, Kashgar

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation





AKSAY CHIN: Kunlun Goddess Peak


Summit Elevation: 7167 Meter


Where?; West Central Kunlun, Xinjiang/Tibet border


When?: 10 May to 10 July 2005, (Same period in 2006)


Minimum number of members: 6 persons


Price per person: $ 3.999,- (3.099,- Euro)





The Aksay Chin, also called Tsjung Muztaga, is found in the Southern

part of the West

Central Kunlun and its highest peak, commonly referred to as Kunlun

Goddess, but also

called Aksay Chin I, is found in the Southern parts of this huge range.

This mountain

range is extremely remote and difficult to access, the reason why it

has been visited

only a few times. The main peak was first climbed by a Japanese party

in 1985 and a

second successfull ascent was made in 1996, also by Japenese. A few

more parties have

visited it, but without success. The main peak, which overtowers

everything else in

the extremely glaciated range overtowers all other summits with more

than 200 meter.

Although the hike from Base camp to advanced base camp at its foot is a

very difficult

one, the peak itself is not a very technical one to climb. Experience

with prolonged

times at high altitude seem more inportant than high grade ice climbing






Other Names: Tsjung Muztaga / Southwest Kunlun / Kunlun Goddess Range


Country: China


Location: Border area of Tibet and Xinjiang Autonomous regions


Total Mountain Area: 4045 Square Kilometer, (53x76,5 Kilometer)


Number of 6000+ Peaks: 458


Number of Major Glaciers: 45


Total Number of Glaciers: 850


Glaciated Area: 3300 Square Kilometer


Highest Peak: Kunlun Goddess, 7167 Meter


Main Lakes: Lic Lake





10 May: Arrival of team members in Kashgar, welcome dinner at John's

cafe, stay at

Seman Hotel.

11 May: Stay in Kashgar, sightseeing to Id Kay Mosque and Apak Hodja


12 May: Stay in Kashgar, Last preparations, loading of truck.

13 May: Drive by Jeep from Kashgar over G219 (Tibet) road to Kudi

village, stay at

local hostel

14 May: Drive to Dahongliutan settlement in Kunlun mountains, stay at

local hostel

15 May: Drive to Aksay Chin Lake, camp at east shores.

16 May: Drive to Base camp, building up of camp

17-19 May: Acclimatisation days, reconnaissance of way to advanced base


20 May - 4 July: Period for climbing Kunlun Goddess Peak

5 July: Packing up Base camp

6 July: Drive from Base camp to Dahongliutan

7 July: From Dahongliutan to Yecheng, stay at local hotel

8 July; Back to Kashgar, Stay at Seman Hotel

9 July: Celebration dinner and party

10 July: End of expedition





Mountain Permit and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Kashgar airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Seman Hotel

Three night's stay at Seman Hotel

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe on the hotel premisses

Sightseeing in Kashgar

Transport by 4WD jeep from Kashgar to base camp

Transport of supplies and gear to Base Camp with 6WD Truck

Night stay at Kudi

Night stay at Dahongliutan

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Translation services

Expedition management services

Maps of the Aksay Chin

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

40 icescrews

75 carabiners

4 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Transport back to Kashgar by 4WD Jeep

Transport back to Kashgar of materials by truck

Nightstay at Dahongliutan

Hotel stay at Yecheng

2 Night Hotel stay at Seman Hotel, Kashgar

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation




K2, (QOGORI) Northwest Ridge


Summit Elevation: 8611 Meter


Where?; Central Karakoram, China/Pakistan border


When?: 10 April to 30 June 2006


Minimum number of members: 6 persons


Price per person: $ 5.999,- (4.649,- Euro)





K2, or Qogori in the local language is found in the central Karakoram

on the border

of China and Pakistan. With its great elevation of 8611 meter it is the

second highest

mountain in the world. Unlike with most 8000+ peaks, there is no

relatively easy way

up the peak and very good technical skills are needed for those trying

to get up it.

The first route that was climbed on the mountain was the Abruzzi ridge

on its Southern

approaches, from the Pakistan side. This route was pioneered,

unsuccesfully, as early

as 1909 by an Italian team. It took several tries until it was finally

summited by two

members of an italian team in 1954

China remained closed for foreign mountaineers for a long time after

the 1949

revolution, so it was only in the 1980's that the first tries on its

north side were

mounted. The first to be succesfull were Japanes in 1983. Since then

the climb on the

Northwest ridge has been repeated succesfully a few times and a

variation of it was

opened by Americans. The climbing of the Northwest ridge might be even

a little harder

than that of the Abruzzi ridge, but for that it is also somewhat safer

than the highly

avalanche dangerous South.

We are talking one of the hardest climbs in the Asian mountains over

here, and we must

make clear from the beginning that this is not a fully guided trip, and

all those

applying to join this expedition should be independent mountaineers

with sufficient

experience and technical skills.





10 April: Arrival of team members in Kashgar, welcome dinner at John's

cafe, stay at

Seman Hotel.

11 April: Stay in Kashgar, sightseeing to Id Kay Mosque and Apak Hodja


12 April: Stay in Kashgar, Last preparations, loading of truck.

13 April: Drive by jeep from Kashgar to Yecheng, Stay in local hotel

14 April: Drive by jeep to Mazardara

15 April: Acclimatisation day, camping out in the Mazardara river


16 -20 April: Trekking in to K2 base camp

21 April: Establishing base camp.

22-30 April; Building and supplying of Advanced Base camps I & II

1 May - 20 June: Period for the climbing of the Northwest Ridge

21-25 June: Trekking back to Mazardara

26 June: Transport by Jeep back to Yecheng

27 June: Transport back to Kashgar

28 June: Sighseeing day in Kashgar, Stay at Seman Hotel

29 June: Celebration dinner and party in Kashgar

30 June: End of expedition





Mountain Permit and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Kashgar airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Seman Hotel

Three night's stay at Seman Hotel

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe on the hotel premisses

Sightseeing in Kashgar

Transport by 4WD jeep from Kashgar to Mazardara

Transport of supplies and gear to Mazardara with Truck

Hotel stay at Yecheng

Transport of materials by camel to base camp

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Translation services

Expedition management services

Liaison officer services

Maps of K2 area

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

80 gas cans for the Mountain Stoves, (Refillable at base camp)

80 icescrews

200 carabiners

3 Mountaineering ropes

1500 meter of Static ropes

4 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Transport of materials by camel back to Mazardara

Transport back to Kashgar by 4WD Jeep

Transport back to Kashgar of materials by truck

Hotel stay at Yecheng

2 Night Hotel stay at Seman Hotel, Kashgar

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation




MUZTAGATA Normal Route


Summit Elevation: 7546 Meter


Where?; Western Kunlun, Xinjiang, China


When?: 5 July to 30 July 2005, (same period in 2006)


Minimum number of members: 4 persons


Price per person: $ 1.399,- (1.079,- Euro)





Muztagata is situated in the extreme west of the Kunlun mountain range

and rises up

unfar from the famed Karakoram Highway, about halfway in between

Kashgar and Tash

Kurgan. As Muztagat is a stand alone peak and its summit is almost 4000

meter higher

than the surrounding valleys, it makes for a most stupendous sight.

Muztagata is also

a very bulky and complex mountain. The first tries to scale it were

already made

around the turn of the 19th and 20th century, but without much success.

In the late

40's, Eric Shipton and Bill Tilman came to within 50 vertical meters of

the summit,

but it was not until 1956 that a combined Soviet/Chinese party scaled

the summit

succesfully. After China opened up for foreign climbers in 1980 more

climbers started

to come to it, at first slowly, but by 1990 it had surpassed Peak Lenin

as the most

visited 7000 meter peak on the planet: By now the number of summiteers

is over 1500

and at least 50 expeditions visit it every summer, more in a good

year. What makes

Muztagata so attractive is that it is the "easiest" 7500+ peak on

earth. The ascent of

the West flank knows no technical difficulties and angles are hardly

exceeding 30

degrees. Still it must not be underestimated: Its elevation is very

great, the way to

its summit long and exhausting and there are crevasses and avalanches

on its icy

slopes. ALPEX has been to this peak with many groups since 1999 and we

do not set very

high demands on the technical skills and previous experiences of those

applying to

join our expeditions to it: "Hard Mountain Hikers" with experience in

glacier terrain

and perfect physical health do stand a chance on this peak.





5 July: Arrival of team members in Kashgar, welcome dinner at John's

cafe, stay at

Seman Hotel.

6 July: Stay in Kashgar, sightseeing to Id Kay Mosque and Apak Hodja


7 July: Transport by private bus from Kahgar to Subashi over Karakoram


Camping in the meadows near the village

8 July: 3-4 hour trekking from Subashi to Base camp at 4450 meter

9 July; Acclimatisation day at base camp

10-27 July: Period for climbing Muztagata

28 July: Trekking down to Subashi, transport by private bus to Kashgar,

Stay at Seman


29 July: Celebration dinner and party

30 July: End of expedition





Mountain Permit and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Kashgar airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Seman Hotel

Total of 4 night's stay at Seman Hotel, 2 at start of expedition, 2 at

the end

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe on the hotel premisses

Sightseeing in Kashgar

Transport by private bus from Kashgar to Subashi

Transport of supplies and gear to Subashi with Truck

Transport of materials by camel to base camp

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Translation services

Expedition management services

Liaison officer services

Maps of Muztagata mountain

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

30 gas cans for the Mountain Stoves, (Refillable at base camp)

4 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Transport of materials by camel back to Subashi

Transport back to Kashgar by private bus

Transport back to Kashgar of materials by truck

Breakfasts and dinners at John's Cafe

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation






Summit Elevation highest peak: 6909 Meter


Where?; Centre of Northern Tibet/Qinghai plateau


When?: 20 Januari to 20 March 2006


Minimum number of members: 6 persons


Price per person: $ 6.999,- (5.389,- Euro)





The Pukkomanna Shan is one of the worlds most remote mountain ranges

and very

difficult to reach. It sits tucked away deep in the centre of the

unique Northern

Tibet/Qinghai plateau, hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest

human habitation.

The peaks of the range tower up to almost 7000 meter whilst the

surrounding plains are

at an average elevation of 5200 meter. Given the forbidding nature of

the plateau and

the great distance to it from the nearest settlements, combined with

the immense

problems to overcome in the roadless, vegetationless access ways, have

led to that the

range has been visited only a few times before. All previous

successfull visits

approached the massive from the Southeast and only exploration of the

Eastern chain of

the Pukkomanna has so far been done. The mountains of the Western

chain, as well as

the mysterious, very deep lakes in between, remain unexplored for the

moment. At least

two tries to reach the area from the North have been mounted so far,

but without the

desired success. In 2003 a large party from the Chinese buro of

minerals and Geology

tried. But after losing most of their vehicles in the immense mudfields


the mountains and taking two casualties among the personal they gave

up, a mere 30

kilometer from the giant delta of the West Pukkomanna River. In spring

2004 a mixed

scientific and mountaineering party of our company tried in cooperation

with the

Xinjiang Institute of Science and Technology, but also this attempt was

ill fated.

Previous experiences have led us to the conclusion that only a new try

in the depths

of winter will stand a change as the mudfields will be frozen.





20 Januari: Arrival of team in Urumqi

21/22 Januari: Stay in Urumq, last preparations

23 Januari: Transport by 4WD jeeps to Korla

24 Januari: Transport by 4WD jeeps to Qiemo

25 Januari: Transport by 4WD jeeps ot Tula

26 Januari: Resting day at Tula

27 Januari to 2 Februari: Navigating the way to base camp at the lake


3 Februari to 7 March: Period for Research/Climbing/Hiking

8 March to 18 March: Navigating the way back to Urumqi

19 March: Debriefing and celebration party

20 March: End of expedition





Mountaineering/Research Permits and all other necessary paperwork.

Welcome by us on Urumqi airport or train station

Transport from airport/trainstation to Bao Di Hotel

Three night's stay at Bao Di Hotel

Breakfasts and dinners at various restaurants in You Hao district

Sightseeing in Urumqi.

Transport by 4WD jeep from Urumqi to Base camp

Transport of supplies and gear to Base camp with 6WD military Truck

Hotel stay at Korla

Hotel stay at Qiemo

Lodging at Tula

All food supplies for base camp

Kitchen tent for base camp

Mess/dinner tent for base camp

2 Person sleeping tents for base camp

Kitchen utensils

Cooking stoves

Gas for the cooking stoves

Base camp cooking services

Cooking service at base camp

Translation services

Expedition management services

Liaison officer services

Maps of Pukkomanna Shan area

Mountaineering Ropes

High Altitude Tents

Low Temperature Mountain Stoves

120 gas cans for the Mountain Stoves, (Refillable at base camp)

80 icescrews

200 carabiners

3 Mountaineering ropes

300 meter Static ropes

6 VHF portable radios

Satelite telephone

GPS compass

Weather station

Transport back to Urumqi by 4WD Jeep

Transport back to Urumqi of materials by truck

Lodging at Tula

Hotel stay in Qiemo

Hotel stay in Korla

2 Night Hotel stay at Bao Di hotel, Urumqi

Breakfasts and dinners at various places in You Hao district

Celebration/farewell dinner and party

Transport to airport/trainstation

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Is this what the future holds for us in Massachusetts?


Life Without Mikey


Michael J. Fox was right. California's Prop 71 will put an end to


shakes. The 27 million dollars that the biotech companies invested


convince Michael that they could stop his disease was well spent.


bought it; then, sold it to us. We should all feel really happy


him, and all the other people that are inflicted with


disease. Michael is a brave man. And the good news is that, thanks


71, my children's children won't have to deal with poor folks


Michael, because they won't exist. Parkinson's won't exist. Oh,


let's not forget Arnold. A big thanks to him as well.


Although the majority of scientists have resigned themselves to


fact that embryonic stem cell research will never find the cure


Parkinson's disease, they do all agree that Prop 71 will put an end


it. I guess Michael didn't notice the winks and the nods going


behind his back as they convinced him that thiss is the way to


the world from such disease. Why couldn't he see what


"Adolph vision" was really about? Did he ask why the 'oversight


that was created by Prop 71 had been given three Billion


without having to be accountable to the taxpayers? Or why the


was specifically singled out as not being able to gain access to


future state of affairs?


Did he ever wonder what "somatic cell nuclear transfer" was?


couldn't be cloning; because the bill specifically denies the use


cloning, right, Michael? Did he not want to know exactly how Prop


was going to eradicate Parkinson's disease? I'm sure they told


that it will also wipe out other diseases as well. Does Michael


that in the event they do not discover any cures, (as they have


done in the more than two decades of embryonic stem cell


that at least they will have come up with hundreds of patents


cloning and discovered thousands of unique cells that will allow


world to selectively control the existence of people with


and other diseases. I doubt they told Michael that he would have


avoided, skipped over, passed on.


They didn't tell him that with the patents they get, from


knowledge they learn through the milions of lives they create


destroy, from the billions of dollars they were given from


millions of suckers they snowed: that they will be able to rid


world of homosexuals and Native American Indians and fat people


ugly people and people like John Kerry. Hey Doc Hollywood, you


know what you have done for the world. But stop fooling


Please realize that if we had realized the benefits of Prop 71


years ago, chances are damn good that, for better or for


America would not have had "Life with Mikey" or "Family Ties" or


to the Future". But be assured, Michael J. Fox will get his wish;


the future there won't be a whole lot of shaking going on. Those


of folks will be avoided. There will, however, be great


for Brad Pitt to make a financial killing. When he's too old and


to act, he can sell his DNA for millions and we can have thousands


duplicate Brad's running around Hollywood. Maybe next time the


of California will do a little homework. There are a lot better


to spend six billion dollars if you really care about people.

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From: Nurun Ala Nur <nurlandir@web.de>





















(This brochure has been prepared to briefly describe the Islamic belief

in Allah and the status of Jesus (may the peace and blessings of Allah be

upon him (PBUH)) as well as to invite Christians to the path of

righteousness and redemption.)




























(AL-KAHF: 4-5)














To believe in all prophets as well as Jesus (PBUH), is one of the

principle beliefs in the religion of Islam. We believe in all the

prophets and holy books that Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) has

sent us.


“They all believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His

apostles; We do not differentiate between any of His apostles…”

(Al-Baqara: 285)


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) instructs us to believe in Jesus

(PBUH) and the unaltered holy bible that was sent to him and all the

other prophets that Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) has sent us.

According to the Islam, Jesus (PBUH) is one of the great prophets of

Allah (may he be glorified and exalted). He was born fatherless from the

Virgin Mary. Jesus (PBUH) was created just as Adam (PBUH) was created

without a father. As a matter of fact, today’s medical science, eases

the understanding of this situation. Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted) is bereft of human qualities and having a child.


The Jews, who didn’t want to understand and accept these facts,

slandered Jesus (PBUH) about his fatherless birth and accused him of

being a “child out of wedlock”, whereas some Christians called him

“God”, while others called him “son of God” and another group

named him “one of the three”. Whereas, the truth is as stated in the

Holy Quran:


“Verily, the likeness of 'Iesa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of

Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he

was.” (Al-e-Imran: 59)


Allah’s (may he be glorified and exalted) divine declaration about Mary


“And Mary the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity; and We

breathed into (her body) of Our spirit; and she testified to the truth of

the words of her Lord and of His books, and was one of the devout

(servants).” (At-Tahrim: 12)


Christians, by saying “God is three: the father, the son, and the holy

spirit; three individual as one”, have deviated to a “trinity”

understanding. Which one of this is Almighty Allah? Isn’t this a

fallacious mentality? Can it be true?


“Desist, it is better for you; Allah is only one Allah; far be It from

His glory that He should have a son, whatever is in the heavens and

whatever is in the earth is His, and Allah is sufficient for a

Protector.” (An-Nisa: 171)


You know that Islam is the true religion, that The Holy Quran is the last

book sent to us by Allah (may he be glorified and exalted), and that

Muhammad (PBUH) is the true and last prophet sent to us by Allah (may he

be glorified and exalted). But you still persist in your denial.


“O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): Why do you mix truth

with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?” (Al-e-Imran: 71)


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) is calling unto you.


Oh reader, don’t consciously hide what is true and what is real.

Don’t shut your eyes to the right path. Don’t persist in this

blasphemy and denial.


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) is calling to you in his Holy

Quran in Sura An-Nisa:


“So believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not: 'Three (trinity)!'”

(An-Nisa: 171)


Believe in that Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) is only one, He

is exempt of human qualities.


It’s great cruelty and denial to impute having a son to Allah (may he

be glorified and exalted):


“And they say: "The Most Beneficent (Allah) has begotten a son. Indeed

you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing. Whereby the heavens

are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall

in ruins, that they ascribe a son to the Most Beneficent Allah. But it is

not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Beneficent Allah that He

should beget a son.” (Maryam: 88-92)


Can you not understand the difference between creating and breeding? Can

you not think that to give birth and to be born, before anything is

linked to a creation? Are your eyes so blind?


Whereas, according to The Holy Quran, Jesus (PBUH) had said:


“Verily, Allah! He is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone).

This is the (only) Straight Path.” (Az-Zukhruf: 64)


Jesus (PBUH) is addressing you as a servant of Allah, whereas you are

putting him in the place of Allah, accepting him as God. In response to

your slander how could Jesus (PBUH) be your advocate? How will you face

Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) when brought to His presence? Can

something created be God? Can you not see how much you have deviated?


“But the Messiah said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord

and your Lord". Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah,

then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his

abode. And for the Zalimыn (polytheists and wrong­doers) there are no

helpers.” (Al-Maeda: 72)


Jesus (PBUH) is addressing you, should you continue to hold partners in

worship to Allah (may he be glorified and exalted), Hell will eternally

be your abode. Will you still not wake up?


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted), puts forth in the Holy Quran

another declaration by Jesus (PBUH):


“Verily! I am a servant of Allah, He has given me the Scripture and

made me a Prophet;” (Maryam: 30)


While, the Christians are wrongly accepting Jesus (PBUH) as God. Jesus

(PBUH), is saying; “I am not Allah, but his servant. I am not Allah,

but his prophet and messenger.” Christians have gone astray by making a

creation, their creator, Allah. They are slandering their holy prophet,

and deviating from his path. Can a human be a God? What big denial is



To those who impute almightiness to Jesus (PBUH), Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted) commands in his Ayah:


“Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the Messiah, son of

Maryam (Mary)." (Al-Maeda: 72)


“Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allah is the third of the

three (in a Trinity).” (Al-Maeda: 73)


The word “three” as well as the word “third” in saying that

“Allah is the third of the three (in a Trinity)” indicates a two-way

blasphemy. Since there is no God other than one, presuming “three

Gods” is denial that Allah exists. This creates an inconsistency such

as saying “Allah (God) is three”.


“But there is no God (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One

(God - Allah). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a

painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them.“ (Al-Maeda:



Those, who persist in using these words and continue in their misguided

belief of the trinity, Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) openly

labels blasphemous. And they will receive a severe punishment.


“The Messiah, son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger…”

(Al-Maeda: 75)


He is not a God, but merely a prophet, an edict who has been sent by

Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) with His proof and decree. As

Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) has purposely given miracles to

some of the prophets, He has also given Jesus (PBUH) clear miracles in

order to prove his authenticity. Just as Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted) brought the dead back to life through his intermediary Jesus

(PBUH), with no doubt, he also used Moses (PBUH) as an intermediary,

giving life to his staff and turning it into a snake. This miracle is

more astounding than the first.


If Jesus (PBUH) was created without a father, no doubt, Adam (PBUH) was

created without a father or a mother. This is even more surprising. All

these are from the divine level of Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted). Moses (PBUH) and Jesus (PBUH) are only intermediaries who

manifest Allah’s (may he be glorified and exalted) power of creation.


Neither was Jesus (PBUH) the only prophet to exist:


“Many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a

Siddiqah [i.e. she believed in the words of Allah and His Books (see

Verse 66:12)]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being,

while Allah does not eat)…” (Al-Maeda: 75)


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) states that Jesus (PBUH) and Mary

“used to eat”. Hence, Jesus (PBUH) used to eat, drink and walk just

as any other human. Can such a person be a God? Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted) is such that He has no beginning nor ending.


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) rejects the fabricated statements

and extreme views that Christians have of Jesus (PBUH). Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted) describes in the Holy Quran, how Christians have

deviated so much with their excessive elevation of Jesus that they ignore

God and worship Jesus (PBUH) instead: “O people of the Scripture (Jews

and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of

Allah aught but the truth…” (An-Nisa: 171)


Refer to Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) with only His high

attributes and His beautiful names. Don’t associate him with a partner,

a child (son) or similar things, which do not suit His attributes.


“The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah.”

(An-Nisa: 171)


Jesus (PBUH) is only one of the greatest prophets of Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted) and not His son, as you claim.


“And His Word, ("Be!" - and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam

(Mary).” (An-Nisa: 171)


He is an order manifested by His Glory. It is through His word “Be!”

that he became.


“And a spirit (Rыh) created by Him.” (An-Nisa: 171)


He is a spirit that came into being through creation. Due to the fact

that he miraculously became through the manifestation of the word “K�

n” (Be) from Allah (may he be glorified and exalted), he (Jesus) was

honoured with the title “Kelimetullah” (the word of Allah). This

honours the spirit by enhancing it to a divine attribution of Allah (may

he be glorified and exalted). Through him (Jesus), Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted) has given life to many dead hearts.


In that case;


“So believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not: "Three (trinity)!"

Cease! (it is) better for you. For Allah is (the only) One Ilah (God),

Glory be to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs

all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is

All­Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.” (An-Nisa: 171)


Jesus (PBUH) felt necessary to remind those who associated non human

attributes to him, that he was but a servant of God:


"Verily! I am a servant of Allah." (Maryam: 30)


He never said to his people: “acquire me as your Lord”, on the

contrary ha said:


"And verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That

is the Straight Path.” (Maryam: 36)


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) informs us of the consequence

believing in the trinity, which demolishes the basis of monotheist

belief. Those who acquire a God alongside Allah, will be made to face

Jesus (PBUH) in the divine presence of Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted) and who so ever slandered Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted) and his prophets will receive the punishment they deserve.


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) in addressing the prophet

Muhammad (PBUH), says:


“Say: "If the Most Beneficent had a son, then I am the first of Allah's


Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the

Throne! Exalted be He from all that they ascribe (to Him).


So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day

of theirs, which they have been promised.” (Az-Zukhruf: 81-83)


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) says to those who assign to some

of His servants a share with Him:


“Yet they assign to some of His servants a share with Him (in his

godhead). Verily, man is indeed a manifest ingrate!” (Az-Zukhruf: 15)


To associate him with having a child (son) is a blasphemy and blasphemy

is ingrate avowed.


The Holy Quran frequently explains that Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted) is exempt from having a child (son):


“And they (Jews, Christians and pagans) say: Allah has begotten a son

(children or offspring). Glory be to Him (Exalted be He above all that

they associate with Him). Nay, to Him belongs all that is in the heavens

and on earth, and all surrender with obedience (in worship) to Him.”

(Al-Baqarah: 116)


To impute Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) with having a child

(son) suggests that he also looks human. Whereas since nothing looks like

Him it is unrealistic to assume that He could have a child (son). He is

the only creator, and has neither beginning nor end.


“They say: Allah has taken a son (to Himself)! Glory be to Him: He is

the Self-sufficient: His is what is in the heavens and what is in the

earth; you have no authority for this; do you say against Allah what you

do not know?” (Yunus: 68)


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) is far from the claims these

people put forward, they impute to a dry opinion, since He has not

declared or made any statement that may suggest that He has a child.


“Say: "Verily, those who invent a lie against Allah will never be

successful"” (Yunus: 69)


They will receive what they fear and be deprived of what they are hoping

for. Hell will be there abode and not heaven.


“Look, how they invent a lie against Allah, and enough is that as a

manifest sin.” (An-Nisa: 50)


Even if this be their only sin, the slander they put forth is a sin that

will shadows them all.


“He Who has begotten no son (children or offspring) and for Whom there

is no partner in the dominion. He has created everything, and has

measured it exactly according to its due measurements.” (Al-Furqan: 2)

The destiny of everything exists under His power. Everything remains

within a boundary that no servant can see beyond. However, His power has

neither boundary nor end. Hence, nothing has the power to go beyond the

limits of creation to become his associate.


“And the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah.” (At-Tawba: 30)


This deviation opened a door for Christians to claim “Messiah is the

Son of God.”


“And the Christians say: Messiah is the son of Allah.” (At-Tawba: 30)


Though in the beginning, it was only a group of Christians who claimed

this, soon after, almost all of them began to accept and claim the same.

Moreover, people who disagreed were accused of blasphemy.


“These are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those

who disbelieved before.” (At-Tawba: 30)


Though they are people of the book, they are like polytheists and are

considered thus.


“Allah's Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth!”

(At-Tawba: 30)


Due to their slanders, they remain exposed to Allah’s (may he be

glorified and exalted) divine wrath.


Christians claim that sacrificing their minds and ego to believing in the

trinity, is a necessary principle of faith that will save them and purify

them of the initial sin, whereas this is nothing other than taking

lightly the belief in God. This is clearly disrespectful.


The trinity belief was not present at the beginning of Christianity. It

is a fabricated belief, which has resulted from fraudulent alteration of

the bible.


The first gospels written after Jesus (PBUH), was the gospels of Mark. In

this Jesus (PBUH) is referred to as; “You are the Christ” (8/29), in

Luke; “The Christ of God” (9/20). While a clause in the gospels of

Matthew states; “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”

(16/16). However, Matthew and Luke adopted many of their quotations from

the gospels of Mark. The trinity belief is present in the letters of John

and Paul. Paul is the father of concepts that impute Godliness to

Jesus’s and the one who introduced the present day belief of the



Today's Bible, which is considered a holy book by Christians halfly made

up of the letters of Paul who was a Jewish convert.


“Paul, the Jewish convert was a Roman Rabbi who had been a great

oppressor of Christians before his conversion. The letters he wrote the

church upon becoming a Christian, make up half of the 27 books of the

bible. ’Son of God’ and the ’Crucifix’ were the basis of Paul's

doctrines.” (US News and Report, 20th April 1992 p.70)


As a priest, who has converted to Islam states; “Paul's evil minded

letters teach about slander, backbiting, jealousy, betrayal and

spying.” These letters are especially full of inconsistencies and



“Saint Paul, whom introduced trinity to Christianity, is a Jew from

Tarsus whose real name is Saul.”


Before he came out by saying “Jesus came down to me and taught me the

trinity”, Saint Paul, used to teach the Kabbalah in Jerusalem (Kudus)

(The Concise Atlas of the Bible p.124)


“As churches outstretched to Anatolia (Anadolu), Jesus Christ (PBUH)

began to be known as ‘The Son of God’, this was the prime subject of

Pauls‘s letters.” (A.g.e, p.70)



In order to warn Christians and tell them that they have been mislead,

Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) commands in His Ayat;


“Say: "How do you worship besides Allah something which has no power

either to harm or to benefit you?” (Al-Maeda: 76)


All of them, in respect of their nature are creatures of Allah’s (may

he be glorified and exalted). They haven’t the potential to give

neither benefit nor harm.


“But it is Allah Who is the All­Hearer, All­Knower."” (Al-Maeda:



Just as He can hear His servants worship him and pray to him, He also

knows what is kept hidden within the hearts. Consequently, He will give

everyone what they deserve.


“Say: "O people of the Scripture! Exceed not the limits in your

religion other than the truth.” (Al-Maeda: 77)


O Christians! Do not ignore that the Messiah (Jesus) is the prophet of

God by raising him to a divine level.


O Jews! Don’t dare to deflate the value of Jesus by denying he is a



“Do not follow the vain desires of people who went astray in times gone

by, and who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the Right

Path."” (Al-Maeda: 77)


Here, the deviated and the deviators are mentioned to describe the

dignitaries, from the Jews and Christians, who have marked an epoch in a

deviant path and its followers. In their religion they have not set truth

as their target, and hence have gone as far as wrongly and blindly

imitating their past.


“Evil indeed is that which their ownselves have sent forward before

them.” (Al-Maedah: 80)


It is certain that on the day of judgement, they will see the severe

consequences of their beliefs and deviation.



The religion of Islam, began with the first human and the first prophet

Adam (PBUH), and with the flow of time and the coming of each prophet, it

developed more and more towards perfection. The Islam sent to Moses

(PBUH) was more improved and perfected compared to the Islam sent to Noah

(PBUH). While, the Islam sent to Jesus (PBUH) was more comprehensive and

developed compared to Islam sent to Moses (PBUH). When sent to Muhammad

(PBUH), it reached its final modality and was perfected.


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) commands in His Ayah;


“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour

upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Al-Maeda:



After Islam, there will come no other religion or prophet till the day of



“Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam.” (Al-Imran: 19)


It possesses the feature to overcome human beings, qualitative and

quantitative needs through the ages.


To follow older religions while Islam is present is like searching for

stars during the day.



The Distorted Bible Contains Many References on the Prophethood of Jesus




After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to

say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.”

(John: 6:14)


They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has

appeared among us,” they said. (Luke: 7:16)


And they took offence at him. But Jesus said to them, “Only in his

hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honour.” (Matthew:



All the verses and similar ones mentioned in the Bible, clearly show that

Jesus (PBUH) is a prophet, a messenger sent by God. But on the other

hand, this notion is contradicted in verses: Luke: 9:35, Matthew: 3:17,

Mark: 1:11, John: 1:18, where it is stated that Jesus (PBUH) is the

“Son of God”. These two opposing ideologies should not be present in

a Holy book, or its religion. This clearly shows that the Bible has been

distorted. Some verses mention Jesus as prophet but on the other hand

some others mention him as "Son of God".


The Holy Quran, clearly explains the status of Jesus (PBUH):


“And when I inspired the disciples: Believe in Me and in My messenger,

they said: We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered (unto Thee)

'we are muslims.'” (Al-Maeda: 111)


“The Messiah does by no means disdain that he should be a servant of

Allah, nor do the angels who are near to Him, and whoever disdains His

service and is proud, He will gather them all together to Himself.”

(An-Nisa: 172)


“He was naught but a servant on whom We bestowed favour, and We made

him an example for the children of Israel.” (Az-Zukhruf: 59)


Jesus (PBUH) is a mortal, a prophet chosen by God to guide people unto

the path of righteousness. As for his task as a prophet, is to invite

people to believe in only one Allah and worship him alone.



The Holy Quran and the Present Day Bible:



Allah (the most gracious the most merciful) sent down the holy Quran

during the time of the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who received and

recorded it. Later it was copied and distributed by Muslims. Today,

worldwide there are millions of publications of the Quran, however one

cannot find the slightest difference even a single letter, among any of

these. Even those who slander it, claiming its omission, have failed to

show a second version. Thus, there is no such doubt that the Quran maybe

altered. A study done by the Germans during the second world war,

compared thousands of copies and manuscripts of the Quran written over

centuries and found not a single difference in content. Their findings

reported that there was no difference between the first copies written

hundreds years ago and those today.


Whereas, the present day bible has derived through the pen of four

different people. Furthermore, it is commonly mentioned that there are

various hidden manuscripts and copies of the bible. Added to it are

various declarations, stories, letters that belong neither to Allah nor

his prophet Jesus (PBUH). For this reason the contradictions and

discrepancies within the bible are countless.


The book ‘The Pact Behind The Faith’ by ordained Methodist Minister

C. Leslie Mitton Jesus (published in 1974 by William B. Eerdmans

Publishing Company Grand Rapids, Michigan USA,) describes in page 10 that

many consider Jesus (PBUH) with respect regarding him an extraordinary

person without taking serious the claim that he is the Son of God. Even

the bible is no longer considered a divine book whose every word is

accurate, but rather it is considered, a collection of writings by

ordinary people who were just as prone to fall into error and ignorance

as anyone else. In answering the question “what do we know for sure

about Jesus?” it is no longer possible to give the churches official

teaching or quote verses from the bible because these only raise further

questions arising. How can we be sure that the church or the holy bible

is correct? To what extent can the bibles reference to Jesus (PBUH) be

considered authentic or to what extent has it been influenced, altered o!

r even created by the imagination


Prof. Dr. Maurice Bucaille writes of the confessions of the French

Catholic Priest Roguet:


“Many bible readers feel embarrassed, in fact they blush when they

think about the meaning behind many of the confessions in the bible. This

also happens when they compare different revelations of the same event

from various versions of the bible. Priest Roguet also mentions this

observation in his book ‘An Introduction to the Bible’. A weekly

Catholic publication, experienced in answering the question of distressed

bible readers is a measure of how uneasy Christians are of what they read

in the holy bible. People who send these queries come from a wide range

of cultural and social backgrounds. Priest Rouget describes that they are

often requested to explain texts that are difficult to understand,

comprehend and often contradictory or those referred to as scandalous

texts. …This is a recent establishment. Priest Rougets book was

published in 1973. Not long ago most Christians were only accommodated to

the bible being read and interpreted in sermons and it was neve! r

tradition to read the whole of t


The Bible has been altered. Hence, it is unavoidable for any reasoning

Christian to fall into doubt or uncertainty about the fraudulent

alteration of the bible. For these reasons many Christian theologists,

have had to explain that there was no book sent to Jesus (PBUH) and

rather the bible was written by Jesus’ partisans. While according to

Islam, it is believed that Allah (the most gracious the most merciful)

has sent to mankind four holy books. These are the Psalms of David, the

Torah, the Bible and the Quran.


Oh Christians! Is it possible to believe a book whose divinity has been

distorted? Is it possible to defend that a religion built on such a book

can be from God? On what evidence do you still reject the last prophet

Muhammad (PBUH)? While it is he, who has elevated Jesus (PBUH) and

introduced him in the most excellent manner to all believers.



Revelations of the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible:



Over the years, the holy bible given to Jesus (PBUH) by Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted) has been adulterated by the words of men, yet in

spite of its current tarnished state, it still retains some signs, which

tell of the coming of the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away.

Unless I go away, the counsellor will not come to you; but if I go, I

will send him to you. When he comes he will convict the world of guilt in

regard to sin and righteousness and judgement. (John 16:7-8)


I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he,

the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not

speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you

what is yet to come. (John 16:12-13)


If you love me you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father,

and he will give you another counsellor to be with you forever- the

Spirit of truth. (John 14:15-17)


But the Counsellor, the Holly Spirit, whom the father will send in my

name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have

said to you. (John 14:26)


When the Counsellor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the

Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.

(John 15:26)


These are the words of Jesus (PBUH) according to the Bible recognised,

accepted, and believed in by Christians the world over, today. They

attest to two very vital points: that Jesus (PBUH) gave his disciples the

news of the coming of a greater prophet than himself; and that he told

them that they must adhere to him. It also describes his worth and great

virtues. While Jesus (PBUH) spoke of Muhammad (PBUH) in this way,

Rasulullah (the messenger of Allah) spoke of Jesus (PBUH) as follows:


Amongst the people, there is non, who is closer to Jesus son of Mary, in

this world and the next, than I. All the Prophets are brothers; they are

like children of the same father, born of different mothers. All of their

religions are one. (Buhkari, Tajrid-i Sarih: 1403)


The above statements does not only show how both Prophets support and

testify about one another, but it also shows how they compliment each

other, and demonstrates their elevated statuses by Allah’s (may he be

glorified and exalted) side.


The term used to refer to the ‘Spirit of Truth’ of whose coming Jesus

(PBUH) spoke is ‘Paraklate’ in Greek or ‘Paraklatos’ in the

Latin. According to Christian traditions, Paraklate means one who

praises, or the saviour; which is easily a reference to Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH), who saved mankind from sin/corruption. Further more, the direct

translation of the word Paraklate, into Arabic, is Ahmad. Hence, this

refers to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


The Kingdom of Heaven being close at hand, as spoken of in Mathew and

Luke, is also a reference to Muhammad (PBUH):


He told them another parable: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard

seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the

smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of

garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and

perch in its branches. (Matthew 13:31-32)


As the parable describes, the religion which the last messenger brought,

was initially weak, his followers very few, but afterwards Islam grew

strong and spread throughout the world.


In the eyes of Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) Jesus (PBUH) is a

truly elevated Prophet. It is because Allah (may he be glorified and

exalted) wishes it so, that they are loved so much by men. Basically, the

endless love and devotion we have towards all of the Prophets of Allah

(may he be glorified and exalted), in spite of lack of knowledge or

understanding of their greatness, is purely due to the will of the

almighty, and beyond any human capability or capacity we have, for he is

a prophet.


“O children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you,

confirming the Law (which came) before me in the Torah, and giving good

tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.”

(As-Saff: 6)


One can discern from the Quranic verse above, that the increase of

devotion, love and association between Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH)

leads to the essence of brotherhood between them. Furthermore, with the

will of Allah (may he be glorified and exalted), Muhammad (PBUH) boldly

reveals the mystery and the truth surrounding Jesus (PBUH).


He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known

to you. (John 16:14)


What he meant by this is; “Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) has

bestowed many great virtues and qualities upon me, which I cannot explain

to you now. But he will reveal to you my reality, and explain all that

Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) has given me.”



This is why, when the awaited prophet came, many great Judeo-Christian

scholars of the time embraced the new religion brought by him.


“Those whom We have given the Book recognize this as they recognize

their sons; (as for) those who have lost their souls, they will not

believe.” (Al-Anaam: 20)


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave the news of the return of Jesus (PBUH).


I swear by Allah (may he be glorified and exalted), in whose power my

life rests; It will not be long before Jesus (PBUH) son of Mary, will

return as a fair judge, to destroy the cross, kill the pig, and remove

tax …then, there will be such a great increase in wealth, that it will

be impossible to find anyone who will accept charity. (Bukhari, Tajrid-i

sarih: 1018)


It will not be long before Jesus (PBUH) son of Mary, will return as a

fair judge, to destroy the cross, kill the pig and remove tax; young she

camels will be left untended, and non will be interested in them; all

enmity and hatred between men will be in the past. Jesus (PBUH) will

invite people to partake in the wealth, but there will be non who desires

it. (Muslim: 155)




Jesus (PBUH) was the last of the Prophets sent to the children of Israel.

He renewed the religion, which had been practiced throughout the ages

until his time, spoke openly, about Ahmad who would come after him, even

referring to him by name, while his teachings and ideologies were also

inclined towards the last prophet.


In his time, Jesus (PBUH) supported the Torah, which bore revelations of

his coming, before him, as well as revelations about that of the last

prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In doing so, he proved with his own existence;

and the good tidings he brought, in regards to the coming of Ahmad (PBUH)

being close at hand; that the revelations in the Torah were true, and

very near to being fully realised.


This was one of the prophet-hood duties of Jesus (PBUH): To be a pioneer

for him whose name ‘Ahmad’, not only means he who praises Allah (may

he be glorified and exalted) the most, but also, he who is praised and

honoured most amongst all of Allah’s (may he be glorified and exalted)



Yet in spite of the words of the messiah, many of the sons of Israel

denied Muhammad (PBUH) just as they had denied Jesus (PBUH), while even

many Christians hid the truth, by altering their scriptures.


Many Christian priests and scholars awaited the appearance of the final

prophet, as did the sons of Israel, who expected him to come to them, and

from amongst their own people. Yet when the awaited messenger, the

promise of whose celebrated coming, was written in their Holly books and

scriptures, came from amongst the descendants of Ishmael (PBUH), there

was much trickery and accusations from those who didn’t want to accept

him, as well as a great deal of hostility.


“But when the Messenger came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this

is evident sorcery!" (As-Saff: 6)


The Jews and Christians who refused to submit to Allah’s (may he be

glorified and exalted) word and will, were driven by their own desires in

wanting the final messenger to come from their own midst. Yet in spite of

the fact that he was unmistakably the messenger of Allah (may he be

glorified and exalted), they refused to accept this, and went about

denying him.


O those who refuse to believe, imagine that you are in the presence of

your Lord. If you are honest with yourselves, you cannot believe that the

promised messenger has still not arrived.


Allah (may he be glorified and exalted) sent you a messenger who brought

the truth. You have heard this, and you know it. Can you still refuse to

accept? Can you still snub divine will, and submit to the desires of your

baser self? Can you not see that in what you do, you are preparing your

doom with your own hands?



Why did Bush not allow Yusuf Islam to enter the USA?



They know that Islam is the last religion and the holy Quran is the last

book sent by Allah (the most gracious the most merciful) and that

Muhammad is the last prophet sent by Allah (the most gracious the most



“O followers of the Book! Why do you confound the truth with the

falsehood and knowingly hide the truth?” (Al-E-Imran: 71)


However, since they have not found righteousness they continue to persist

in there corruption.


“And to whomsoever Allah does not give light, he has no light.”

(Al-Noor: 40)


What is there punishment?


They will see torment like no one else has seen. Since, they deny divine

commands, try to hide the truth, and choose mistaken beliefs over what is



“Seize him, then drag him down into the middle of the hell; Then pour

upon his head the torment of the boiling water. Taste thou! Wast thou

forsooth the mighty, the honourable. Truly this is what ye used to

doubt!” (Ad-Dukhan: 47-50)


And it will be said to them: “Weren’t you renowned amongst your

people? But you were/remained ungrateful towards your creature Allah (the

most gracious the most merciful).”


“Does not man see that We have created him from a drop of seed

(detestable water)? Then lo! he (stands forth) as an open adversary!”

(Ya-seen: 77)


Though, it was He who created you from a sperm and surrounded you with

His blessings, still what is it that deceives you against all His

benevolence? Thus, suffer the torment you deserve! Suffer it eternally…


This goes to ruler. Every disbelieving ruler, will taste this torment.



The USA Feared Yusuf Islam

(Turkish Newspaper; Y. Юafak, 23. September 2004)



Not allowing Yusuf Islam to enter the US, was an act driven by malicious

crusade mentalities with an ulterior motive to openly antagonise Islam.

However, this situation will result in against them. While he was going

to meet a few people there now the subject matter has spread worldwide.


Yusuf Islam had no gun, nor plane, yet why did the US fear him? They

feared him because above all he has faith.


“O you who believe! Guard your own souls: If you are on the right way,

no hurt can come to you from those who stray. To Allah is your return, of

all (of you), and then He will inform you of what you did.” (Al-Maeda:



They know well that their book has been altered. Thus this is what Allah

(the most gracious the most merciful) informs us:


“They change the words from their places and forget a good part of the

message that was sent them…” (Al-Maeda: 105)


They have seen the bible altered and destroyed, yet why do they still

hide this truth? Because they want to cover the truths.


While Yusuf Islam was also once a Christian, and a man of fame but once

he was honoured with faith he turned his back to everything else. He

accepted Allah (the most gracious the most merciful) His Book and His

Prophet and was saved.


“Is one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam, so that he has received

Enlightenment from Allah, (no better than one hard-hearted)? Woe to those

whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of Allah! They

are manifestly wandering in error!” (Az-Zumar: 22)


These are the ones who are saved, those are the ones who are held.


Does this not teach you a lesson? Allah (the most gracious the most

merciful) informs us in His verses:


“Surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam.” (Al-E-Imran: 19)


They fear him because they fear the spreading of the light of faith.


For instance: An armed robber enters a house. When the child of the

household shouts: “Dad!” the robber strays. Why? Because he is not

supposed to be there, he is not a member of that household.


Thus, because they remain deprived of the true religion, they take

precautions against the spreading of the divine religion. Nevertheless,

their fears will come true.


Surah Al-Isra verse 58 refers to them:


“There is not a town but We will destroy it before the day of

resurrection or punish it with a severe punishment; this is written in

the Book (of Divine ordinance).”






O Christians!



We invite you to believe that there is no God but Allah (the most

gracious the most merciful) who is exempt from mortal attributes and He

begets not, nor was He begotten; and to believe in all His messengers,

that Muhammad (PBUH) and Jesus (PBUH) are His servants and prophets; and

to believe that the Psalms, Torah, Bible and Quran are all true books

sent to the messengers of Allah (the most gracious the most merciful).


This is the truth, this is true redemption.



“And peace to all who follow guidance!” (Ta-ha: 47)


“Peace on His servants whom He has chosen!…” (Al-Naml: 59)





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From: Mrs. Joy Dish Khushab


I am the above named person from Pakistan. I am

married to Dr.Dish Khushab who worked with Pakistan

embassy in Togo for nine years before he died in the

year 2001.We were married for eleven years without a

child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for

only four days. Before his death we were both born

again Christians. Since his death I decided not to

re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home,

which the Bible is against. When my Late husband was

alive he deposited the sum of$6.5Million (Six Million

Five hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) with one

finance/security company in Amsterdam Holland.


Presently, this money is still with the Security

Company. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not

last for the next Three months due to cancer problem.

Though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this

fund to church or better still a Christian individual

that will utilize this money the way I am going to

instruct here in.


I want a church that will Use this fund-to-fund

churches, orphanages and widows propagating the word

of God and to ensure that the house of God is

maintained. The Bible made us to understand that

Blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision

because I don't have any child that will inherit this

money and my husband relatives are not Christians and

I don't want my husband's hard earned money to be

misused by unbelievers.


I don't want a situation where this money will be used

in an ungodly manner. Hence the reason for taking this

bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know

where I am going.


I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the

Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my

case and I shall hold my peace. I don't need any

telephone communication in this regard because of my

health because of the presence of my husband's

relatives around me always. I don't want them to know

about this development. With God all things are

possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give

you the contact of the Finance/Security Company in

Amsterdam Holland.


I will also issue you a letter of authority that will

prove you as the original- beneficiary of this fund. I

want you and the church to always pray for me because

the lord is my shepherd. Happiness is that I lived a

life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to

serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth.


Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any

delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for

a church or Christian individual for this Same

purpose. Please assure me that you will act

accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hearing from

you. Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.

Yours in Christ,

Mrs. Joy Dish Khushab

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