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sick of this feminist bullshit


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"Jennifer Jordan will be giving a talk tomorrow, Tues Jan 25, 7:30 PM, in KANE 220 at UW on her new book, Savage Mountain.


The book chronicles the lives of the first five women to summit K2, three of whom perished on the descent. The remaining two died several years later on other Himalayan peaks. (The sixth woman summitted K2 in 2004.)


The book portrays their strong independent spirits, the turmoil of entering a tradiationally male sport, their insatiable [lethal] desire to climb in the death zone, their struggle to find balance between mountains and family..."


i am so fucking sick and tired of this bullshit. fucking bitch is trying to make money under this pseudo-feminism banner. this is a complete load of crap tranformed into paper.

fact: alpine climbing is a male dominated sport (activity)- so what. it's not like climbers discriminate against women. it was the situation with sport climbing 20 years ago- look now, it's about 50/50. and at this point there are women climbing almost at the level of men. and i don't see much of discrimination happening.

lack of women (not male domination) in alpine climbing exists because they choose not to do it (yeah, smart).

i wonder how did she contact Wanda Rutkiewicz? since she is dead for the last 10 years (weedgee board?). this is lame

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Cross-posting to Spray....


I think one of Bob's points with reference to Wanda whatshername is that the very kind of women who are inclined to do this sort of thing are probably the most likely to recoil at the notion that "achievement X" is automatically more impressive when it has been accomplished by a woman, and consider such thinking more patronizing and retrograde than anything in Bob's post. Perhaps in these women's case being amongst the first women to do so presented them with special challenges that are worth recording, and somehow elevate their ascents to a significance beyond that endowed upon the dozens of male ascents - but I personally think that once the pioneering era has passed - which it has, IMO - then this sort of reportage can easily stray into something like the gender equivalent of Special Olympics coverage. "She climbed X - and ----gasp!---- she's a woman!"


The person I did most of my trad climbing with in Colorado was a woman, and she - not I - was the sort of person who wouldn't blink at linking up a couple of Grade V's on The Diamond car-to-car and rolling into work on a couple of hours sleep in the morning and --- this sort of isn't-it-amazing-because-she's-a-woman stuff absolutely made her want to puke.

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Cross-posting to Spray....


I think one of Bob's points with reference to Wanda whatshername is that the very kind of women who are inclined to do this sort of thing are probably the most likely to recoil at the notion that "achievement X" is automatically more impressive when it has been accomplished by a woman, and consider such thinking more patronizing and retrograde than anything in Bob's post. Perhaps in these women's case being amongst the first women to do so presented them with special challenges that are worth recording, and somehow elevate their ascents to a significance beyond that endowed upon the dozens of male ascents - but I personally think that once the pioneering era has passed - which it has, IMO - then this sort of reportage can easily stray into something like the gender equivalent of Special Olympics coverage. "She climbed X - and ----gasp!---- she's a woman!"


The person I did most of my trad climbing with in Colorado was a woman, and she - not I - was the sort of person who wouldn't blink at linking up a couple of Grade V's on The Diamond car-to-car and rolling into work on a couple of hours sleep in the morning and --- this sort of isn't-it-amazing-because-she's-a-woman stuff absolutely made her want to puke.


you make a good point, though certainly discrimination still exists. i'm sure bob's a good guy; the frustration in his post just made me laugh. cantfocus.gif

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I just read a good article in climbing that was published right after Alisone Hargreaves died on K2. Interesting read. She actually thought it was more irresponsible for women with kids to climb, because she thought women are more important to kids then men are.

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Perhaps in these women's case being amongst the first women to do so presented them with special challenges that are worth recording, and somehow elevate their ascents to a significance beyond that endowed upon the dozens of male ascents - but I personally think that once the pioneering era has passed - which it has, IMO


The age of pioneering is certainly not over! Consider: RuMR can be the first member of an all-gay, mentally-retarded team to summit K2. Then he can go on a lecture tour and make some cash as well! hahaha.gif

Edited by KaskadskyjKozak
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JayB - nice explanation. (and my point).

someone said i am dissing the book without reading it. yes- and this is why: 10 years or more passed since these events. there were several books already on the market and climbers involved are dead, so what new can you write after all thse years? looks like analysis of the analysis. and wrap it into feminism- oh yeah, i'll make some ca$h and have speaking tour. bogus.

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