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Posted (edited)

Aron Ralston's book on his ordeal..."Between a rock and hard a place". Good read. The dude is a shit magnet after reading about some of his other stories though...


Example: His very first overnighter results in his camp getting trashed by a black bear and then being stalked by the same bear as he post holed his way out in the Tetons.


Check out the attachment for some pics that he took of himself while trapped. Warning: one pic is of his trapped hand AFTER amputation...gross but interesting.


Edited by griz
The dude is shit magnet after reading about some of his other stories though.

After reading several of the stories I'd say "dumb ass". repeated badluck isn't luck.


Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (Cross Country Snow thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif)

The Masaryk Case

The Mountain World (random volumes)

The Jewel in the Crown


'The Fencing Master' Arturo Perez-Reverte. fun adventure story-read it!!

'Quicksilver' Neal Stephenson - kind of a disapointment, given his other stuff

'The Tipping Point' Malcolm Gladwell - ho-hum sociology-lite.

'Culture Jam' Kalle Lasn - good sociology-lite.

'Pillow Problems and a Tangled Tale' Lewis Carroll (try it, you'll like it)

'The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit of Capitalism' Max Weber (the jury is out on this one)

'The Fencing Master' Arturo Perez-Reverte. fun adventure story-read it!!

'Quicksilver' Neal Stephenson - kind of a disapointment, given his other stuff

'The Tipping Point' Malcolm Gladwell - ho-hum sociology-lite.

'Culture Jam' Kalle Lasn - good sociology-lite.

'Pillow Problems and a Tangled Tale' Lewis Carroll (try it, you'll like it)

'The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit of Capitalism' Max Weber (the jury is out on this one)


WHAT..... are you reading a different book with each tenticle???

'Quicksilver' Neal Stephenson - kind of a disapointment, given his other stuff

I just finished "system of the world" Decidely not worth it. Someone needs to hire Stephenson an editor.


Just finished "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell", Susanna Clarke.


Next up the AAJ, when it fucking arrives that is mad.gifmadgo_ron.gif my copy is stuck in a pile of 150,000 unsorted pieces of mail at Canada Customs because the stupid border guards union is working to rule mad.gifmadgo_ron.gif


Actually, the backlog is due to the US Postal Service deciding to send all Canadian-bound mail to only three centres - Vancouver, Toronto, and Halifax I think - instead of the six or seven they used to send things to. So the Vancouver mail sorting and customs clearance centre saw its incoming volume more than double a few weeks ago. Customs has sent additional people to help clear the resulting backlog, but it's going to take a while yet. Not sure why the US post office decided to stop sending mail through Calgary, Winnipeg, etc...


Oh, and I've just started reading "Alexander the Great", and am about half-way through Shakespeare's "Henry V" - should finish it tonight, as I'm just about at the battle of Agincourt.


Well while I wait for the AAJ to come the next two books in the stack are "Chicot the Jester" -Alexandre Dumas, and "Emma" - Jane Austen that ought to take a week or ten days to get through those.

Posted (edited)
Well while I wait for the AAJ to come the next two books in the stack are "Chicot the Jester" -Alexandre Dumas, and "Emma" - Jane Austen that ought to take a week or ten days to get through those.


Edited by jordop

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