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Opposition to Vietnam war was a Fad?


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Protest This! snaf.gif

Just drawing a parallel between both anti-war movements. Some protestors in the 60's and 70's spat on and harrassed returning soldiers. Those few are now used to judge the whole lot of anti-war protestors.


Today, we're being told if we are against the war, we don't support the troops, which evokes images of the losers mentioned in the paragraph above.


Not really a response to anything you've said, just an observation.

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Repeat after me, "All we are saying, is give peace a chance."





What people like you don't understand is that some of the people the "war against terrorism" is fought against will execute your ass on a whim. I guess you didn't notice the recent fad in abductin innocent people and threating to execute them going on in Iraq for instance. What a tard..


You can't have peace with someone that executes with such extreme prejudism unless they die or you do.

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You're stereotyping is annoying as you are. . .


and then the stereotype:


The thing here is that all you liberals are grumbling around trying to figure out ways that you can have your own little mini Vietnam peace style movement where you can all congregate, sing songs, and turn your brains to crisp.


and even more stereotyping:


. . the losers hanging out in the trees across the street from the school, smoking and talking smack about the man and shit...L...O...S...E...R...S



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hahaha, you limp-wristed liberal pussies make me laugh. You want to protest this and protest that, then you cry when Daddy Government cuts your handouts. Eat shit and work for a living, instead of smoking dope and chaining yourself to someone else's trees. madgo_ron.gif

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There was a study somewhere of chimpanzees that showed while the alpha males were out looking for other gangs of chimps to fight with the beta males were getting it on with the chimpettes. Is war a strategy dreamed up by liberals to improve their reproductive success rate by sending all the alpha males away? Discuss.

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On a footnote, it's called SLANG you pretentious sack of Scottish SHITE.


I was registered as number 10 on this site at one time. So as far as I can remember I remember when you first came on this website with your "I love mountaineer outings" persona and serious lack of credentials. Not much as changed other than you have elevated yourself to some kind of celebrity status on this website when admittedly you are an insignificant foreigner. Go home. Enjoy it there because your country is about knee deep in warfare since long before the US ever came along. William Wallace you are not.


Secondly loser, I have met you in person and if you were able to put 2 and 2 together then maybe you would have figured that out a long time ago. You seemed squirrely and weak. Here is the power of the internet. Small man, no nuts makes big talk. You're cool.


My guess is that you run some inconsequential software related business. Don't value your insignificant self so highly.


After a put down like that, now I'm truly scared. You're right. I'm wrong. I succumb to your superior intellect. I'm glad you are protecting my liberties. wave.gif

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There was a study somewhere of chimpanzees that showed while the alpha males were out looking for other gangs of chimps to fight with the beta males were getting it on with the chimpettes. Is war a strategy dreamed up by liberals to improve their reproductive success rate by sending all the alpha males away? Discuss.


You're on to us! Maybe that's why Bush, Cheney & Ashcroft refused to go fight in a war that they fully supported.....

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Repeat after me, "All we are saying, is give peace a chance."





What people like you don't understand is that some of the people the "war against terrorism" is fought against will execute your ass on a whim. I guess you didn't notice the recent fad in abductin innocent people and threating to execute them going on in Iraq for instance. What a tard..


You can't have peace with someone that executes with such extreme prejudism unless they die or you do.


Thanks for reminding me. For a second there, when I got up this morning and sipped my early morning latte, I felt unnerved that someone may abduct me in urban Seattle. However, I then reminded myself that we're fighting the good war in the Middle East and we took the fight to them on their doorstep. That's what those Iraqis get for having the misfortune to have Dick Cheney declare that they were in cahoots with Al Queda.


Quite honestly, I feel no more threatened nor any more safe than before this farce of a war began. You may say that it's because of the War on Terror that I am able to freely walk the streets but let's not be blinded by the reality that this "war" is a contrived ploy by politicians to control the masses.


I really don't sense the imminent doom that you and your ilk like to profess. There have been struggles and injustices for centuries. I grew up amid daily reports of bombings but a few hundred miles from me and no-one in our communities stopped enjoying life and certainly no-one contemplated turning over their liberties to the government so that they could be "protected."


Life goes on Cavey. Be happy mushsmile.gif

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You are real good at dodging the subject and trying to insert and reply to remarks that I have never made , implied or suggested.


I never professed imminent doom. I have only expressed the truth about the actions of certain militant groups killing innocent victims and displaying it on internet or tv.


Guess what? - you do feel safe because you are not there. If you were I beet you'd cringe in a gunfight and shit your pants but that's another story. You are not a hero by spouting your beliefs or values on the internet to gather a following. Bombings a few hundred miles away might as well be a few thousand miles away. It is not the same as battle nor is it something to make you an expert in such actions or experiences.

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There was a study somewhere of chimpanzees that showed while the alpha males were out looking for other gangs of chimps to fight with the beta males were getting it on with the chimpettes. Is war a strategy dreamed up by liberals to improve their reproductive success rate by sending all the alpha males away? Discuss.


You're on to us! Maybe that's why Bush, Cheney & Ashcroft refused to go fight in a war that they fully supported.....


I think its cause the Viagra didn't work.


"War is the ultimate aphrodisiac" - Kissinger.

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You are real good at dodging the subject and trying to insert and reply to remarks that I have never made , implied or suggested.


I never professed imminent doom. I have only expressed the truth about the actions of certain militant groups killing innocent victims and displaying it on internet or tv.


Guess what? - you do feel safe because you are not there. If you were I beet you'd cringe in a gunfight and shit your pants but that's another story. You are not a hero by spouting your beliefs or values on the internet to gather a following. Bombings a few hundred miles away might as well be a few thousand miles away. It is not the same as battle nor is it something to make you an expert in such actions or experiences.


All true. No way I would go there. I don't think it's justified. Also true that I'd likely crap myself if confronted by armed militia. How many folks in everyday life have been confronted by gun wielding individuals?


I'm not trying to portray expertise in anything. I'm merely asserting an opinion that conflicts with yours and that of the GI. For that, I'm met with a barrage of cliched liberal insults.


Admittedly, it's all good fun and I'm glad I can elicit such rabid replies. wave.gif

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War is the ultimate aphrodisiac. - Kissinger


Get your quotes straight, foo!


"POWER is the ultimate aphrodisiac." - Henry Kissinger


And it's true. Funny-lookin' guy like Kissinger got himself an attractive wife.


Nancy Kissinger, Bess Truman, and that be Hank looking out at us.


Abbie Hoffmann was a true American patriot.


Dru: you don't know from American patriot, eh? The man fancied himself a violent revolutionary with the goal of destroying the "Pig Empire" of "Amerika", and having a jolly time in the process. I bought into his act briefly in my impressionable youth until I nearly got caught acting out some of the many destructive antics he shared with us in his "manifesto",

Steal This Book


The guy was a punk. I met him several years ago and found him to be a remorseless smart-ass. After the Vietnam conflict came to an end, he moved on to Nicaragua and other such "causes". He eventually committed suicide in 1989.


This image pretty much sums him up.

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Oh Robbie. You're always so astute, and SO eager to please your little liberal cronies. How does it feel being the liberal footstool?


Oh mikey, you're always so quick with the personal attacks rather than addressing the point that is being made.


For the record, I am not a liberal. I do enjoy watching you engage in your hypocrisy.

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I am 53 years old. I remember the '60's and I remember that oppostion to the war was a fad, an intellectual pet rock. Millions of us, and almost all of use in Seattle adopted the fashion of pacifism because it was cool and a good way to get chicks.


~60,000 americans and millions of vietnamese died in an optional war and the only thing this moron can say is that opposition to the war was a fad? moon.gif

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I am 53 years old. I remember the '60's and I remember that oppostion to the war was a fad, an intellectual pet rock. Millions of us, and almost all of use in Seattle adopted the fashion of pacifism because it was cool and a good way to get chicks.


~60,000 americans and millions of vietnamese died in an optional war and the only thing this moron can say is that opposition to the war was a fad? moon.gif


Oh man the truth hurts ya.


Fucking hippie tree huggers.







They really made a difference. Just like French policies in Iraq saved them from the abductions and potential bloodshed eh. boxing_smiley.gif

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I see you fairy bitches are still at it... making fun of troops and second guessing your leaders. I hope you have enjoyed your cubicle circle jerk all summer. Did you have fun talking about the same old shit everyday? "Bush lied" "I know Sergio, he is a fascist" "HITLER! I think I am going to the rally tonight" get some new shit!



... Oh and John Kerry's wife is a bitch!!! damn! That woman'll start a few wars by the time her 4 years of fame are up. rolleyes.gif

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hahaha, you limp-wristed liberal pussies make me laugh. You want to protest this and protest that, then you cry when Daddy Government cuts your handouts. Eat shit and work for a living, instead of smoking dope and chaining yourself to someone else's trees. madgo_ron.gif


I'm confused. What if you think Viet Nam and Iraq 2 were stupid fucking wars and Bush needs a visit from.




But you also smoke dope and cut down trees. How does that fit into your world view Greg. cantfocus.gif

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