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'smiff' is gay. Other than being pretty to look at, I don't get what there is to do there.


Funny anecdote: When I first met my girlfriend (a sportclimber), she was talking about where she climbed and mentioned the "high-quality climbing" at Smith. Me, being a tradster, responded, "Huh? Quality climbing at SMITH???" hehehe, we didn't talk about climbing on our first date. yellaf.gif

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Before you know it it will be getting dark at 4 in the afternoon and you'll be pulling on plastic face holds while it rains outside. Appreciate the summer while its here. The tomatoes aren't even ripe yet. Everything in due time, son.


you are right, special...summers around here absolutely rock...i'm heading to index tomorrow to roast and enjoy the sun...


but smith is my favorite...

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how is an area "gay"...perhaps you meant to say you climb a little bit like a fairy while down there??? yelrotflmao.gif


Regarding quality...the rock sucks, the actual climbing is amazing...


For sure I climb like a sissy down there. I may attempt a bigwall siege ascent of Bunnyface; I might make it if I start training now. I'll probably have to topstep to clip the bolt ladder.


It is a pretty place; I love that country. What are the dates again?

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'smiff' is gay. Other than being pretty to look at, I don't get what there is to do there.


Funny anecdote: When I first met my girlfriend (a sportclimber), she was talking about where she climbed and mentioned the "high-quality climbing" at Smith. Me, being a tradster, responded, "Huh? Quality climbing at SMITH???" hehehe, we didn't talk about climbing on our first date. yellaf.gif


Is she voting for Kerry cause of his anti-gun stance? No, then the marriage can be saved. Buy her an NRA membership and have her watch Ben-Hur 3 times in a sitting.


Greg, most people son't know this. There's some great trad at Smith. Nothing like some of the lines on Washington Granite of course. Funny thing, there's often lines of people for the moderate bolted routes while the moderate cracks remain alone and untouched.

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Cruel Sister,

Wartley's Revenge,

Karate Crack,

Rising Expectations,

Delerium Tremens,

The Fox,

Master Loony (OK one bolt),

Zebra Zion (solo the first pitch and it goes boltless),


On the Road,

The Pearl,



Some good cracks to check out in your smith guide . .

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The main formations at Smiff are "welded rhyolite tuff". This is basically volcanic ash/mud that got compressed and cooked. Dru, or one of the other geological wizes on here could tell you more.



Morning Star (stiff 10c) in the gorge thumbs_up.gif


Blood Clot (10b) and Crack-A-No-Go (11b, overgraded) just right of Cruel Sister. thumbs_up.gif

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