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John Kerry says stupid stuff, too.


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I think just about anybody could do that, Greg. And I'd be for it: liberal and cowardly stuff like tyring not to turn the entire Islamic world against us by saying we're going to Afghanistan and Iraq on a crusade, and working with our allies instead of calling them names like "irrelevant" and doing our best to turn them against us.

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Anyone catch W's masterpiece of a news conference with the minority journalists association on Friday? Abosolutly priceless the way he stumbled over the question of Tribal sovereignty posed by a Native American journalist. Obvious he doesn't know what the word means.

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there is absolutely no doubt who is the greatest political buffoon of our times. GW has surpassed Quayle by leaps and bounds.


how's this for a not unusual stupid quote...


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," George Bush told an audience of military brass and Pentagon chiefs. "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
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Today Kerry says he would still vote to authorize the use of force in spite of no WMD's being found. WTF?? I thought this guy was the anti-war candidate and at the very least, regretted his vote to give the president the authorization? I'm confused....and so apparently, is Mr Kerry. Dare I even try to understand the liberal/intellectual thought process this great beacon possesses?


More news to come out soon re: his "1968 Christmas in Cambodia" experience. Apparently, even the swifties who support him say he wasn't telling the truth when he testified before congress. It seems...he was never within 50 miles of Cambodia!...and he seems to believe Nixon was president at the time too! Kerry's war stories sound more and more like fish stories. rolleyes.gif





Oh yea....flame on you newly converted pro-Vietnam war peace loving liberals! Your hypocricy has reached new heights of stink. moon.gif

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Today Kerry says he would still vote to authorize the use of force in spite of no WMD's being found. WTF?? I thought this guy was the anti-war candidate and at the very least, regretted his vote to give the president the authorization? I'm confused....and so apparently, is Mr Kerry. Dare I even try to understand the liberal/intellectual thought process this great beacon possesses?

If I remember correctly Kerry regrets giving the President Carte Blanche to wage war.

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Dare I even try to understand the liberal/intellectual thought process this great beacon possesses?


Let me help you out with that one. It works like this:


1. Run focus groups in Canton, OH; Des Moines, IA; and Pittsburg,PA. Develop 3 or 4 potential "messages" or replies to criticisms from these sessions.

2. Conduct a national telephone poll with said "messages"

3. Adopt the "message" that sells best among those who fall into the "undecided, likely voter" category.

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He thinks he can "fight a more sensitive war on terror..." What the fuck is that? Those words came out of his mouth. Does he even know what he's saying? hellno3d.gif


Yeah, I saw that ad too. I didn't believe his statement was stupid. It just sounded wimpy, like what a pussy. But I think the statement should be seen within a context where the fight against terrorism goes beyond military and/or covert action.


The Christian Science Monitor has an article describing such an effort ( The US won a hearts-and-minds effort in the cold war. Such a victory may be needed again - but harder to win.).


Bush may just as well lead the effort if he wins a second term.


Religion plays a prominent part in this on-going conflict (terrorism in general and the "civil war" in Iraq). I find it interesting that Saddam's Baathist regime promoted a secular society but which allowed various religions to practice in relative peace. Now, with the new regime, their constitution states "Islam is the official religion of the State and is to be considered a source of legislation". That just seems to set the stage for the persecution of Iraqi Christians (source: Why Iraqi Christians are Moving to Syria).


I personally don't believe that Islam is a flawed religion in comparison to other religions. I simply believe that it is in dire need of reform ( Martyrs, virgins and grapes). Fundamentalism is the problem here as it is with its counterpart, Fundamentalist Christianity. Reformation of Islam may lead to a new Arab renaissance. I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing for the world.

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Dare I even try to understand the liberal/intellectual thought process this great beacon possesses?


Let me help you out with that one. It works like this:


1. Run focus groups in Canton, OH; Des Moines, IA; and Pittsburg,PA. Develop 3 or 4 potential "messages" or replies to criticisms from these sessions.

2. Conduct a national telephone poll with said "messages"

3. Adopt the "message" that sells best among those who fall into the "undecided, likely voter" category.


Now you're talkin', Will!! I hereby declare your "moderate" label temporarily restored. the_finger.gif

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frankly what he did on a "swift boat" should have little bearing on what he does as president. I don't really care. I just want someone who will make some intelligent decisions himself. I want intelligent LEADERSHIP rather than some idiot puppet with a bunch of string pullers in the shadows. Bush insults everything for which this country stands. He makes a mockery of what should be a respected position. Now I'm bracing for the riots in Portland tomorrow when he shows up for some private dinner or whatnot. He's afraid to show his face in public in Portland. Reagan had no problem with this.

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