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Where does it mention dinosaurs in the Bible? I must have slept through that part.


Yeah, given all the other pronouncements, you thought they might at least stick in something like "Thou shalt hide and cower when the velociraptors come for they are fearsome and have sharp pointy things"

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I know what you mean, Greg, I'm just saying there's always someone who won't listen to what you have to say, no matter how well spoken you are and no matter what evidence you marshal in defense of your point. I've known people from the far left and far right who do listen, and those who don't. That's all I'm saying. That and I was the other guy on Colchuck, but I didn't say much. wave.gif

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I know what you mean, Greg, I'm just saying there's always someone who won't listen to what you have to say, no matter how well spoken you are and no matter what evidence you marshal in defense of your point. I've known people from the far left and far right who do listen, and those who don't. That's all I'm saying. That and I was the other guy on Colchuck, but I didn't say much. wave.gif


I hear you. You can definitely tell, in a debate, if someone is actually considering your position or not. I fucking hate that when it's obvious they don't; I usually walk because it's not worth my time. Well, it was nice to meet you, anyway. wave.gif

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You know what, you guys are right. Listen...this is the sound of assmonkey backpedaling.


There are dogmatic folks at both ends of the spectrum. I think in my experience--because I am left-leaning and I have a big mouth--I tend to bump heads with the dogmatic folks on the right end of the spectrum.




- a s s m moon.gif n k e y

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"Pokemon Prove Evolutionism Is False" - Paul Sanborn (grade 4)




Paul Sanborn (grade 4) is going straight to Hell to burn in a lake of fire! These websites prove that Pokemon is the TOOL of SATAN!


The Problem With Pokémon by Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.


Satanism in Pokemon


Pokemon - Part One "Children Having Fellowship With Devils"




- a s s m moon.gif n k e y

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Patricia Lewis (grade 8) did an experiment to see if life can evolve from non-life. Patricia placed all the non-living ingredients of life - carbon (a charcoal briquet), purified water, and assorted minerals (a multi-vitamin) - into a sealed glass jar. The jar was left undisturbed, being exposed only to sunlight, for three weeks. (Patricia also prayed to God not to do anything miraculous during the course of the experiment, so as not to disqualify the findings.) No life evolved. This shows that life cannot come from non-life through natural processes.


I'm tired of this christian right-wing directed 'scientific' research. She purposely left out the electricity!?!?!! If only she added electricity to the charcoal and vitamins...who know's what crazy organism she could have given life to!!

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Barbara Whitehorse started seeking answers after her son asked a typical question: "Mom, can I get Pokemon cards? A lot of my friends from church have them." Much as she wanted Matthew to have fun with his friends, she gave a loving refusal. Matthew's tutor had already warned her that the Pokemon craze could stir interest in other kinds of occult role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. At the time, she wondered if the tutor had just over-reacted to some harmless entertainment. After all, the cute little Pokemon creatures looked nothing like the dark demonic creatures of D&D. But when she learned that a local Christian school had banned them because of their link to the occult, she changed her mind.


More evidence of the link between Satanism and nerds. Geek_em8.gif

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I know what you mean, Greg, I'm just saying there's always someone who won't listen to what you have to say, no matter how well spoken you are and no matter what evidence you marshal in defense of your point. I've known people from the far left and far right who do listen, and those who don't. That's all I'm saying. That and I was the other guy on Colchuck, but I didn't say much. wave.gif


I hear you. You can definitely tell, in a debate, if someone is actually considering your position or not. I fucking hate that when it's obvious they don't; I usually walk because it's not worth my time. Well, it was nice to meet you, anyway. wave.gif


When people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you, instead of just...


- instead of just waiting for their turn to speak?

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Where does it mention dinosaurs in the Bible? I must have slept through that part.


"Yea, and Moses led the children of Israel through the desert, and they found in their path a big fucking brontasaurus.


"And the children of Israel said to Moses, 'We're outta here.'


"And Moses said, 'Fear not, for the Lord sayeth continue on this path.'


"And Moses looked closer, and saw that the brontasaurus had a thorn in its paw. And Moses removed the thorn from the paw of the mighty beast. And the brontasaurus left the path, and the children of Israel continued on toward the promised land.


"And the children of Israel said to Moses, 'Yeah, but that was some scary shit.'"

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Where does it mention dinosaurs in the Bible? I must have slept through that part.


"Yea, and Moses led the children of Israel through the desert, and they found in their path a big fucking brontasaurus.


"And the children of Israel said to Moses, 'We're outta here.'


"And Moses said, 'Fear not, for the Lord sayeth continue on this path.'


"And Moses looked closer, and saw that the brontasaurus had a thorn in its paw. And Moses removed the thorn from the paw of the mighty beast. And the brontasaurus left the path, and the children of Israel continued on toward the promised land.


"And the children of Israel said to Moses, 'Yeah, but that was some scary shit.'"


You asshole! You just make me laugh out loud and spit a mouthful of coffee all over my monitor and keyboard!






- moon.gif monkey

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"Yea, and Moses led the children of Israel through the desert, and they found in their path a big fucking brontasaurus.


"And the children of Israel said to Moses, 'We're outta here.'


"And Moses said, 'Fear not, for the Lord sayeth continue on this path.'


"And Moses looked closer, and saw that the brontasaurus had a thorn in its paw. And Moses removed the thorn from the paw of the mighty beast. And the brontasaurus left the path, and the children of Israel continued on toward the promised land.


"And the children of Israel said to Moses, 'Yeah, but that was some scary shit.'"


Hilarious! yellaf.gif


But Brontasaurus was an herbivore. confused.gif

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Yeah, but based on the feet, would they be kosher for the Jews to eat? Mebee that's what happened to the dinos - the Jews ate them all while out wandering in the desert.


'Lo, and the bronto was divided up among the 12 tribes, each according to his portion, and it was good.'

Edited by glacier
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Close minded people definiltey come from all sides and all walks of life. The reason the christian right is so offensive is because they insist on having government create laws to rule the rest of us according their "morals."


There is some minister, I forget what his name is (I think somebody posted him on here??) who's goal is bring science into christanity. He belives (rightly so, I think) that the death of christianity will be the refusal of it's followers to accept science and the fact that the bible is a human created story book, not a hand-me-down from god.

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............the fact that the bible is a human created story book, not a hand-me-down from god.


This is the part that is ironic. All religion has made-up stories as their source. Heck, Jesus was elevated from mortal to son of God by a vote of the church for crying out loud (and a close vote at that). I have nothing against faith but when they treat writings meant to be metaphorical solutions to the mysteries of life as dogma, that's when it gets scary. And the folks that do it cleverly ignore the evolution of their own religion. As usual it centers around power grabs.

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Close minded people definiltey come from all sides and all walks of life. The reason the christian right is so offensive is because they insist on having government create laws to rule the rest of us according their "morals."


As opposed to you liberals who want to legislate human nature and behavior and eliminate choice? The whole drive towards political correctness, "hate-crimes", preferential treatment (i.e., racial quotas), banning smoking in bars, banning SUVs, etc.

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As opposed to you liberals who want to legislate human nature and behavior and eliminate choice?


Whoa, hang on there, big fella...


Now, who, exactly is "pro-choice?"


Let's say it all together now....






- a s s m yelrotflmao.gif n k e y

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