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"Women Were Designed For Homemaking"


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That worries me a little and I believe in God and the Bible.


One important physiological trait that was missed in the womanly design for homemaking: their feet are smaller which allows them to get closer to the sink and stove than men. This is a very key scientific point that was missed in the research.

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I believe in God and the Bible.



Is that why you are so nasty to people?


No offense intended to anyone on this board, but the most virulently close-minded people I have met in my life have been religious and right-wing.


Which, I guess, is the dictionary definition of conservative: "Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change."


Which is a bit unrealistic in my opinion. If there is anything constant it is that change will occur, and the better equipped you are to deal with it (i.e., being open-minded) the easier it will be to deal with the situation. This is reinforced to me just about every single excursion I make into the outdoors, and especially when climbing.


- a s s m moon.gif n k e y

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I don't think you can limit that to conservatives. There are plenty of closed-minded people out there of all political persuasions. It's usually the people who are more middle-of-the-road who are willing to listen to you and debate with you and are willing to have their minds changed if you make a cogent argument.

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That's interesting, assmonkey, because I've had the opposite experience as a rather right-thinking individual. It's the liberals who are so adamant that I change my thinking to theirs. It's the liberals who beat me over the head with their dogma and demand that I must be wrong. I laugh, because all this tells me is that they feel threatened by the fact that I'm comfortable in my views. Apparently, they aren't so comfortable with theirs.


And, to answer your question, I'm selectively nasty and normally a nice guy. I have no patience for stupid people or people who believe it is their purpose in life to try to beat their dogma into my head. To those, I say, "fuck off or back it up."



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I think Foraker has a point. I am definitely middle of the road. I discuss a lot of politics with friends who are rabid Republicans and friends who are rabid Democrats. The conservative folks usually make better arguments and have an easier time discussing subjects that they disagree with in an adult fashion. It's the liberal folks that get all bent and assholish.


BTW - that doe sinclude people onm this board too.


Just my observations.

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Noah's Ark Scale Model Kit

Made of cardboard at 1/75th scale. Great for homeschoolers, Christian schools, Sunday schools and youth groups. Comes with 7 pairs of dinosaurs and 14 of other animals to scale to show just how big the Ark really was.


Where does it mention dinosaurs in the Bible? I must have slept through that part.

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I don't view "close-minded" the same way as I view a person who is solid in what they believe. Just because you can't sway me off my position with your arguments, doesn't mean I'm close-minded, it just means that I believe what I believe for very specific reasons and that's that. Doesn't mean we can't have a nice, spirited debate about it - I've had many good debates with friends of a more liberal persuasion and we're all still friends.

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2nd Place: "Women Were Designed For Homemaking"

Jonathan Goode (grade 7) applied findings from many fields of science to support his conclusion that God designed women for homemaking: social sciences show that the wages for women workers are lower than for normal workers, meaning that they are unable to work as well and thus earn equal pay;

That's really something else ....


I want to clarify that I don't agree with all the ideology of the modern feminist movememt, however, even *I* cringed when I read some of this.


My favorite part was the classification of two kinds of workers in the paragraph above .... "women" and "normal."



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