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Fuck that. Schmidties is always in season.


I don't think it was the Schmidties that got you this faded last year, if I remember right. bigdrink.gifyellaf.gif


yellaf.gifBaahhaahaha!!!! yellaf.gifDamn that is a funny one.



Ha ha ha snaf.gif seekers, stole this one from ya all.

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Want sum beer? Judging from last fest, I think 3 kegs are appropriate. My treat. I'm happy to bring them.


The only thing I request, is that if I start blubbering about personal crap after I drink my share, someone should cuff me up side da head. cantfocus.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

I so can't wait fruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif
I did not have sex with that woman!


What is it we are talking about? Oh yeah--Tex made me do it. Thats it.


Steve, we went through two kegs. I'm willing to be the transport vehicle again if that makes things easier for ya. Shit, I'll do just about anything to keep from having all that Busch beer sitting around our campsite.


That depends on what the definition of what "two" is. yellaf.gif


I'll bring 15.5 gallons of stout and 31 gallons of other ( IPA, ESG, Pale Ale, maybe Triple) any requests? One big CAUTION! the Triple tends to be totally ruinious...just ask Winter; but it is my personal favorite. Part of my mantra is that the lack of beer should not be an issue, sort of like freedom, I'm sorry that we ran out last time. Biz is good and I'm happy to share.


I would, however, love to try the Dopple Bock.


One thought, maybe we should organize a breakfast...Horse cock, spuds, coffee and advil? Last year it was a little sad; every one wandering around, kicking the dirt, squinting in the stale sunlight, not quite knowing what to do next. Skating away on the thin ice of a new day.



I'll bring 15.5 gallons of stout and 31 gallons of other ( IPA, ESG, Pale Ale, maybe Triple) any requests? One big CAUTION! the Triple tends to be totally ruinious...just ask Winter; but it is my personal favorite. Part of my mantra is that the lack of beer should not be an issue, sort of like freedom, I'm sorry that we ran out last time. Biz is good and I'm happy to share.


I would, however, love to try the Dopple Bock.


One thought, maybe we should organize a breakfast...Horse cock, spuds, coffee and advil? Last year it was a little sad; every one wandering around, kicking the dirt, squinting in the stale sunlight, not quite knowing what to do next. Skating away on the thin ice of a new day.


They just don't know how to drink, eh? Oh, that Triple is one of me favourites...I wish we could have a cask conditioned ale as well...:D Lots of vitamin C and lots and lots of water always helps prevent a hangover...that, and take the Advil the night before. I wouldn't recommend the Triple for this lot, if what you're saying is true. Pints and pints of a sweet yeasty high alcogol content beer would probably kill em, and you KNOW they're not gonna SIP that Triple in the true style its meant to be drank....2 weeks in Belgium and many many bad hangovers taught me just important the sipping of the beer is wink.gif


Only 15.5 gallons of the stout? frown.gif Hey, TG...how about a nice seasonal for the fest? You could even name it something like 'Tough Love Marzen' wink.gif Just a thought....it IS October....and the time that all we Germans reap the harvest, etc....right? Why not go all out! MMMMnnnnn...beeer and climbing and horsecock......I'm such a lucky lucky girl to have happened upon CC.com. tongue.giffruit.gifgrin.gifwink.gifcool.gifthumbs_up.gifHCL.gifbigdrink.gifwave.gif


Don't forget the eggs!


Hey Snowbyrd--don't get greedy sistah! The TG-man is donating his luv brew to the fest. He works so hard he never gets to climb so I will be happy with his presence alone, much less his beer selections. That Triple he brought to a PDX get-together left us all polluted beyond recognition and an impromptu 'campout' in Winter's backyard. The stuff of legends.

Don't forget the eggs!


Hey Snowbyrd--don't get greedy sistah! The TG-man is donating his luv brew to the fest. He works so hard he never gets to climb so I will be happy with his presence alone, much less his beer selections. That Triple he brought to a PDX get-together left us all polluted beyond recognition and an impromptu 'campout' in Winter's backyard. The stuff of legends.


I'm not greedy...but I'm not afraid to give a compliment when I KNOW one is well deserved, either! You just don't know the proper way to drink a Triple, either....perhaps you were a bit greedy yourself. Belgians are for sippin, buddy....not gulping!

Hash Browns, Sausage and bacon! now there's a post beer breakfast!


I think organizing a breakfast is a great Idea... I will bring my 2 burrner coleman cool.gif

Hash Browns, Sausage and bacon! now there's a post beer breakfast!


I think organizing a breakfast is a great Idea... I will bring my 2 burrner coleman cool.gif



I have one that I can bring too.

I think Triple is perfect for gulping; eminantly guzzelable...but then again, I' a professional. hahaha.gifbigdrink.gif


let's see that hangover remedy then wink.gif Belgians give me the WORST headaches....all that yeast....maybe somebody should bring a geuze! laugh.gifbigdrink.gif


Gulping copious amounts of high alcohol beer works for some...just personally, I'd like ot do some climbing that weekend as well and as tempting as it is to gulp, me personally, would not be able ot even move the next day if I gulped. So, I personally prefer to sip wink.gif


To each his own....then again, maybe I'm just weak and pathetic when it comes to drinking beer. bigdrink.gifwave.gif

...just personally, I'd like ot do some climbing that weekend as well and as tempting as it is to gulp , me personally, would not be able ot even move the next day if I gulped . So, I personally prefer to sip wink.gif



...just personally, I'd like ot do some climbing that weekend as well and as tempting as it is to gulp , me personally, would not be able ot even move the next day if I gulped . So, I personally prefer to sip wink.gif




Get your mind out of the gutter Ruuuuudy wink.gifbigdrink.gif

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