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I have a raging hangover


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Hug porcelain.

Then, scrambled eggs with lotsa cheddar, maybe sprinkle in some HC if you're man enough for it for the flava and extra fat.

Lotsa water, couple aspirin after you've eaten, and a hot shower

That normally does it for me.

Eat big lunch too...



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What always works for me: Lots of water and sugar and a couple Ibuprofin.


Hangovers are essentially a mixture of toxins generated by alcohol and your body being deprived of proper hydration and sugars. The water will help balance the fluids as they're processed by the liver and kidneys and help flush the toxins, and the sugar will replentish the glucose that alcohol deprives your system. And of course the Ibuprofin helps to relieve the headache.

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Sometimes my hangovers are so bad I can't even hold down water until 10 or 11 o'clock the next night. If I knew how to set up an IV for myself I would do that for rehydration... but then again if you go down that road it seems like it would just speed your way to alcoholism. A little pain is probably good for you to keep your drinking in check.


If you can hold down food Dick's cheeseburgers do the trick for me. cheeburga_ron.gif

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Are you sure, Icegirly? Better check your source and make sure it isn't based on the older source of Jane Ace. I have always assumed it was Jane Ace (1900/05 - 1974) and a simple websearch seems to bear this out in many examples. I'm talking about the "Time wounds all heels" quote only. I don't know, I could be wrong.


Some other Jane-isms:

"Familiarity breeds attempt."

"Home wasn't built in a day."

"Take the bitter with the better."


A good biography of Jane & Goodman Ace.

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