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FF's free soloing post made me think of this


We were at vantage on sunday. Surprisingly we found ourselves pretty much alone on a wall. After a while a large group shows up. Despite the fact they've pretty much taken over the area, they're pretty polite about it so i'm not much upset with it.


i head up the next route which is pumpy and tough for me. i'm cursing up a storm as i'm prone to doing even with my kiddo hanging out w/us.


later, i realize the large group is a church group. i feel a LITTLE badly for inflicting them w/my irreverant tongue.


so the question is, how considerate are you of those climbing near you? was it completely awful of me not to curb myself or consider that others might be there?


my general thought is "fuck 'em" but FF's post got me to thinking. i never have cared if someone soloed something in around me but obviously this bothered FF.

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I only tend to watch myself around kids, since kids being the mimics they are, I don't want to inflict their parents with their kids walking around the house gleefully repeating "God fuckin motherfuck!" Adults may have their sensibilities chafed, but they'll get over it.

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I only tend to watch myself around kids, since kids being the mimics they are, I don't want to inflict their parents with their kids walking around the house gleefully repeating "God fuckin motherfuck!" Adults may have their sensibilities chafed, but they'll get over it.


frankly, i think i'd pay good money to see some of the kids that were there walk around their houses and their parents saying that. grin.gifgrin.gif


hey my kid was sitting right there. he knows there are some words that are OK for adults but not for kids. i used every single one of the "bad" words in several unique combos. i didn't really consider it at the time but maybe i should be more polite at the crag? ok maybe not.

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Why should a crag be any different than somewhere else? Granted, different places have their respective written or unwritten manners guidelines. Is it more permissible to chafe people with swear words at a crag than, say, walking down a crowded city sidewalk? At a Mariners game? At the beach?

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If you have the breath to swear then you're not trying. grin.gif


But you can make it sound much harder than it is!


Civility goes out the window while on lead, IMHO. I'm usually pretty polite when on the ground, but the motherfuckers might start flying if I get gripped.

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Proper cursing is an art that I think has been lost over the years. Anyone can say fuck and shit. NBD. It takes a master to really be able to express one's frustrated emotions eloquently with foul language. i.e. asshat


Remember - nothing says intelligence like a four letter word.

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Maybe if you were not so angry about your climbing performance you would not feel the need to swear as much.


iaxx is being mean to me cry.gifcry.gif


hey it was a hard route...for me. yeah... i do suck. damn i wish i didn't but i'm pretty sure i'd still swear anyway.

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Proper cursing is an art that I think has been lost over the years. Anyone can say fuck and shit. NBD. It takes a master to really be able to express one's frustrated emotions eloquently with foul language. i.e. asshat


Remember - nothing says intelligence like a four letter word.


This is true... You can dismiss someone with a simple "fuck you", but you can be sure they'll remember "go crawl back up the diseased monkey's rectum that spawned you, you putrid pile of ass bile." But it just doesn't have quite the same explosive feeling when you're clinging by your fingernails with your last ounce of strength.

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sounds like minx should give her kid some earmuffs to put on before she heads off on the sharp end.


I personally don't care to hear the 'f' word belted out by anyone. Of course I say it but try to be conscious of how it's used. I've got friends who, it seems fuck is their favorite word to use.


If you're losing the battle on the rock I guess you can do whatever you think will help you. If it is spewing a whole load of trash as loud as you can at yourself, the rock, a hold, your feet, your belayer, girlfriend/boyfriend, God, your mom/dad/ grandma/grandpa, anything else you can think of I guess you've gotta do what you gotta do. However cool you may be, it just makes you look really, really dumb. (yep, I know three fingers are pointing right back at me when I say this.)



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Respond in Finnish (to the best of my knowledge). These terms were taught to me by iron miners in Da UP while going to college and working in the iron mines as a pup.

paska = shit

naida = fuck

kirota = damn

virtsa se =piss on it

kukko imulaite = cock sucker

I'm sure there are a few out there that can correct the words so they are correct in gender and usage, but these were the words of the day for my partners in the mines. May they rest in peace after working hard and in dangerous places only to die of cancer from smoking and chewing too damn much!

Edited by sisu_suomi
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I'll quit saying 'fuck' around church groups when they stop talking about Jesus around me.

Fuck that Ratboy you got to get with the program. You have to say it like this:

Jeezzze H. FUUUUCCCKING CHRIST give me some mother of mary fucking slack you god damn fucking idiot.

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hey my kid was sitting right there. he knows there are some words that are OK for adults but not for kids. i used every single one of the "bad" words in several unique combos.

"Do as I say, not as I do." ~ Parents


hey i think this is an important part of parenting. kids need to learn that there is a time and place when things are appropriate. it is not time for my 9 yr old to be swearing.


i 'spose that saying something about christ on fire wasn't the most polite thing i could've said but hey i didn't know they had their bibles handy. let me make it clear that these guys were not being offensive to me in anyway. they weren't preaching or i wouldn't even be thinking twice about it. let just say you don't want to the JW that knocks on my door and wants to share.

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let just say you don't want to [be] the JW that knocks on my door and wants to share.



well unless those are your personal initials or you have a really masochistic side, i promise it won't be a pleasant experience. i made one cry once. i'm not sure if he was crying for lost soul, i hurt his feewings or what. i just know that it's not a good idea to knock on the door of college girl's apartment that early on a saturday morning. madgo_ron.gifbigdrink.gif

How do you know?

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