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Damn, that sucks! Well, Jon and Timm@y, I guess that's one way to get us all to clear out our PMs.


I sure am glad I decided to create a PMs folder in my email program to store the more important ones. However, any PMs I was saving in CC.com from before 12/16/03 are now lost. frown.gif


Hackers: thumbs_down.gif

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If you set your preferences to be notified of PMs via email you can at least read incoming messages.


Not exactly, jk. You just get an email message that tells you that you have received a PM, and gives a hotlink to get to your My Home page on cc.com. At least, I haven't been able to go to a PM directly from my email inbox.


So jon/timmy,


Now that all our PMs are shot to shit, how does one get into one's PM mailbox to delete the gumnutblendersybians shizzle that is left there? When I click on Received or Sent PMs, all I get is a bunch of code and no option to delete all contents of the PM mailboxes. Any hints?




What does it take to back up databases locally?


It means backuping up a rather large database over the internet to my computer or to our account on another server.


Sounds like a fair amount of work. How big is the database?


After analyzing the following line of code :

8=Dafd54 80124a16 80124a16 ff8e6f60 ff8e6c3c 8015ac7e 80100000


We have diagnosed the problem in the Linux Kernel that caused a fault in our .SPRAY platform. Silvia and Jenna have been secured from further attack of the Taliban Spraylords, and will only be compromised by jon and i.


Thank you for your patience during this brief outage, and have a happy april 1st.



Jon n Timmy



If you set your preferences to be notified of PMs via email you can at least read incoming messages.


Not exactly, jk. You just get an email message that tells you that you have received a PM, and gives a hotlink to get to your My Home page on cc.com. At least, I haven't been able to go to a PM directly from my email inbox.

That's weird -- I get the link, but I get the sender, the subject, and the text of the message as well.


Water under the bridge ...

April 1, hmmmmmmmmmm


The first posts were made last night around 11 PM though...


where else are servers called Jenna and Silvia? Good job Timm@y and Jon yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif I think you got them all. And I am from the Guvment and I am here to hep you, we don't need no sylbians

where else are servers called Jenna and Silvia? Good job Timm@y and Jon yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif I think you got them all. And I am from the Guvment and I am here to hep you, we don't need no sylbians


Probably anywhere there's lonely computer geeks with a need to come up with a name...

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