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How many of you who bitch about Wal Mart's labor practices, big tobacco's ethics, and Exxon's environmental practices own stock?


You got a 401k at work? Got some indexed funds in there? S&P500 indexed fund or SPDRs? How about DJIA indexed or Diamonds? Cubes?


Do you examine the complete holdings of every fund you have money in each quarter?


Do you feel bad about owning Exxon (XOM), Altria (MO), and Wal Mart (WMT)?


I'd even wager that most large cap mutual funds are holding each of these three. Checked out your holdings lately?

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Yah Will that's a tough one. My 401 fund choices don't include a "green" one, so it's a bit of the lesser of evils with the investing.


Generally small-cap stuff's not as bad, and it's been reasonably fruitful for the most part.


Life is full of contradictions, and it can be damn near impossible to make the right choice, or know everything there is to know. What's your point?


I may be liberal, but I'm also working class. No stocks, mutual funds, 401k etc. Couldn't tell you what my wife's retirement is in, she's with Washington State under Pers II and I haven't a clue what they invest in. I'm not that pure about things anyway. Oh, I bought gas from an Exxon station the other day, I didn't flinch. They're the only station in my small town, and I'd just as soon see them stay open.


This is rather a specious argument. What you've assumed is that simply because one is liberal, one is anti-business and therefore it is hypocritical to have a retirement plan.

I think, if you bothered to ask around, nothing could be further from the truth. I myself have some liberal tendencies, have a 401k and am pro business. What I have a problem with are the practices of certain business and the politicians who aid and abet them. I can do little, perhaps, about the stocks held in my mutual funds but I can certainly act both politically and as a consumer, can I not? Are you saying that when companies sell products that maim or kill, or when they pollute, or when they defraud, that we should simply lie back like a reluctant virgin (to steal a phrase) and let them have their way with us? No, I say. If your Ford Explorer rolls off the highway, killing your family, are you forbidden from seeking redress and recall of the vehicle simply because you are an extremely minor stockholder in their company. "Ooops! Better not sue! My portfolio might take a hit!". If that is your thinking, sir, we should forego all pretence and dress our parts: them as wolves, us as sheep.


Will, I tend to examine my investments carefully, taking into consideration the very sorts of things that you mention.


As small as my holdings might be, I want them to be supporting things that I believe in. We (libs and dems rolleyes.gif ) may not be perfect, but it's worth trying to make a difference.


WOW should I be thinking about stuff like the aforementioned?

I think im a liberal, I eat meat tho...but I dont watch TV but I do play Everquest?

I save some money but I also enjoy spending it on new gear, garden stuff, bolting hardware and music, I dont believe in organised religion either...what am I?

WOW I am confused now. pls PM is you can help me and ill link you my PayPal


I wish someone would hack the billboards for Lotto or Megamillions with "Taxing the Stupid to Pay for Education!"

Perhaps a more feasible fantasy than others, however.


Ah Will, I don't ask such hard questions. We liberials don't sweat that shit. Invest my money in third world prison workcamps for all I care . Make sure the workers have no benefits, that stuff cuts into my profits. Squeeze tightly so we hypocrites can get the most out of our corporate death machine investments. I want my social security too BTW.

I only vote liberal, b/c it makes me feel better. Now can we get back to shooting and driving SUV's?


I've got 10% of my retirement plan going into TIAA-CREF "Social Justice" fund. moon.gif


I don't think I've ever bitched about Wal Mart's labor practices, big tobacco's ethics though. I have bitched about big faceless entities' environmental practices.


So Will, is your post a rhetorical, you're a fucking hypocrite", slap, or is it a call for all socially conscious individuals to investigate possibly overlooked ethical problems with their portfolios?

Hey, Off, don't let being a blue-collar working stiff keep you from setting up a retirement plan!


Yeah, Off, what's with your boss? Fuck that guy, get with your fellow employees and demand a retirement plan from the business owner...oh, wait, you work for yourself...Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! Buy savings bonds...

I'll never get decent climbing partners using words like 'specious'. ;-)

I'd climb with you if you hadn't spelled 'pretense' wrong. Come on, we've got standards on this board, mister...


I blame the previous administration for any errors in spelling. ;-)


I saw that I misspelled it, but didn't think anyone was going to mention it given the low bar set by others. ;-)

Hey, Off, don't let being a blue-collar working stiff keep you from setting up a retirement plan!


Yeah, Off, what's with your boss? Fuck that guy, get with your fellow employees and demand a retirement plan from the business owner...oh, wait, you work for yourself...Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! Buy savings bonds...


yelrotflmao.gif Hey, I do have $1400 in an IRA, does that count? Actually, my strategy involves local residential real estate, so I hope to not wind up too dependent on the kindness of strangers. I suppose being a slumlord and real estate speculator is no more ethical than investing in GloboChem.


As for the lottery, I've always thought of it as a tax on people who aren't too good at math.


I have half my retirement plan allocated to TIAA-CREF's Social Choice grin.gif It was less productive than the aggro choice, before the economy went south. It's done better on many reports since then.


Anyway, back to Will's question, I criticize Walmart, Exxon etc because they're wrong, and separately I avoid them when I see that I have a choice. I also pay taxes even though our current government spends it on crap I don't believe in. And why? Because if I disconnected from everything I didn't agree with and went around carping about them, that, really, would be hypocritical.

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