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Alpenthal on Friday


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Shoulda been there; For some reason I always seem to hit it on fridays. Powder day!!! Hooked up with an alpine skiier who pushed me hard all day. I'm a little stiff today. Damn, I gotta ski more!


I'm begining to think the learning curve on boarding must be longer than some people say. Why do they all seem to just slide around sideways. Does anyone know how to friggin' CARVE a snowboard???

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Most boarders suck, which is why everybody hates them. I have several very good boarder friends who I go up with often, and they are fun to watch. It's the shitheads that go sideways and remove all the snow from the hill that ruin it for everybody.


I wish the ones that "suck" would recognize as such and stay out of the terrain above their ability. Alpenthal is fun with lots of extreme little shots through cliff bands and such. It just pisses me off to find one with all the snow scraped out because some knuckle dragger did it sideways. Fuckin do it right or NOT AT ALL!

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I'm begining to think the learning curve on boarding must be longer than some people say.


a number of them don't give a shit about learning technique as long as they can get down steep terrain somehow. i've had kids congratulate me for NOT taking snowboarding lessons. then i tell them i have and they're not impressed anymore. rolleyes.gif

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This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. I've seen five or six at a time coming down in perfect formation like the snowplows on a major highway, leaving no powder untouched and a 30' wide swath of desolation behind them. If you got enough of them together they could wipe out entire runs with a single pass, like they're working on a paving crew or something.


Bastards!! madgo_ron.gif


And they can't figure out why we hate them so much... tongue.gif

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OK.... Time for the bashing to end.


You guys are like a bunch of little kids!..."and then they...and I fell over...they slid all the snow off....and they laughed when I lost a ski..."


Listening to a bunch of third rate SKIERS bitch about how some KIDS snaked their lines.



I was a full time snowboarder for ten years(1000+ days), and let me tell you one thing... I NEVER complained about your sorry, confused, scared skiing antics.

As a matter of fact, I never even gave you a second thought.

I was too busy having fun to think how some weiner from Seattle is ruining my day.


You really hardcore? badass? whatever?....

Get up a little earlier, get the turns you want, go home and leave the dregs to the minions.


My name is Russ Ricketts and I can kick your ass.(on a snowboard.)


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I've always thought one of the cool things about the northwest is that it didn't have the savage division and rivalry between skiers and boarders, none of those "skis only" self important areas and rude encounters on the slopes are very much the exception. Inexperienced devotees of either persuasion offer plenty of vexation, but it's more about individuals than it is which variation of the sport they practice. There's two kinds of people in this world: those that divide the world into two kinds and those that don't, and I know which kind you fucking two plankers are. yellaf.gif

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Luckily Shane McConkey is developing skis that do the same thing. Reverse sidecut, fat, etc, and now he's slideslipping mountains instead of skiing. Sideslipping: it's the new carving. rolleyes.gif


I have these skis, and the rule anyhting soft. RULE! It is as big of a step forward as the first fat ski or parabolic.


They carve, slip, do both in the same turn, slip into a carve or carve into a slip, whatever you want...just not on hardpack.


Absolutly make my bigStix 106's seem crappy.


When you sideslip on these things, you don't push the snow...it dosent scrape it clean, you float over the snow.


You don't slow down when you turn, you almost accelerate.

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This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. I've seen five or six at a time coming down in perfect formation like the snowplows on a major highway, leaving no powder untouched and a 30' wide swath of desolation behind them. If you got enough of them together they could wipe out entire runs with a single pass, like they're working on a paving crew or something.


I've been absolutely baffled by this bizarre behavior. Glad to know I'm not the only one at least!

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Hahaha...Lance, you're a moron. Nobody was complaing about decent boarders. It's the shitheads that insist that 2 days on the board are enough to scrape sideways down a steep run. They ruin it for everybody, boarders and skiers alike. My boarder friends that I ride with hate them just as much.


You can't get up earlier, cause they hit the lifts at the opening bell to get first tracks down the run they are about to ruin. This is why I get 90% of my turns by hiking now.


Also, I wouldn't talk shit about all skiers, esp. those at Alpental. There is a fair number of skiers there that would run circles around your ass.

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Thanks Josh. Lance, you obviously have a complex about being a boarder. As Josh sates, nobody was complaining about good boarders that can carve a turn. I tele ski and I do not carry a "holier than thou" attitude about the different ways to glide over snow. Good tele, AT, Alpine, snowshoers, bigfoot, plastic trays, innertubers and boarders can co-exist. Can you run circles around me? Maybe, but frankly I don't give a shit. We're all out there to have fun. And yes, some skiers also sideslip terrain and wipe off good snow. But not NEARLY as much as boarders. Re-read the post and try not to take it personally. So what's your fucking problem now?

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Thanks Josh. Lance, you obviously have a complex about being a boarder. As Josh sates, nobody was complaining about good boarders that can carve a turn. I tele ski and I do not carry a "holier than thou" attitude about the different ways to glide over snow. Good tele, AT, Alpine, snowshoers, bigfoot, plastic trays, innertubers and boarders can co-exist. Can you run circles around me? Maybe, but frankly I don't give a shit. We're all out there to have fun. And yes, some skiers also sideslip terrain and wipe off good snow. But not NEARLY as much as boarders. Re-read the post and try not to take it personally. So what's your fucking problem now?


Exactly. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


Lance, I know a bunch or really good boarders. They don't sideslip much of anything. However when I go out to the resorts it's always the punk ass boarder kids who have no skill that wreck the powder for everyone. I'm afraid I've never seen skiers do the same thing.


I think you've got some issues. wazzup.gif

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AlpineK - I can guarantee you those "really good boarders...that don't sideslip much of anything" you know were once punk ass boarder kids that sideslipped the hell out of the resorts. I was once one of those punk ass boarders and who knows maybe I still am. Anyways, let the kids progress. Better yet if you see some kids sideslipping give them some advice rather than spraying at them that they suck and shouldn't be there.

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AlpineK - I can guarantee you those "really good boarders...that don't sideslip much of anything" you know were once punk ass boarder kids that sideslipped the hell out of the resorts. I was once one of those punk ass boarders and who knows maybe I still am. Anyways, let the kids progress. Better yet if you see some kids sideslipping give them some advice rather than spraying at them that they suck and shouldn't be there.


There is a *very* simple solution to this. stick to the fucking blues and the groomers. Nobody gives a shit if you side slip down those. slip slipping takes zero talent and it certainly doesn't improve your ability to carve or actually ride. When you get profficient on groomers at actually turning the damn board, then moving to something steeper, and so on.


This is how skiers have to learn because you can't as easily "cheat" on skis and side slip some very steep and deep run, and thus beginning skiers are naturally contained to easier terrain.

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I agree with Josh Eerie. Stick to the blues till you can carve; there are even good blacks you can work on your skills on.


I don't just spray on the board Eerie; every time I'm sitting on the lift and I see some snowboarder sideslipping down a powder run I scream, "Make a turn."

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I snowboard and agree with the above. Iceberg Gulch at Crystal is a good single black diamond. It's steep and wide and not typically too bumped as it's groomed. It's the perfect place to work on checking your speed and linking turns on a steeper face. You can also traverse out if scraping ensues thumbs_up.gif

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Speaking of crystal, i absolutely hate the fact that K2 chute (I think called K2 face on the map) gets ruined on a big powder day by literally 2 or 3 boarders? It starts out only about 10 feet wide and it only takes a couple of side slips to ruin the entire run in one fell swoop. Getting that run first is the only way to enjoy it, otherwise you get to deal with the icy mess I normally experience.

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