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To many here just belive everyhting that support's thier own position.


O'Neill is a disgruntled fired employee. Do you really think he is going to be honest and objective?


I'd say cut what he says in half. Sure some of it is likely true, but I'm sure he has spun it his way.

What's interesting is that O'neill came out on the "Bush doesn't have a clue" side versus the party line "Bush is in charge, he makes all the choices"


And that the he brought along a couple thousand pages of notes to back it up. Of course he probably fabricated all these to match his opinions rolleyes.gif

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All true patriots are working to get this maniac out of office.


This is your opinion, don't play it off as fact or common knowledge. I love how you anti-freedom , socialist, big government fucks all say, "All must do this and agree with me 'cause I think so." Fuck all you guys, make up your own political mind and act for yourself.


You are funny...real funny...we are losing civil rights left and right (no pun intended) under this administration...

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And, come on, has GWB done anything worse than any other president? Nixon? Kennedy? LBJ? FDR? (to name a few).


I really don't think it's a logical argument to justify misdeeds by saying they're no worse than other misdeeds.


I don't know what common thread you are thinking of for those other Presidents you mentioned, but I don't think any of them invaded another country with less reason than Bush did in Iraq. The fact that he obviously lied to the American people in order to justify the war is repugnant. You could probably make the case that some on your list up there lied to go to war. But if you did, it wouldn't justify Bush's misdeeds.


The Vietnam War is probably the best comparison you could make. Do you think Bush is not so bad, because, "heck we attacked Vietnam!" rolleyes.gif Johnson decided not to run for a second term because of his misdeeds in SE Asia. Nixon was impeached. I'd settle for either of those solutions to the current problem. I would say, "I'd settle for the JFK solution" too, but, of course, I won't, because that would be stupid.


By the way, though the Iraq war is my biggest beef with GWB, I also really do not like his economic (tax cuts in times of nearly unprecedented budget deficit) or environmental (speaks for itself) policies.


ETA: Oh yeah, I forgot to add my dismay about the continuing erosion of civil liberty under the Bush administration


Bush is selling our soldiers, our country's prestige in the world, and our children's and grandchildren's economic and environmental health to the most convenient bidders. He sucks. He should be impreached, but I'll settle for him getting voted out of office.

Edited by chucK
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And, come on, has GWB done anything worse than any other president? Nixon? Kennedy? LBJ? FDR? (to name a few).


I really don't think it's a logical argument to justify misdeeds by saying they're no worse than other misdeeds.


I don't know what common thread you are thinking of for those other Presidents you mentioned, but I don't think any of them invaded another country with less reason than Bush did in Iraq. The fact that he obviously lied to the American people in order to justify the war is repugnant. You could probably make the case that some on your list up there lied to go to war. But if you did, it wouldn't justify Bush's misdeeds.


The Vietnam War is probably the best comparison you could make. Do you think Bush is not so bad, because, "heck we attacked Vietnam!" rolleyes.gif Johnson decided not to run for a second term because of his misdeeds in SE Asia. Nixon was impeached. I'd settle for either of those solutions to the current problem. I would say, "I'd settle for the JFK solution" too, but, of course, I won't, because that would be stupid.


By the way, though the Iraq war is my biggest beef with GWB, I also really do not like his economic (tax cuts in times of nearly unprecedented budget deficit) or environmental (speaks for itself) policies.


Bush is selling our soldiers, our country's prestige in the world, and our children's and grandchildren's economic and environmental health to the most convenient bidders. He sucks. He should be impreached, but I'll settle for him getting voted out of office.


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I dislike the transparent and over the top attempts to create a "superhero" in the white house. Yeah brandishing a delicious fake turkey to the troops, landing on aircraft carriers in flight suits, speaking to completely biased audiences, possibly starting forest fires as backdrops, sending chumps to mars, etc. are pretty harmless and have been done many times before (maybe not the fire bit), but it insults everyone when it is so blatant. The folks who eat it up with their american flag matching shirts in the mobile home are disturbing though.

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All true patriots are working to get this maniac out of office.


This is your opinion, don't play it off as fact or common knowledge.


I love how you anti-freedom, -- Patriot Act



socialist --- big business subsidies


big government -- largest budget decifict, greatest increase in government spending over 3 year period


fucks all say, "All must do this and agree with me 'cause I think so." Fuck all you guys, make up your own political mind and act for yourself.



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hope ya like him 'cause he's gonna be around for another 4 years ... piss'n moan all ya want; those are just the facts, Sam


Unfortunately i think you are right...sux, but who knows? Enough dirt gets out and he might not be able to weasle another close election...

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I love all this yammering on a climbing BBS. What are you doing to help th situation? Are you as concerned as you say? It has been said that you can tell the true motivations of a person by their daytimer and their checkbook. What are you doing htat is pro-active for the causes you so vehemently speak for on this board? Are you donating your money to these grass-roots politicians? Are you donating your time for the humanitarian causes? Just a thought. rolleyes.gif

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Shrub has had a boner for Saddam from day one. 9/11 was a convenient, albeit lame, excuse for him to go in and get the bastard. Don't get me wrong, Saddam had it coming. But the lengths that this administration goes through to first con (emphasis on con) vince that it is necessary and then to convince (again, emphasis on con) the american public and the rest of the world has been outrageous.


While I'm at it, you know what really pisses me off? The notion that if I don't support the war, it infers that I'm against our troops, and therefore unpatriotic. Fucking conservative wankers!!!!!!!!!!!!! hellno3d.gifthe_finger.gifthe_finger.gifboxing_smiley.gif

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OK W haters..... curious to see which other Presidential candidate wanker you are supporting. I have to tell you that the entire group is so unimpressive that it feels like time for a "none of the above" vote to communicate utter void of confidence in the Washington beuacrapsy. I've always been weary of the power hungry, ego maniacs that seem to be attracted to national politics, but these days the job title "politician" = sewer rat to me.

Clinton = suck. W = suck. Honest politician = Oxymoron

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