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It has come to the attention of many that there may be some over zealous posters on this website that would belittle a newbie for being a newbie. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of posters on this board that are just plain rude. So I have come up with a few "rules of thumb" for "newbies" on CC.COM.

Never assume your assailant has a job. Ignore him like a Pike street panhandler.

Do not shrink away from any confrontation. Your apponent is probably a poser.

Check the number of posts the attacker has. That is often an indication of how much of a drinking problem they have.

Assume that the worst asshole on the board will be nice to you at PubClub.

Buy me a beer at PubClub.

Do not try to get a date on this board. Most of the females have chest hair and half the males have ambiguous genetalia. Neither side will be honest about their inherited gender.

There are good climbers here too. I will never climb with them again.

If you really want to climb, you can find someone on this board to go with you. Bring a helmet and your own water bottle.

If they try to drag you up a 5.13 your first day out, that's OK. You learned how to belay.

Welcome to CC.COM moon.gifpitty.gifyelrotflmao.gif

Can anyone think of something that I left out?

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Bug said:

I stood on a chair in the back for the slide show. You and the Law_Goddess were in the booth in front of me. Nice, uh, slide show.



Hrm. I was standing on a chair at the back of the slideshow as well. Guess I should've introduced myself. You probably looked scary or something. yellaf.gif

Bug said:

Never assume your assailant has a job. Ignore him like a Pike street panhandler.

Do not shrink away from any confrontation. Your apponent is probably a poser.


I think if your desire is to avoid confrontation then the first option works quite well. Most of the rude ones here are just looking to entertain themselves with some insult trading. If you just clam up, they will get bored, and pick on someone else. Sometimes they will follow you around to different threads like a stalker. That is when to get worried. In that case, choose confrontation or return to lurkerdom. wave.gif


I was going to continue with what to do if you are looking for confrontation, but I guess that's sort of silly 'cause if they were, they wouldn't be lurking now would they? yellaf.gif

eternalX said:

Bug said:

I stood on a chair in the back for the slide show. You and the Law_Goddess were in the booth in front of me. Nice, uh, slide show.



Hrm. I was standing on a chair at the back of the slideshow as well. Guess I should've introduced myself. You probably looked scary or something. yellaf.gif

Just old and leacherous. grin.gif

eternalX said:

Here's another for the list:


Like all things on the internet, SARCASM REIGNS. If something sounds too mean or ridiculous to be true, it is probably a JOKE.



Are you serious? cantfocus.gif

eternalX said:

Here's another for the list:


Like all things on the internet, SARCASM REIGNS. If something sounds too mean or ridiculous to be true, it is probably a JOKE.



does that mean alpinfox isn't over at Mom's house right now confused.gif

bunglehead said:

I only have a slight drinking problem. bigdrink.gif

Like, I'm not drinking right now.


I have a bit of a drinking problem too.

If she hasn't been drinking, I'm gonna have a problem.

Dru said:

Alpinfox said:


Hey Dru,

Mom wants to know if you are wearing clean undies.


YOUR mom knows I'm not wearing ANY right now smileysex5.gif


Yeah. You know yer pushin old when all yer climbing buddies have mom's you want to hit on. shocked.gif


"Like, pleeeease dude. Don't tell me how my mom was." blush.gif

Dru said:

Alpinfox said:


Hey Dru,

Mom wants to know if you are wearing clean undies.


YOUR mom knows I'm not wearing ANY right now smileysex5.gif


Did she call the cops on you again?



catbirdseat said:

That was great, Bug. Keep it up and you'll challenge Uncle_Tricky. Too bad it turned into a spray thread.

Are you saying there is something wrong with spray?

catbirdseat said:

Spray is good in the Spray Forum. I'm guilty myself of spraying inappropriately. Sometimes it's too tempting.

To be honest, it kind of started out as a spray thread. It depends on your perspective.

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